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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. Not sure if these are really needed now... but here are all four Famitsu pages fully translated (minus screen shots), AND put back onto the page for convenience. Sorry it took so long!:

    Blog post if the below messes up for some reason... :





    Thanks a lot to user Sky Soldier for translating the first page and saving me the time! : ) I translated/edited/cleaned/etc all the rest of it... so hope it comes in handy for someone.

    Holy... that's amazing! Great job!

  2. So um... screenshots I guess since someone asked for some about three days ago? I'll put my thoughts at the end if I have any...


    Suzukaze Oboro Kagerou


    Cyrus Joker Gunther


    Nyx and Superguy ... and last but not least Rinka. Or Linca.

    Actually now that I'm here, the only thing that comes to mind is that both Joker and Felicia's name are based on the theme of luck and I feel stupid for not realizing that sooner.

    Disclaimer: not for phones.

    Edit: Oh, didn't notice VincentASM had released his report. Ah well.

  3. Ninjas are free souls and all that jazz. Well some of them anyway.

    As for Cyrus(though nobody asked), you apparently fight him, so maybe he asks for your forgiveness or something. That would be a bit sad though, and he sure doesn't look like a beggar. You may simply have the possibility of sparing him and convincing him to join.

    Or capture is back

  4. Thanks to you both for the translations. I wonder why they're emphasizing Kagerou's starting class...

    Would anyone like to discuss the tidbit from the final scan that says the same weapons will be named different things deending on the route you take?

    At the top of the 4th scan, they show the same B-rank lance with two different names depending on whether you're playing the Hoshidan or Nohr route.

    Not only that, but the lance then has further differences. In Nohr, that lance has 7 might. In Hoshido, that lance has 6 might but gives the user a +1 in def and res.

    Seems like nothing is going to be simple this time around. We won't even have standard names for all the weapons.

    Yes, it's been revealed a while ago that Hoshido and Nohr used different weaponry. At this point all of the six weapon types have brand new Hoshido parrallels, except for tomes.

    Edit: As for staves it's unclear at the moment.

  5. thorneface.gif

    I'm pretty disappointed ninjas only have 5 mov. I was expecting them to be higher mobility to offset Hoshido's lack of mounted units. Plus, y'know, they're ninjas.

    And they only use concealed weapons? ...Why do we need 3 of them again? I get that the debuff effect will probably be really strong, but it doesn't sound like there's much variety between them.

    Still hard to say. The low movement definitely wasn't expected. Then again bow thieves have 5 as well.

  6. Wait, has it been confirmed that only shurikens can de-buff enemies or can whatever Felicia's using do that too?

    They're both "hidden weapons", so that seems likely.


    Those two blue things on the map are dragon pulse spots I guess? Possibly the others were yellow because they conjured the power of earth, while these are blue for water?

  7. Yes but you are only borrowing them....

    I can't top you on Hot Ninja chick though (who names i can never remember) but come on shes a hot ninja chick. she also shows no more chest than the guys do. Though we haven't seen the bottom of the outfit. I will give you one hot ninja chick.

    In s supports thats only if s supports are back though and Kaimui get everyone,

    We'll see how borrowed they are when they're done massacring your entire royal family


    Nohr footsoldier confirmed. Now is there a playable one...

  8. We have lots of ninjas we just make them serve us tea and dress nicely as well cause we are all more badass than ninjas. :)

    Cute, but those are on my side as well.


    Do you even Camilla.

    It just so happens that we also have a generously-breasted one-eyed lady.

    ...plus she's a ninja.

    Edit: Forgot the most important part: Ours is a hundred percent S-rank-able.

  9. Anyone else find it a bit suspicious that Felicia has 3 skills at Level 2? And that her base stats seem kinda high?

    EDIT: Wait just realized she also has 6 Mov. Maid is a promoted class??

    Ninjas(or Shinobi perhaps) have only 5. That's peculiar.


    Mate I cannot see his/her face ><

    But that's my point, we don't know the gender of this character, and assumptions will lead to another Tsubaki.

  10. Some people insisted he was a girl for pointless reasons. So now it's known without a doubt.

    Is it though? He/she was already saying ore in the dialogue we saw before, wasn't he/she?

    Johnny Bravo, man.

    Guys, I think my dream has finally come true!!! I believe character portraits change when they promote! The blonde guy is a fighter, not a hero in that screenshot showing Nohr Kamui and the white-haired thief. He was wearing a brownish-black costume, now he's wearing a blue and red costume! Also, That sorcerer girl had a dark mage status screen from that last leak, and it showed her without a veil!

    Sorry, but Nyx can be seen with the same portrait as a dark mage on the scans... I'd have loved that as well honestly.

  11. I definitely like the comparison to a poor romhack. My first impression was that they were basically imitating the weight system on an engine that wasn't designed for it by using their existing abilities to apply stat boasts to weapons. Of course it could end up being a lot more interesting then that but something like this...

    -Steel Sword: Avoid -5, double attack threshold -3

    ...is really just the same as having an Steal weapon be heavier then an iron weapon... except that in this example, the defensive penalty is barely worth talking about.

    And what they did with the Brave Swords comes down to the same thing that TRS did with the Gatling Bow and other weapons, using the weight system.

    Still, no matter how this turns out, it will probably be still an improvement. Even if this actually ends up as "the same as back in the day but needlessly complicated", at least it's there.

    Except in the case of weight, it would specifically be a problem for some units only. Wether this is bad, or not, however...

    Edit:Unless you're referring to the games that didn't have any stats to counterbalance it of course.

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