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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. I've got a question: how much of the cutscences we've seen so far belong solely to the intro cinematic? I realize it's not difficult to say right now, but we should be able to speculate. For instance, I highly doubt the upskirt scene with Hinoka is part of the game; I've got no real proof, but I have a hard time seeing where she would just drop out of the sky and jump on a Pegasus in the middle of the air (and do some fan service while she's at it) as part of the actual storyline. Then again, I might've said the same thing about Lucina and Chrom's fight.

    Honestly, even at 1/4 speed I hardly see anything that I'd consider to be even close to fanservice in that Hinoka scene. But anyway.

    I'd say quite a few of them will be from the intro really. The dance scene, the "choice" scene, that Hinoka scene, the blondy channeling a dark spell scene, perhaps the entire large-scale battle scene(not sure on that one, since such a scene is in Radiant Dawn), and the drowning scene.

    The main reasons for all of these is either requirring context that can hardly be established through text in order for them to make sense, or looking too fancy to not be from the intro. Just a guess though.

  2. This pegasus thing is really posing a problem to a lot of people it seems. The thing is, I think it's fair to think that pegasus are the Hoshido's opposite to Nohr's wyverns, and in that regard it would make sense that both genders can now ride them, because it's the only flying force they'd have at their disposition and wyverns have no such problems. Moreover, in the beginning of the first trailer that I've rewatched quite a few times recently, we do see pegasus ridden by regular soldiers -who definitely look male- like they're a large part of Hoshido's military force. It just seems like they have a precise and important place in this game that justified getting rid of this restriction. So basically, if Tsubaki is male I don't even think he's an exception here.

  3. the rivet in the center is completely different than where it used to be

    I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly, but the symbol is rotating and slightly moving inside her eye the entire time the camera's zooming in.

    Edit: Just in case, also note that the modified image I posted is flipped horizontally because I thought it made the symbol slightly more visible.

  4. I wouldn't be stunned if Dark Knight Boy isn't a prepromo (which would presumably make him a new class which could promote into Dark Knight?), just because he looks so young. But I haven't looked closely at the map sprites from the video like I know some people have, so maybe he's confirmed to be the same class from Awakening, I dunno.

    I wouldn't say confirmed, but I did a quick check and I'd say it's definitely dangerously close. If anything, his class' sprite is actually looking slightly more "advanced" than that of Awakening's dark knight.

    About Ryouma and Marx, their availability is definitely going to be a problem in my eyes, but on the other hand, I want them to actually be strong. I guess I'd really appreciate some sort of gaiden chapters where they're the main character instead of Kamui to compensate for that, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

    Speaking of Kamui, I'm surprised at how little we've actually seen of him/her from a story perspective. At this point it really doesn't seem like we're being told his/her story, but rather that of the people he/she chooses to follow.

    As for the topic at hand, It's hard to say because the exact opposite stands true; we've seen a lot of Kamui gameplay wise, and very little of anybody else. All I can say is that I'd be surprised if Camilla and Hinoka aren't top tier units, considering they ARE early game fliers. Dancer/Aqua being an actual dancer would probably make her the earliest in the series, which is... fine I guess. Otherwise, ninjas pretty much look like a non-promoted assassin somehow, and that cavalier guy we see everywhere is most likely going to be a beast despite his stupid hair.

  5. I feel like Kamui will just refuse to choose. Then perhaps he/she just tries to run away from the war only to be put right back into it and go on from there.

    But I have to say, I really don't hope that it ends up having an objectively far more fulfilling conclusion than the other two, since, you know, it's dlc, and having to pay to get the "true ending" is bound to cause some drama. Justified drama, might I add.

  6. It's funny, I never considered mister dark-mage-on-a-horse and Camilla to be a part of your adoptive Nohrian familly. And honestly, I don't really like this idea, it's too simple. In any case, well, Camilla and that guy share the same hair color, so I kind of assumed he was her father.


    As for "Blarth", I don't know, he seems really uninterested about which side you're going to choose in that scene with everybody. And apparently he's really strong, so he could be around a lot simply because he's Marx's second or something.

    I have a similar view on Hinoka and Takumi being you siblings, but even less to base an argument on, so I'll leave it at that. I can't deny it seems very possible in Hinoka's case, though.

  7. I'm curious to see how they'll balance DG as well, if it indeed becomes a guaranteed move. They could make the partner unit suffer total/partial damage instead of none (and the "No damage" we saw in the teaser trailer was just a coincidence because the Armor Knight has enough Def to neutralize the attack).

    Yes, but I can see your main unit being invincible in that case posing real problems. Maybe that would work though. I just get the feeling that it's a bit of a complex matter, and am not sure how much importance was given to balancing during the development.

    Something like how the SRT franchise does it with Support Defense. The support unit takes the hit and takes half of the damage it would have done to them had they been attacked normally.

    I'm afraid I don't know what that stands for:x

  8. Also, if the things about DS and DG are true, then I really like it for the following reasons:

    - Dual battles become much less RNG-based

    - It makes sure that the enemy won't just go right down after a DS, but the same thing applies to us as well

    - We can control to use either DS/DG at will, while sacrificing the other command

    - Enemies can still become extremely dangerous despite having no support

    Agreed. The main problem here is that we've been given no reason to think dual guard works any differently than before. If dual attack becomes guaranteed, then it would be weird for dual guard to still be luck-based, which also obviously can't not be the case if it still does the same thing.

    And the worst part is, even if it now is guaranteed and was changed to be functional that way... Well I cannot really think of anything that wouldn't make it easy to abuse and still make sense visually in the example we got.

  9. I wonder if it might be based on which side is projected to deal more damage and/or have more HP at the end of the round of combat.

    Hm, yes, I can see that being the reason.

    Edit: (warning, big spoiler boxes)

    Actually there are some other examples of that:


    Might not be obvious at first, but the myrmidon on the top has a frown and his right eye's edge is slightly different


    This one's self-explanatory.

    (Perhaps Dual Attacks might be 100%, the fact the information is on the battle screen doesn't strike me as something they'd do for a mechanic that will activate mostly 20-30% of the time outside support pairs, especially for enemies).

    Agreed as well, especially since the lower box with the support character faces reads as "Attack!", which seems to imply that dual guard and dual attack cannot happen at the same time. And since we know dual guard still exists, maybe you get to choose between the two, or every class can only do one of the two.

    As far as dual attack goes, 100% activation at the cost of lower damage and unability to dual guard seems like a really interesting balancing choice imo.

  10. Unless there are perhaps offensive staffs? They'd probably deal minimal damage, so having staff-wielders early on might make sense. Maybe?

    I guess that's a possibility, although that would definitely be a surprise, since staff users tend to be frail. Their promotion did get axes last time somehow, so I guess everything's possible. Another thing I was thinking of is if some of what we've seen is actually footage from the third path...


    Just figured out something just before posting this. Those mages on that icy chapter are the same as those you fight in that chapter with Kazahana:


    Unless I'm mistaken, that text above that thief's portrait was stated to read as "Nohr soldier" right? So you're apparently fighting Nohr up there, but the troubadour sister is on your side... so I guess this actually really could be the third path...

    Actualedit: Now that I think about it, all of this is from the first trailer, so this may be old news. Sorry if that's the case.

  11. Did the trailer maybe contain something that would help in that regard? How did IS and Nintendo decide to present the new Fire Emblem game and it's themes to the public? What is it that was so important that they thought we needed to know to gain interest into their new creation and the fruits of their hard labor? We got boob jiggling now? Yay! Truly something great and awe-inducing is coming our way. Can't wait for 2016.

    It's a trailer about bonds and choices mainly, along with a one second clip of a generously-chested woman walking towards you with open arms. That same character is also shown twice displaying sincere concern for the well-being of the main character, in that same trailer. I have to say, if you've reached the point where you think the aforementioned clip is of any legitimate importance, you may want to give the trailer a watch to see how wrong you are.

    Otherwise, I'm also worried about how they'll follow up on Awakening. But the main good thing is that this isn't a cash-in sequel in any way, a path many, myself included, feared that they were going to pick. Yet they went the complete opposite way, which is great news as far as I'm concerned: completely new universe, characters and story. It's also a different writer this time around, and a good one from what I'm led to believe, so who knows what we'll end up getting.

    I admit that your concerns feel justified to me, but this game's very premise is bonds and grey conflicts. Even its marketing is based on that. That's a pretty good sign in my book.

  12. We don't really have any info on that unfortunately. Two clerics do seem kind of redundant for early game though. *shrug*

    My theory is that Sakura's class is the Japanese equivalent to Cleric and uses a different/non-healing type of staff. Status staves please come back!

    Even if Sakura isn't a classic cleric, Nohr is actually the side with a surprising amount of staff users shown. We have troubadour little sister, Felicia, and this person on the lower part of the screen


    Felicia's sprite and his/hers carry the same staff, so I'm guessing they share the same class? But, all of this seems to be early-game, and three staff users at this point is pretty weird...

  13. Nope.png

    Not happening. That's actually why I'm actively trying to get the most information out of what we've got right now. Once the game is released, I'll avoid everything Fire Emblem related.

    I mean, this is a solo game and a Fire Emblem to boot. That's something I want to experience by myself as much as possible.

  14. EDIT: I no longer think most of the content of this post is accurate and don't want to let what I believe is misinformation out there when I can simply edit it. The reason for that is because I realized that your enemies on the chapter showcased here are most likely Nohr soldiers, which makes it seem very unlikely for this to be an early game Nohr chapter. I'm leaving it spoiler'd just in case anybody's curious.

    Note that my interrogations would be answered by this being a chapter from the third path we've been told about, which seems to make sense in a lot of regards, but who knows.

    So I stumbled upon this(better late than never):


    Interesting things I see in this:

    -Unlisted unit on the bottom, another healer apparently; that's four healers introduced very early in the game, which, even considering the path split, seems like a lot; more importantly, Felicia also being playable in Nohr would end up giving us three of those for Nohr alone

    - Cavalier guy is still around

    - Kamui is level 9 as opposed to level 11 in that other chapter presumably from the Nohr campaign --> it probably takes place earlier, but neither the cleric nor the troubadour little sister are visible in the latter.

    And yes, I do believe this is a Nohr chapter as well, because of the Nohr "little sister" being playable. So that's three chapters that can be safely associated with Nohr thus far, and if Kamui's displayed levels are to be trusted, all three need to happen before chapter 6 for the theory this topic was based on to be wrong, which I definitely see as questionable at best, especially considering everything else.

    I do want to point out again that this could very well mean that the dancer's appearance is tied to something else than the side you pick, which is definitely interesting.

  15. Found another connection to that one Nohr stage/chapter we all keep seeing.

    Now unless all Nohr stages are dark and gloomy like this, I wanna say it's the same chapter.

    No idea who the green ally sprite is right next to Kamui. Could be the guy with the wrinkles who is talking since the armor is similar, but then the light pink hair???

    I don't know, that sprite looks bald to me. But nice find, and I think you're right and it's the same chapter. I had completely forgotten, but someone noticed that the color of the dialogue box changes slightly once you've picked a side(greenish for Hoshido and purple-ish for Nohr); but the dialogue box of Camilla and this guy both have the default color, which sadly means that this most likely is the beginning of the game, but also pretty much confirms that it's the same chapter as well, because just like you said, two chapters looking so similar would be weird, let alone two of the first six.

  16. Good find!

    And given that we can see the created Dragon's vein bridge in the back, does this mean that is the end of the chapter and maybe seize chapters are back?

    It does look like the end to me as well, but I thought there was a slight chance that this was actually the beginning, and someone or something breaks these stone bridges at some point, so I didn't say it.

    I made this chart after looking at both trailers and some of the extra stuff from the direct. I am having a hard time distinguishing the cavalier that I put under Nohr as it may be the same one under Hoshido. The hair looks slightly different but I can't really tell. This is all speculation.

    Nice chart! From what I can tell...

    -This isn't Ryouma's map sprite. You can see it just before he challenges Kamui in the trailer

    -I believe these two cavaliers are indeed the same guy

    -I don't remember ever seeing the purple haired greatknight on the side of Hoshido. In any case, at this point it seems likely that he's the guy from the Nohr cover, if you want to put a face on him

  17. I thought the Felicia on the opposite faction even though she was on the cover art thing was weird too; but the fact that she is seen on Nohr's side twice (the same number of times she is seen on Hoshido's side) cements it for me. Plus, her second appearence on the Nohr's side with the purple-haired great knight doesn't seem like early-game content to me, but that is just my interpretation based on the map atmosphere.

    And actually, the cavalier guy HAS shown up in non-sprite form in the teaser trailers!

    Based on his appearance we can say for certain that this character has not be seen in any other media (box art, character portraits, cg cutscenes) as of yet.

    Also, it looks as if this battle is occurring in the same chapter as when we see blueish-grey-haired cavalier as an enemy unit. The shortish white japanese walls and the red lanterns match pretty much perfectly.

    Yes, I completely missed his presence in this battle scene until a few minutes ago. The fact that your team seems to directly fight him makes my theory of him being a good friend of Kamui all the more unlikely. Maybe he gets captured or something.

    In any case, I actually believe that other scene with Felicia could also take place early in the game, because the area on the bottom right looks very, very similar to the location you're at during the part where Camilla talks to you:


    Actually, while trying to get as much of the surroundings visible as possible, I stumbled upon a frame where you can see that Camilla's art is hiding a lot of other characters, so that's a completely lucky find here. What I originally meant to say was that she cares for your well being at that point, which probably wouldn't be the case after you sided with Hoshido, yet the ninja Saizou is appearing as a blue unit... then again I guess that nothing guarantess that he's locked to Hoshido himself... Hm.

    Edit1: nevermind I'm wrong, he's red.

    Interestingly, both Felicia and the butler/Jeigan guy are blue, while the others that you don't see in the first frame are green, except for Camilla herself possibly(can't see her very well), so as a result I'm pretty sure it's the same chapter; plus the only difference between the two images is that there is no bottom rock bridge in the first image, which doesn't mean much obviously. So actually, since it seems like the few units we see in the first image may really be the only ones you have in this chapter, and they're assumed to be a cleric and a Jeigan, saying it's taking place early in the game sounds pretty fair.

    Edit2: ... but since you're apparently fighting Saizou unlike I originally thought, this may very well be later in the game, since he seems rather strong.

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