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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. Galeforce is only good if the enemies are week, which isn't the case in Apotheosis, which I beat with a team of mostly mages, Laurent and Brady get the MVP for effectively keeping the army up while they were dealing with the sadistically bad ass enemy units.

    The amount of enemy units that had good Res in the GBA fire Emblems are laughable. Sophia is a Dark Magic tank, with Nosfoatu she can easily saw through dudes healing the damage she takes.

    I beat Apotheosis without limit breaker, and galeforce was vital to my success, so I can say that this just isn't true at all. Not sure what you meant by MVP.

    Sophia is a level 1 shaman with mediocre bases and low constitution... that you get in chapter 14, halfway through the game. Even her growths aren't good and Luna doesn't exist in FE6, so dark magic isn't nearly as great as it is afterwards. Nosferatu is not enough to save her at all. Saying she's one of the best mages in the series is honestly ludicrous. Edit: That sounded offensive, sorry. But there's honestly not much to argue about here.

    I'll answer by PM if you want to keep going.

  2. Is there an updated version of the image with all the characters/sprites and names we've glimpsed so far? I remember seeing one a few weeks back; I'm wanting to see if I've missed out on any new faces while I've been gone as it's hard to keep track of everyone that's spotted (even if only briefly) in magazine screens or trailers.

    Sorry if there's a better place to ask this, but thanks in advance!

    There is no updated version to my knowledge. Then again we didn't get that many new portraits. We got Aqua's, the silver-haired knight's who we now know is named Cyrus and that's it. No new characters, although we're getting some in a few hours. As for the names:

    The green ninja from Hoshido is Suzukaze

    The female armor knight from Nohr is Elphie

    The troubadour(rod knight) princess of Nohr is Elise

    The dark knight prince also from Nohr is Leon

    The archer prince from Hoshido was confirmed to be named Takumi

    I think that's about it recently, although we got some new names from the leak of the upcoming famitsu article, but we don't know for sure whose they are. Theoretically:

    The Jeigan from Nohr is Gunter

    The butler from Hoshido's box art is Joker

    Finally we got three new characters coming up: A ninja named Kagerou, a Lancefighter(or something) called Oboro, and a female dark knight called Nix.

    Edit: Gotta love when what you write becomes obsolete a minute later:3

  3. Naya Rokuro (Gunter) died November last year, so this was probably his last role he recorded for.

    So that's what that one person meant. I'll try to keep this in mind.

    To answer your first question: Jeigan (FE1,11), Arran (FE3, 12), Marcus (FE 6, 7). and Oifey is not as good at the end as some properly bread kids, but since that is SUPER hard he's cool.

    To answer your sencond question.

    Canas, Nino, Aversa, Laurent, Morgon, Azel (For me at least), Sophia, Lugh, Raigh, Ewan, Artur, and more

    Okay, I was going to advocate for Lugh since anima magic is so incredibly reliable compared to everything else in FE6, but most of the others really aren't true.

    Canas has exclusive Luna usage until Athos comes in, so maybe.

    Raigh, arguably. Definitely not one of the greats in my opinion though.

    Ewan and Artur, possibly. I don't remember.

    Nino, nope, too little too late, same goes for Aversa. Laurent is a galeforce-less chid and has nothing over most of the other children that would justify the investment required in getting him, Azel's movement and fire magic specialty hurt him way too much, comparably Levin has way better combat and Holsety later on. Sophia is one of the worst units of FE6, and if Morgon is Morgan, he/she's hardly specifically a magic-oriented unit. Robin on the other hand...

  4. I have, admittedly, have not played every Fire Emblem game. But I'm not surprised that they made the best tome ever a light tome. I'm guessing it's because divine?

    All light really did beyond look pretty, imo, was create a less-relevant magic triangle.

    More like the ultimate dragon's power, but I'm unsure about the details.

    Like I said, it's really been back and forth as to which is the relevant one out of the two throughout the series, and just because dark has been in the... spotlight recently doesn't mean that will always be the case.

  5. Then why are people assuming that Butler doesn't use a staff? If we haven't seen Joker's map sprite then what information are we going off of for that? Until further notice I'm going to assume that Butler is just a male Maid.

    By the way I really hope one of Joker's crit. lines will be, "Why so serious?"

    I don't know about assuming. There is just little proof of it being or not being the case. But...


    ... earlier someone suggested that this might be Joker -assuming Joker really is the butler on Hosido's box-art-, and with the new information we've gotten, this is looking considerably more probable than before.

  6. Light magic looked pretty.

    And that is pretty much all it had going for it versus Anima and Dark.

    Considering the absolute best weapon in any Fire Emblem game is a light magic tome, I don't know about that...

    Plus light and dark magic have always been completely interchangeable. Having both at once and equally purposeful would be nice, though.

  7. Where was it said that Maids could use staves? I can't seem to find it, and until this thread I just thought that they were fancier Villagers.

    The female map sprite with pink hair that you can see about everywhere is assumed to be Felicia, and it visibly carries a staff.

  8. I was waiting for such a thread.

    Gre Nade did it first. This guy. And yes that's his actual name.


    Otherwise I'm not too fond of the idea, but I guess we did have a butler with a weapon in front of us the entire time.

    Also, the Hoshido may not have butlers or maids. This Joker guy, whose name is also a problem by the way, apparently comes from Nohr. Same goes for Felicia.

  9. Something is clearly happening on these few Tsubaki shots. I think he/she's dead on the last one.


    Can anyone ruin their eyes to figure out what kind of staff is Sakura wielding? The icon looks like Ward or something.

    I honestly can't see it at all.

  10. Interesting... He has 3 skills too, so it's unlikely the Dragonstone rank is added later, considering he had 2 skills at that point.

    I believe he had three in both cases actually. Plus he has less HP on the dragonstoneless(I like this one) one, so it could be a story event...?


    Yar, me too. Makes sense since the weapon triangle implied all magic is grouped together XD

    Well it does mean dark knights probably no longer have access to swords.

  11. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that...

    Also, I forgot a bit. If the character descriptions are correct, there's another character too--the blurry top-most character on the second page of Famitsu, a female Dark Mage called Nyx (ニュクス).

    I'm really curious what her weapon ranks and weapons are...

    I see only one weapon rank.

    Edit: Interestingly, that goes for the Kamui right below as well, even though we've seen him with two before. Am I seeing things?

  12. Ah, nothing like making the weapon triangle so complex that it's hard to remember what everything does! But, it does give faster but less STR units(ninjas, etc.) more utility :D

    That is what the color coding is for.

    Edit: Saizou'd again.

    Although there is no deying that this game is looking much more complex than Awakening. In my book that's great news, but in terms of accessibility, that's a weird choice.

  13. That's quite a lot of information actually...

    Oboro has the same stat boosts in his/her status as Aqua, minus the luck. She had a bronze Naginata, he/she has an iron one.

    Edit: The description of the iron naginata confirms that these are gained from it.

  14. As i stated in the other thread it could be worse, at least camilla actually exists in this game. There are worse things to speculate about.

    Exactly, plus our intentions are pure, this is all for science. The world needs this. It's only ever been about her personality. There has never been a female character with a haircut that hides one of her eye in anything ever. It's not like anyone would find that attractive.

  15. Apparently saving Basilio's life is doing nothing?

    She did do an incredibly poor job at preventing his death honestly, so much that it's hard to give her any credit. Not to mention she had no idea his survival would end up being so important.

  16. Bun >>>> ponytail >>> long flowing man mane

    Long hair can sort of get in the way. Mind you, this doesn't stop it from being included in tons of character designs, but whatever.

    Buns are an absolute pain to make though

    I happen to have a fairly long ponytail myself at the moment(~40cm?), and while I'm not a samurai, it does require very quick rotary movement for it to get in my way at all. From my experience, untied long hair is considerably more of an annoyance, to the point where it's more about getting used to having it in the face regularly than trying to do anything about it. So actual fighting? I'd rather not try.

    I've whipped myself in the eye with a ponytail ;-'

    I can slap myself repeatedly with mine if I decide to.

    ... what were we talking about again?

  17. Hey saying eh is my thing lol

    Yeah thats one of the reasons i find hype overrated.

    I wouldn't go that far. Hype has made this a very enjoyable ride, it'll just hit a little bit harder when it stops. Honestly the way I see it, since I'm really liking where the game is going, trying to repress my enthusiasm would be the sad thing to do. Plus if I absolutely don't want spoilers, since most people on this site will get the game before me, there won't really be any other time. No regrets.

    Now give us some more in-game footage already.

  18. The TCG art shows Camilla's wyvern with a helmet, and her map sprite doesn't have it. (and Awakening's Wyvern lords did have said helmet on the map sprite.)

    About the silver axe, Cherche has the friggin Helswath in her art.

    The wyvern mount does seem a bit different. But compared to the changes other characters go through, that's quite minor. Actually considering her horse and use of magic, Elise is most likely promoted and yet her outfit is mostly the same, so this indeed may not be relevant at all. Good point about the Helswath, although I'm still wondering here, since silver weaponry tends to be tied to pre-promotes.

  19. I think they should make the promotions for the Revenant Knight be the traditional Wyvern Lord and replace gryphons with a Axe/Dark Magic class (Dark Drake?).

    Camilla may be pre-promoted honestly. Everyone seems to be in their promoted form on the tcg art, and she's the same as what we already know. She also has surprisingly high HP(between 30-39) on the only shot we have of her as a playable unit.

    Her box art shows her with what looks a lot like a silver axe as well.

    It's a bit weird how much stronger the Nohr siblings would start off compared to the Hoshido ones if that's the case, though. I guess they're the Greil mercenaries of this conflict

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