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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. Alright, here it is! The full interview translated. A link to the blog, but also in spoiler tags below.

    Color coded and such for ease of reading (I hope XD)

    Lastly, an interview with three key figures behind “Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” has been published! The game is designed around the main character’s choices changing the overall story. Fans have noticed various things since the game’s announcement, and so this interview aims to answer some of those questions –even the nit-pickiest things!

    >Who came up with the idea for the new “FE”?

    –This game features diverging paths and multiple storylines, and so on that topic, please explain the concept behind the game.

    Yokota Kenki (From now on, Yokota):”Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” (from now on referred to as FE) was always a game about the player having to maneuver their units in the midst of two massive countries locked in a mutual struggle. For this game, the main story changing as the result of the main character’s choices alone was an interesting idea that Nintendo and Intelligent Systems got excited about during the planning stages. Also, the ability to customize a character as one likes has become a staple of the series, and so we thought to make “MyUnit” the main character this time. They have an affinity with the characters of the story.

    Maeda Kouhe (From now on, Maeda): The customization of “MyUnit” has been improved since “Awakening,” and so one can edit down to even more specific looks.

    Masahiro Higuchi (From now on, Higuchi): A fundamental question about the FE series has always trying to satisfy existing fans and those who have yet to play it. We took steps during the planning stages while considering this. In the previous game, things like “Casual Mode” were there to help adjust the difficulty level as a way to tackle that problem, but there were not many other things that helped. The game has a split story with two paths the player can take based on their decision, as well as being able to look forward to a game where there are various difficulty modes and ways to play. With this in mind, it became two separate games.

    –What are the specific differences between the two?

    Maeda: In “Hoshido”, one can freely engage in battles and level up their units, and the victory conditions are very simple. On the other hand, “Hohr” has limited chances to gain experience and limited resources. The strategy revolves around “what is the best way to raise these units?” The victory conditions in battles vary, such as chapters with limited turns, or to attack/defend an objective, etc. It is much deeper tactically.

    Higuchi: While we want players to experience both sides in the end, they should start with the package that appeals more to them. But if they are considering what the other side is like as they play, it would make us very happy.

    –What would be the motivation for choosing “Nohr”?

    Maeda: While players will go about it differently, the “Nohr” side is not necessarily overwhelmingly difficult. Players can pick Normal or casual modes, so first time players can still enjoy it too.

    Yokota: The volume of chapters and story in “Hoshido,” “Nohr,” and the third scenario are all the length of Awakening. All are downloadable too, so we aimed to give a considerable amount of content.

    –I see. Please explain the details of the newly announced Phoenix Mode.

    Higuchi: From the start until “Radiant Dawn,” we built up the view that those games are the “ideal FE style.” But with that sort of game, one new problem was born: we reached the logical conclusion that it was always difficult for newcomers to pick up. We wanted to make a game that new fans could enjoy too. We wanted to make it even bigger than “Awakening” with this concept as the focus first and foremost. That was the beginning of the game’s development.

    Maeda: A system like Phoenix Mode which lets fallen characters revive the very next turn I thought to be system ill-fitting of FE. However, it was deemed necessary for players who may think, “This is very interesting, but seems much too difficult for me. But with this mode, maybe even I can play it?” With these players in mind, this mode was born.

    –A way to casually view the story, hmm? Does choosing Phoenix mode cause any limitations such as being unable to view the best ending?

    Higuchi: Just because a player chooses Phoenix mode does not mean they will miss out on any scenes or items. However, if you change from Classic Mode to Casual or Phoenix Mode, that data will be unable to change back. For those proficient in the series who want the sense of accomplishment in completing “IF” on Classic, please play on Classic without changing all the way to the end.

    >A total of 9 save files! An amount never before seen

    –The story splits into two paths along the way in this game. Is the story up until Chapter 6 the same then?

    Maeda: It is the same until then. You will be able to begin challenging maps and raising characters from Chapter 7 onward in “Hoshido.”

    Higuchi: There is a system sort of like the “Arena” in place, but different this time around. Rather than earning experience, you fight to earn a different sort of component. Please wait for follow up information on this in the future.

    –Do characters who become allies also appear as enemies on the other path?

    –Maeda: Yes. They appear as quite formidable enemies even. While we had done the idea of fighting a friend turned foe in the series before, it was not implemented on a grand scale. As this game was developed on a grand scale with branching storylines, we believe the system was implemented quite smoothly this time.

    –By the way… who are your allies on the 3rd Scenario where you side with neither kingdom?

    Yokota: That is something to look forward to, and not something that will be addressed this interview. (lol)

    Higuchi: Though the third scenario does not require “Hoshido” or “Nohr” to be completed in order to enjoy, we hope that people hold enough interest to at least clear the game once on any path. Also the game has the distinct feature of having plenty of “contrivances.”

    Yokota: That’s right. For those who worry over save data, please rest easy. 3 save files come with each downloaded additional episode for a total of 9 places for your chapter saves.

    –That’s great to hear! Next, please explain Dragon Pulse and whether it is offensive or defensive.

    Yokota: Dragon Pulse is a special power of Dragons that serves as a map gimmick. It is put to use by the Main Character and Aqua, as well as 8 different characters between the two kingdoms. It changes the map in various ways, such as transforming deserts to grassy plains, or drawing water from the sea.

    Maeda: Depending on the timing of Dragon Pulse, it can provide a serious advantage or disadvantage. We hope players implement this in their various strategies. Also, it is not just the player who uses the power of dragons, the enemy will have units who are able to utilize this too in their own strategies.

    –Aside from that, what other information can you give players regarding information on the game?

    Higuchi: In this game, we bring back a mechanic that had not been used since “Gaiden” on the Famicom –the weapons do not have any limit in uses, you can use them as many times as you would like. However, there are variations in ability/performance of each weapon. Rather than conserving weapons, the strategy will revolve around those weapons which are equipped.

    –I am really looking forward to it. Lastly, please explain one defining point of IF that is most appealing.

    Higuchi: April 20th of this year was the FE series’ 25th anniversary. The contents of the game are suitable for a 25th year celebration. Please give it a try!

    Yokota: We used all the experience in developing “Awakening” to the fullest to bring a great number of new challenges this time. While it is a difficult Simulation RPG, there are modes and content with a system anyone can enjoy. We hope you freely pick up and play the game. It would make us happy.

    Maeda: We offer two different packages both for fans of the series and newcomers to look forward to. In the end, this game is the largest we have made to date in terms of sheer volume. Please enjoy this epic game.

    *Kouhei Maeda: Intelligent Systems – Director

    *Yokota Kenki: Nintendo – Director

    *Masahiro Higuchi: Intelligent Systems – Producer

    Very nice, thanks a lot for that.

    Anyone notice in this page that there's an indicator for the R button beside Suzukaze's name?

    Choosable dual-support partners, maybe?

    I would assume so, yes.

  2. Cause switching down exists for a reason, it lets you beat the game if it is too difficult, One of Phoenix's main reasons for existing seems to be for if you have a low level team in Nohr and are stuck and can't grind. I don't think they want people to switch up and then get stuck. While switching up is a different can of worms as i have previously mentioned.

    Well, fair enough.

  3. Are you saying that Aqua won't follow you based on what path you've chosen? That'd be weird as if iirc she's already been described as the game's heroine :/ Pretty sure she'll be one of the characters that join you despite what path you choose.

    Nah, I'm saying that it cannot work either way. For example, why would Hoshido care if two people who betrayed them married each other? My point was that it's unlikely they can be on opposite sides and still S-rank.

    Through plot though, maybe, although Kamui can be female.

    I'm actually pretty sure Aqua follows you at least for a while after you make your choice.

  4. ^ the last part is that switching up lowers the need to stay on classic, when you can just go back to casual/Pheonix whenever you freaking want to also classic actually doesn't raise the difficulty at all if the game is easy on casual you are pretty much playing classic anyway.

    But why would you assume that, if switching up were to exist, it would allow to switch back down afterwards, when the opposite doesn't stand true for simply switching down?

  5. ^ uh yes I'm pretty sure that IS knows of the value older players place on classic and difficulty and they display your difficulty quite prominently and wether you beat the game so i think it does affect their decision also if lunatic + exists they might want to stick with the lower/lowest difficulty unlocks lunatic+ only on the the lowest/lower difficulties, so not changing up is easier. Not even to mention lowering the difficulty cause its too hard is one thing raising it up cause it suits you and you can just go back up is quite another.

    The worst part is, you may be right. Nothing was forcing them to put the difficulty/mode on display for streetpass, yet it happened. The rest also makes sense, except that last part, which I'm not understanding.

    I still really dont like the idea that if the thought of allowing to switch the difficulty up crossed their mind, the reason they didn't go with it would be akin to "But guys, what about bragging rights and the display on streetpass?"

  6. Unless it's before chapter 6(unlikely, Aqua isn't seen as playable until what's likely after that, except for that one new chapter where it's Kamui that doesn't seem to be present), both of them have sided with either Hoshido or Nohr by the time that happens. And if Aqua doesn't end up following you, well she's not playable, so S-ranking her seems difficult.

  7. I think I see what you're saying. You read it as, "If you shift down (i.e. from Classic to Casual) you can't later shift back up in the same file" but you believe it may be possible to start in Casual and shift up to Classic partway through the game so long as you never downshifted partway through?

    While I suppose they haven't explicitly mentioned that possibility, my reading of it is that there is no shifting up of any kind, only down. If you start in Casual and find it too easy you'd have to start a new file.

    The idea of switching difficulties on the go has been revealed for a few days. Kinda assumed it went both ways at the time, so it was more about getting it disproved than confirmed to me. But that was a complete assumption to begin with.

    well of course you cant freaking switch to a higher difficulty the main point of classic is for the sense of acomplishment and bragging rights, and what would be the point if someone plays pheonix than beats the game on/swiches when not fighting to classic, what would there streetpass difficulty say, but on the other hand if they go with displaying the lowest used its not fair if someone plays casual/pheonix for one or 2 maps and then plays classic for the rest of it especcialy as they might not tell yoy this if its "free" to switch back. This is the best way i think for it to be fair.

    I'm fairly sure bragging rights and what appears on your street pass profile isn't of much concern to IS. Mainly because it's highly unimportant. At worst, they could simply hide what mode you're playing on if it meant nothing.

    I forgot to make it clear in the translation that they said completing classic gives a sense of accomplishment. Japanese implications in that sentence means you can safely bet that YOU CANNOT under any circumstances switch up to classic from any other setting.

    I said the same thing to DeoGame.

    Honestly, your post to him was a bit confusing to me. The bolded part had little to do with what you were trying to say(how does "can't switch back" translate to "can't switch up"?), and it wasn't clear what premise you were referring to. But as said above, I was just defending an assumption as if it was a likely possibility. I somehow forgot nothing was confirmed yet.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  8. But you can only switch down...

    I don't know, when I read "you can go down, but not back up after that", I don't get "you can't go up at all". But that might just be me missing something. I guess if that's the case, this information is still less reliable than in Awakening if it's anything but classic, but for the most part it works.

  9. Even if they don't, there's always pride of accomplishment.

    And if there is a streetpass feature like in Awakening people will presumably see that you were on [difficulty]/Classic, just like they would also see if you were on [difficulty]/Casual or [difficulty]/Phoenix, where [difficulty] is used as a placeholder for the name of the particular difficulty level you were on.

    i.e. bragging rights

    ... but you can switch at the last moment to make that information into something else, potentially.

  10. Snip

    Dooooood. I mean, okay, why not.

    Me? I don't "like" what I said after that enough. And I don't really like the idea of hijacking this thread with our conversation. I am interested to see if people react like I did though

    Don't worry, nobody in the new, better fanbase will be nearly as snide as I.

    ... I guess that's a no.

  11. ^ sure hope so (Do you have any source on that, or is that just your conviction?)

    It happened. I wasn't exactly looking around for reviews at the time, but I stumbled upon a couple that were complaining about the difficulty. They're french though:p

    More seriously, a quick wikipedia search will grant you your answers. Brace yourself though, there is some pretty stupid stuff in there.

  12. generics mcgee, most likely- the archer sprite is the same one kazahana took a chunk out of in the first trailer, when he was labeled "dark knight [soldier]," so the new one is also most likely generic mcgee as well.

    Dark night. Which is the japanese name for Nohr.

    I can't see either, but we'll know soon enough.

    Edit: Oh, I just saw the one you were referring to on that second shot. It looks like the character to me. Which would mean vessel...

    The first one is looking like something - soldier though. Which is interesting, because both shots are from a snowy map. Though it's pretty clear that the first is from that one chapter at the end of the japanese direct, which as a reminder had Elise, cavalier guy and an unknown cleric seen as playable; but the second one has the green ninja(Suzukaze?), so they may be similar chapters from different sides.

  13. We've seen her map sprite and her TCG art shows her just riding the standard dragon/wyvern. Maybe it's a magic using class, to replace Dark Fliers?

    Wait, right, the TCG.


    ... actually... that doesn't really look like a wyvern, does it?

    Edit: the lower right part would be the head covered by a helmet, but still...

  14. Umm, what? What you're saying is that your point doesn't apply to half of the mounted classes, because once you take horses out of the equation there's only six classes left (going by awakening). In which case, yes it mostly applies to half the mounted classes.

    Would you mind telling me why you think dark+axes is improbable? If there is something I've been overlooking I'd be happy to know.

    First point, yes, pretty much. I was thinking more of the type of mounts than of the mounted classes when I said that. Which is my bad.

    And there are no interesting reasons for that. It never happened before, especially not on a flier. Axes are generally used by physical focused units. Dark magic mastery is generally restricted, uncommon. Stuff like that. But dark magic might be weaker in If, and relatively common in Nohr.

  15. Revenants weren't called revenants in the Japanese versions (they were called zombies) so maybe NoJ has their own crazy ideas of what レヴナントis supposed to mean. Like how the valkyrie class doesn't really have anything to do with what the word valkyrie traditionally means.

    I'd say that's a bit different. Valkyries are very specific mystical beings, while revenants, while not exactly a real thing, are more common, basic, and the term encompasses a lot of things.

    That's clearly a possibility though.

    What does great have to with an armored horse, and Falcon Knights don't ride falcons. I don't really buy this line of logic. Not saying that that couldn't be the case, I just don't think this point is valid.

    You have too many classes riding a horse for all of them to include horse in their name, but specific mounts are generally in the name of the class, though Falcon knight is indeed an exception to that rule.

    Also, dark magic plus axes sounds a bit improbable, but why not I guess.

  16. Basically the first part of class names for mounted units units with specific mounts tends to refer to the mount itself. Aka she's not riding a wyvern, but some sort of undead creature, which probably serves the same purpose. It could be the case, we have no confirmations that wyverns actually exist as far as I know.

  17. I'm not going to read the whole thread at the moment, but I think worth noting are names of characters Kamui is seen dual-system-inhg with: スズカゼ/Suzukaze (can't make out which character it is) and エルフィ/Erufi (the pink armor knight).

    Suzukaze is likely the green ninja. You can see him above Kamui.

    Oh, Hey, an edit:

    ^ This.

    To be honest, my OCD hated the weapon uses. I didn't like having multiple copies of the same item loaded on my character.

    I am really happy with this to be honest. Maybe they will have weapon weight come back, so we are less inclined to use a more powerful weapon? If there are weapon shops, perhaps they will only have limited quantities of weapons, like one iron sword and one steel axe available for one chapter? Maybe a character's starting weapon will factor in to their usefulness too.

    Maybe gold will be used to hire units or to replenish that dual guard slot that we saw on the scans?

    These may have nothing to do with dual guard. Armors can apparently be broken, so at the moment it's hard to say for sure if that isn't what they're for.

  18. Almost the entire game will be about Kamui's choice, and he's an avatar with dragon powers whom everyone wants on their side. I'm not even sure you CAN top that. I mean if If was taking place in an old FE universe, I'd already be hating Kamui with a passion.

    Edit again oh boy!:

    I think this will prove to be Hoshido's flaw in the series. I don't really see her being related to the Nohrian siblings biologically, but the one maid being somehow related to her (what with the blue hair and all) doesn't sound too far'fetched to me. Also, this is the first time I am hearing this as well.

    Well go read that 20 pages long topic already. It's somewhere in there. It's also not confirmed and that maid comment was an extremely good point that you have my congratulations for.

  19. Well, it's the closest comparison to FE.

    And since Phoenix Mode made me think of another broken Phoenix (I was first gonna comment about how even Peter wasn't this broken, even if it's his whole point), this was too obvious to miss.

    Pretty much the same for me. Although I loved SF3, I'm no Shining Force fanatic, but I couldn't let the joke pass by. I'm still ashamed that I didn't recognize Peter sooner though.

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