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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. I'd like to use them to make unlikely teams, but if they can't support they'll probably be pretty bad.

    I may capture one specifically to use as a self-insert though, since Kamui is too much of a central character for me to really relate to him. A generic, mostly silent unit will likely fit that role way better as far as I'm concerned.

  2. The title of the poll really doesn't match with the actual question at hand(^_^')

    I probably wouldn't kill any of them. Maybe get Hinoka to one-hit Camilla with a bow because I'd find the irony amusing, but that's about it.

    If it's forced, I just know that assuming that's possible, I'll definitely use Marx to defeat Ryouma, and vice-versa. I'm also very curious to see how Leon and Takumi will interact with one another, assuming they do. A rivalry between the two could be very interesting as well.

  3. On another note. Everybody is complaining about Camilla's armour, yet I didn't see any rant about how Orochi wears her string tanga all the way up.

    Then let me reassure you, ranting there was. It's just less "in your face" at this point. And in general.

  4. I'd be surprised if the arena was that abusable. Even considering the random character selection, I'm unsure if they'll let us fight there over and over.

    ^^ But what does limiting forging achieve? Those who want to abuse it will, no matter the system, and if you add too much gold costs you have a near useless forging system for most players. And saying it makes the game easy is pretty weird as you probably have to get to chapter 6 or higher anyway just to get to my castle. Also nearly anyone who decides to overuse forging, can probably rofl stomp the game on lower difficulties anyway. And what this does is make forging more accessible on higher difficulties and on Nohr which in all honesty might make lunatic and Nohr a bit easier to balance, as you lower the variable of does this person use forged weapons or not as if they are accessible why wouldn't you if you are on the harder modes.
    Plus there may be a flat rate or something we have not seen yet or a limit per chapter or by time.

    I am in disagreement with pretty much all of that. First off, lack of balancing kills strategy, this was one of Awakening's core problems, and as such obviously people will want If to do better in that department. Quite a few people play strategy games expecting some thinking to be required, not for self-imposed challenges. Limiting not only forging, but everything is paramount to achieving that result.

    Forging also seems based on ressources that are unlikely to change from one difficulty to the other, so making it abusable on easier modes will result in the same thing happening everywhere. Even if that wasn't the case though, nothing should be easy to access in harder modes. That's the point. Besides, balancing through the obligation to use one feature is one of the weakest kind there is. Of course at the end of the day we'll figure out what's best, but at not point should they be trying to get us to that result. It's about thinking, it's about options, choice. This accomplishes none of these things.

  5. Oh hey, nice idea. I mean, it's not like it's a secret that we are thankful at this point, but that may be a pleasing surprise:)

    So thanks a lot for your work, patience and dedication. And the same goes for everyone who helped in some way, although there are too many to cite and I also don't remember names.

  6. I like the idea of this unit equipping tomes and hidden weapons. It's not like you can use a marionette to increase your own mobility without magic hijinks anyway.

    I wouldn't be so sure. Think of a bike. It's entirely controlled by you, yet it increases your own mobility. Plus it IS called a puppeteer. The quality model probably allowed them to get away with not showing any strings, but looking at the animation, this thing clearly seems controlled by hand.

    It could be magic of course, but I don't think the opposite is improbable.

  7. ^ could you take a screenshot? my internet is slow regarding videos. Is it map sprites, battle models? Ect. I don't think early cutscenes would count. Also it could just be split up early game i guess. Any idea which map it is?

    There you go:


    I don't think I need to describe the chapter, we all know it pretty well by now. And yes, considering it's the earliest trailer we have, it may not be 100% accurate.

  8. ^ yes i don't question felciala at all, but i don't see joker also joker throws a tack into my gender theory, but then again that might be only for earlier chapters.

    I was about to say you were onto something(and facedesk for not thinking of it sooner), but the January trailer shows Felicia along with a female Kamui, and towards the end of the mycastle video, we see Joker along with a male Kamui. I couldn't find any battle displaying both male Kamui and Joker, though.

    About those shots, the Dengeki one's colors are a bit washed out, you can see that Tsubaki's hair is brown. The part with the character that interests us especially took a hit, since the staff's gem looks black, even though for both Felicia and Joker it's supposed to be red. Otherwise, you can distinguish a dress, and I think Joker's sprite is taller than that, too.

    Most importantly, considering that issue re-used many old images, and how everything in these two shots is the same, I'm pretty confident that's Felicia in both of them.

  9. Here's my compilation of characters. Tell me if I missed anyone (besides Robin and Lucina)!


    Okay, while looking for something completely different, I realized that this new armor knight is most likely Benoit. What little we got to see of his sprite matches, even the... chest. It's small, but still. It's visible in Charlotte's bio, and on the official site.

  10. The left screen is very definitely of Felicia.

    And goodperson707 was talking about this:


    Maybe that one depends on Kamui's gender. It's the only obvious difference I see.

    Edit: Okay, as for any substance in this post... well this is pre-decision. I think from what I've seen, that Felicia is generally featured in early Hoshido chapters, while Joker is generally visible on Nohr. Can't say for sure wether or not it's accurate though.

  11. I'm quite curious to see how it fights, considering the hands are used to control the puppet. We see it unmounted right after it promotes though, so maybe the puppet is only used for movement...?

    That would be peculiar.

  12. By the way, the preparation menu we can see 2:31 seems to be the same as Awakening's, and as such, the top right option (支援会話) indeed translates as "support conversations".

    So yeah, they're back. Apologies if that's old news yadda yadda. I didn't find it mentioned anywhere around here though.

    Edit: It's in the report. I missed it somehow.

  13. I do think honestly they gonna push Aqua and Kamui, the protagonist going out of control that only can be calm down by the heroine is a common trope used between a couple.

    Thus far he's only been seen losing his mind in her presence though. She seems to be closer to the poison than the antidote.

  14. I'm hoping this is because Takumi's bow is a special weapon that runs off his Str stat but does magic damage and hits the enemy's Res. :)

    I'm leaning towards a skill that makes him deal more damage as an attack stance partner myself, since archers will naturally be used a lot for that. Just a thought though:p

    There are probably other pegasus warriors on that map, and they might have just decided to capture footage against one with 2 more Def? *shrugs*

    Well what I meant is, since the battles take place where the units are positioned in full 3d, it matches: the pegasus warrior is on the boat at the same place, while Zero is about to get on it. Sorry if you had understood that already


    *looks up*



    "Atai is a word used to refer to one's self, exclusively by girls."


    I swear, the Byakuya/Hoshido version has so many archaic/anime/weird personal pronouns, it's going to kill me to look them all up.

    Well, you know, villager=different dialect.

    Also you have some time, people will be busy with the Famitsu issue soon enough.

  15. Okay, we are definitely entering the "too many spoilers" phase right now.

    ... so from reading the thread, here's things that I noticed I didn't see people mention:

    -Takumi's dual attack damage is abnormally high

    -Zero is supposed to hit for 29 damage but the game displays 27. Doesn't seem like it's another battle, since the location matches perfectly.

    -During the part where Camilla uses her Dragon's vein, we can see that the duel between Ryouma and Marx is almost over, and Marx is greyed-out. The location of their battle is also different than what we've seen before, to the north-east of the last one to be precise.

    -Kamui is also visible during that scene, on the far right after the Dragon's vein. Considering the dialog box of the Nohr siblings is brown, but the battle seems to be reaching its culminating point and Ryouma and Saizou appear as allies, this scene makes guessing how the decision chapter will go considerably more difficult.

    -At 2:04, female dark mages are mixed-up with male ones. This confirms that not every generic dark mage is female, and in general, that generic enemy classes may be unisex.

    -There is a new female armor knight on the lower left at 4:10(although Aethin put her on his list already, I thought a lot of people might have missed her)

    -Some enemies are seen dropping their weapon on the ground upon death(like Kamui does), at 2:57 and 3:05

    I think that's it.

  16. Eh, I'm not seeing it. We do have a Ricken lookalike with Tsukuyomi tho.

    The two pretty much share the same role apparently, but they really don't look that similar.

    Edit: I also have to add, if Hoshido was getting the first gen people, I get the feeling we'd have seen at least one of them by now. Lazward was visible back in April, after all. And I believe Odin's sprite came up quite some time ago, but I can't remember when I've seen him first.

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