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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. The pictures aren't very clear, so I'm not 100% sure I'm reading everything correctly and will edit them when we obtain high resolution scans. [Question marks signify where it's either cropped out or too blurry for me; if you have any corrections/suggestions, by all means, please do tell me.] Thus, please keep that in mind while viewing these profiles from Famitsu:

    - Marx (Paladin / CV. Konishi Katsuyuki)

    Amongst Nohr's royal family, he is the eldest son. Although taciturn, he has an honest personality. For the sake of the kingdom, he follows his father's -- the king's -- intentions (?) .

    - Camilla (Revenant Knight / CV. Sawashiro Miyuki)

    Nohr's eldest daughter. She dotes on her younger brother/sister (the protagonist) to the point where she'd be more than willing to kill someone for their sake.

    - Leon (Dark Knight / CV. Miyano Mamoru)
    Marx's younger brother. Unlike his older brother, he excells at magic. He's a genius who can flawlessly handle anything.
    - Elise (Rod Knight / CV. Suwa Ayaka)

    The youngest child amongst Nohr's royal family, with an innocent personality. Despite not being related by blood, she's just as close with the protagonist as she is with her real siblings.

    - Ryouma (??? / CV. Nakamura Yuuichi)

    On top of being Hoshido Kingdom's eldest son, he is also the protagonist's real brother. He is full of samurai spirit and has an extremely reliable presence.
    - Hinoka (Pegasus Warrior / CV. Nazuka Kaori)
    Hoshido Kingdom's eldest daughter. She began training as a pegasus warrior after the protagonist was kidnapped by Nohr Kingdom.
    - Takumi (Archer / CV. Kaji Yuuki)
    Ryouma's younger brother. In order to obtain other's recognition of his own strength, he has been perfecting his martial arts. He has a somewhat suspicious personality.
    - Sakura (Shrine Maiden/Priestess / CV. Kanemoto Hisako)
    Ryouma, Hinoka, and Takumi's younger sister. Unlike the other three, she's shy and timid.

    Thanks a lot:)

  2. We also learn some new names from the images, to bad it's too low quality to see who those names belong to.

    This one has Suzukaze(?) I guess that's the green-haired ninja.

    Here we have Erufi.

    Suzukaze seems correct. It apparently means "cool breeze". So that's great.

    Erufi is probably the armor knight girl(?), since she's on the next screenshot paired up with Kamui. Speaking of which, Kamui looks weird in that shot, like he's half transformed or something.

  3. Rod Knight? Is that like Troubadour, or a new weapon type?

    Probably just Troubadour. Her map's sprite is almost exactly the same as Awakening's Troubadour, and her TGC art shows her using fire magic in a probably promoted form, like Valkyries can.


    Apparently Aqua is in the reverse situation as the Avatar; she's the princess of Nohr taken prisoner by Hoshido.

    What. That does sound pretty weird.

  4. Kinda tiny for now, but the magazine isn't officially out yet.





    Super quick analysis. Elise is a Rod Knight, Leon is a Dark Knight, Marx is a Paladin and Camilla is a ?!?!? Knight. Will need to Google that katakana.


  5. For some people difficulty isn't the end all be all of what makes games enjoyable...? Like the game can still be enjoyable without permadeath and even when it is as easy as freakin' possible probably for certain players with grinding and unlimited money and OP characters, and I'm not sure why that is difficult for some people to understand. Well I get why its difficult for people to understand, but I wish they would chill for a minute and remove themselves from their own opinion for a minute to try and understand things from a different perspective. The core gameplay is still fun, whether youre in it for the killer difficulty strategy or not.

    My fairly basic perspective can be summed up as: IS gets more money from new people who don't care about strategy -> possibly, this series progressively becomes less and less about strategy.

    Considering how accessible the people at Nintendo have been trying to make their games lately though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised about Phoenix mode. Still, I'm definitely not a fan of it. How it affects the playerbase and this game's sales is bound to be interesting, though.

  6. Apart from the fact that this theory has indeed been voiced by quite a few people in the past, I don't see why anyone would bash you. Actually, some people went a little bit further and theorized that most exclusive classes were supposed to be the equivalent of another one from the other side.

    In any case, archers might be Hoshido exclusive, while Nohr gets bow-using thieves. Upon looking at Sakura's map sprite, we can also see that she looks different from the clerics seen in Nohr, not to mention the TGC revealed that she'd use bows - probably upon promotion - which is unlike anything we've seen before. In general it seems like horses are more of a Nohr thing, so most if not all the classes that ride one would come from there; cavaliers, dark knights, but also troubadours, maybe more. We can see a blond axe user on Nohr, which may or may not be from a different class than Rinka. His sprite doesn't look like anything from Awakening, though obviously Rinca's doesn't either, since female axe users on foot were barely a thing. And then you have a mercenary in Nohr, and Hoshido sure has a lot of myrmidons around. These two classes and their promotion have been opposed several times throughout the series, so mercenaries may very well be tied to Nohr as well.

    Then you have the more complicated issue of magic users. Dark magic might be exclusive to Nohr along with dark mages, but even anima was only seen from Nohr at this point, except for that one icy-rat spell from Orochi, which may very well be something completely different.

    Finally, the assasins looking guys from Hoshido do have a similar map sprite, but their model is new, as is their very ninja-esque attack animation, and the only weapon we see them use looks like a throwing star. Basically I'm pretty sure they're specifically from a new class called ninja, which is indeed most likely Hoshido exclusive.

    But alas, none of this proves that you won't get some of these classes on their opposite version. It's too early to tell. This was more about background than gameplay.

  7. It's coming

    Apparently will have gameplay, character info and an interview.

    I am very VERY slightly interested right there.

    This however -well the last part anyway- is a tragedy.

    Edit: also in before this forum is torn apart by casual conservatives arguing against the legitimacy of phoenix mode.

    They better make Nohr REALLY challenging after all that.

  8. I know, but in this guy's case, this happened before the ninja strikes him, which is odd.

    EDIT: One possible explanation is that the attack shown after the support boost was actually a second attack, or just a different scene edited in entirely. The first attack was either recorded in a not-so-ideal angle, or the damage dealt was anti-climatically low or even zero (since the armor's still on), both of which was not good for a promotional video so they had to cut it out lol.

    Still, he's at full health when he gets hit... so armor cannot be tied to HP, it would seem. In any case... maybe only certain weapons can destroy armors, but it's hard to say at this point. But super nice catch.

    Edit: Didn't pay attention the title; I don't think so. To me it seems more likely that it was deliberately made that way to leave us wondering.

  9. As for Hinoka, I'm almost positive that at least one person in-game will ask why he's riding a pegasus and we'll have our answer.

    I wouldn't even bet on that. Again, in the first trailer we see very masculine figures riding pegasi sporting the Hoshido emblem. Not to mention their country could be located in the sky(although I have no idea how Nohr can even hope to invade them if that's the case) if the artworks are to be taken at face-value. Point is, this may be a completely normal thing in Hoshido.

  10. The upper-screen showing the battle forecast for the Dual battle doesn't seem to be showing DS% and DG% like in Awakening, so it seems the theory that DS now has 100% activation rate has been partially proven. Don't know how they'll handle DG though.

    This could be the lesser detailed forecast. It didn't include these rates in Awakening.

    You can also see Sakura to the bottom-left of the upper image.

    But could you spot Charlie Hinoka?

  11. The interesting part is that it barely has any facial features, to the point where its head looks like a helmet really. That gives it a very "inorganic" vibe to me. The transformation also takes place after he puts on some sort of mask, and let's just say it doesn't look like the most pleasant thing to go through(reminds me of Majora's mask in that regard). It also has tiny clawed hands at the end of these deer like limbs. The way that thing fights is anyone's guess at this point. As far as I'm concerned, lasers.

    I can't really see this being anything else than a new type.

    Sister thing unlikely since he/she already has 4 confirmed sisters.

    Was this actually confirmed and I missed it?

  12. Thanks to this high-quality image of the face plate, we can now see that butler boy is carrying a sword, though it's pretty obscure. I wonder what kind of class is he?

    It seems a bit small and he wears the sheath quite low for a sword; maybe it's a knife. Either way he's quite the handsome fellow, I can see him becoming extremely popular as long as he doesn't suck

    As for the face plates coming out in Europe, considering the upper part is written in a lot of languages from around there, that seems likely. I guess. Not sure why the top right is written in english and french specifically though.

  13. Finally, new information (T_T)

    Interesting. I really wonder what reason anyone would have to play the Hoshide route though.. unless they wanted to save the best for last.

    I mean, they basicly said that the Nohr path will have more diverse objectives and tougher challenges... that puts the other path in Nohr's shadow, doesn't it?

    Also, as much as I love having a complete army at the end of the game, I'm cool with them implementing much replayability with that choice system they're creating. Reminds me of FE7.. just gotta know how to recruit as many Stalwart Heroes as possible, heh.

    Some people enjoy grinding and simpler gameplay. I believe Hoshido preorders sold out faster than Nohr's, but don't quote me on that.

    Thanks a lot for your hard work, VincentASM -and anybody who helped relay the information in some way-, going to read it right now:)

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