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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. I give up IS...

    High quality image and still couldn't tell if the bottom right's Wind or Water.


    My money on water, and the big thing in the central is Wind, because it has "wing thingis".

    The only element of importance we've seen until now would be Aqua's water, so maybe that's what's at the center. I'd say the bottom right is wind...

  2. I honestly don't mind returning characters, they can be fun every once in a while. This annoys me because they've been pushing Akaneia way too much lately. This is a series with multiple worlds/settings, and that's part of what makes it great as a whole. Either you give attention to all of them through cameos, or you don't do those. That's how I see it anyway.

    That being said, there were musical cameos from Elibe and Judgral in the trailers, so maybe it's too early to talk.

    In any case, at this point I'd be surprised if Owain wasn't in, since these seem to be based on the four winners of the children popularity contest, and all three other are featured in some way already. So yes, Odin, although his class is different. We'll see.

  3. It's a hot spring. They're....hot.

    Also, on a TOTALLY different note, did anyone catch that there was a dragon gauge that filled up at the end of that streetpass battle? Could it be that you can only use Dragon's Vein (or whatever we're calling it these days) a limited number of times and therefor might have to pick and choose when to use it or something?

    The ressource used to create buildings is the exact same dragon head as the one from that gauge, so I suppose different actions can fill it, and you use it to expand your base.

  4. Hold it. So much content came from the last hours (while I was sleeping), I'm completely lost. This is what I've read so far:

    1) There is a character very similar to Severa, called Luna. She also says Kamui reminds someone else (FE13 MU reference, probably).

    2) There are two new characters, or three

    3) There's a new thing called My Castle with stuff like hotsprings, shops and base convos

    4) Ho yay has finally been made official

    5) We can add accessories to people like we do with Pokémon

    6) Hoshido Empress is actually Kamui's mom

    1) Not necessarily, since she is in someone else's city, she could be reffering to her own Kamui, as someone else pointed out.

    2) More like ten.

    3) Well... Yes.

    4) Ho yay?

    5) Pokémon doesn't come to mind, but yes.

    6) So it would seem. She's Mikoto, the arrow-to-the everything guy is most likely Sumeragi.

    There is more, but making a list would take quite some time. VincentASM is going to have a field trip with this one.

  5. Not really Shining Force...maybe more like Suikoden, with your party members being involved for everything?

    Well it's more because Shining force is a T-rpg that had you explore many cities among others things. And it was just a first impression, it's actually nothing like it:p

    What an absolute waste of amazing 3D models on some pandering(oh how I hate this word) garbage as face rubbing. I dont want to be one of those guys, but the FE franchise is going somewhere I'm not willing to follow.

    I'm trying not to think too much about it myself, honestly, because I can't say I disagree.

    So anyone seen those battle animations? Ryouma doesn't fight like a swordmaster! Dramui impales people with shornyukens, Aqua's battle stance is lovely, and Oboro's attack looks gorgeous. Seeing a Naginata in action makes me wonder how they're supposed to be weaker than lances even more, though.

  6. lolwut level 40 Felicia. RIP Second Seals.


    Nice catch!

    With 20~29 HP? Wut? And how many Movement does she have there????

    They all have seemingly infinite movement, it's probably showing where they can be transported to for... some reason. HP is... a thing. Maybe they're all put at max level so that they cannot get exp through this...? That would be weird as well admittedly...

  7. Well I mentioned those details in the first post I made but alright sure lets just put it at that.

    And also, what questionable reasons? I only stated that nothing comes from complaining about an optional feature thats in the game. I don't see how itll annoy anyone even more..

    Well, whatever really. It doesn't matter much. We don't know if it's optional in any meaningful way, that alone makes it questionable. I'd like to leave it at that if you don't mind.

  8. Unnamed units:


    The most interesting part is that the second one has a slightly different stance than Oboro(the legs mainly), and a dark dragon statue can be spotted above her, so... new class from Nohr maybe...?

    Just seen the blue-haired archer comment... this seems like an archer from Hoshido, and we've already seen the blue maid in a 3D maid model, so I doubt that.

  9. Well for starters, I'm going on a wild assumption that what I just said is true, even though if you translate some of the trailer and new castle video, it hints at it being optional. Do you seriously think its going to be mandatory to go to a bathhouse after every mission to see some useless dialogue? Secondly, I didnt say to just ignore what they dislike. I said the option is in the game and they can use it or don't, there's no reason to complain about it.

    It could build supports, give ressources or whatnots. A preview of barracks wouldn't exactly have looked like it was of any importance, and yet you could get some pretty good items/exp/temporary stat boosts/support points from it. It was hardly something you were meant to ignore.

    Also no matter how you turn it around, you're telling them to stop, for questionable reasons. At best it will annoy them even more, and only good things can come out of that right?

  10. Everyone's making a fuss about new castle. If you don't like the face rubbing, or the bath houses, just simply don't use it. I'm 100% its replacing the barracks from awakening in a larger scale. Its not like the game is forcing you to call one of your units every time you want to play just to rub their face or possibly gain more support points from having a conversation in the bathhouse.

    Have to say this again Its optional stuff. It wont do anything aside from make things slightly easier for you.

    First, we don't know about that, and telling people to ignore something they dislike has proven time and time again to only cause more drama. I say let people complain if they want.

  11. Camilla is not just boobs. She has a pretty face, beautiful hair, and, from what we’ve seen, will have a better nicer personality than other.. similarly dressed characters (Tharja, Aversa).

    On top of all that, she's a flying unit, and I like those.

    I mean... from what I understand she's the kind of person to murder someone if they mess up with Kamui. I believed she was going to be nice at first, but she may actually be quite vicious.

    Also, ninjas are a very good reason to join Hoshido. Depending on lore, these guys can fly, teleport, use offensive and supportive magic, have superhuman physical abilities and mastery over numerous types of weapons... and they're silent assassins. They're the cool guys.

    ... the thing is, you get one on Nohr, but, er, quantity I guess.

  12. With the game not too far away, won't be long before you'll be deciphering the entire game. xD I hope they start to slow down on IF news to talk about other things, personally.

    Probably not a popular opinion...

    But finding out stuff on your own is the fun part:p And well, I would certainly have liked it if the Famitsu articles were more subtle myself, but it's more of a problem with how we got the information than the quantity of it really.

    Can't deny though, we got a lot. I'm afraid most of the early game has been spoiled at this point.

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