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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 44 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    You underestimate how easy it is to ignore English-speaker fan outcry when you're a Japanese company.

    Also, you're saying fans would be happy if they suddenly combined split votes to make another character lose?  I think more people would be mad if someone got bumped off slot 2 b/c they changed the rules.

    That's assuming this would qualify as a change of rules. After all, only PoR Ike won, and yet Radiant Dawn Ike is out too. Also, every split character only appears once on the results screen. But at the same time, they only kept the character's highest score instead of adding them all up. Honestly, it's hard to say for sure what their stance on the matter is.

    Also obviously that situation would suck, I'm not saying there'd be a right and a wrong side.

    Edit: Striked an incorrect sentence. Just didn't look low enough.

  2. 1 minute ago, Morswo said:

    They don't care about this, last time Marth was splitted and now again.

    But last time it didn't matter, since he didn't make top 2 anyway.

    Besides, you guys should care too, I mean, wouldn't you hate it if the character you're rooting for was split and lost because of it?

  3. 9 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

    They wouldn't do a 5 man banner. They want one for each colour type most likely like they did last time. And we've only ever had one banner in FE:H's history with more than 4 characters, with us normally down to 3 now.

    Marth would not be a CYL winner if that happened. IS probably wouldn't respond to the minimal backlash at all. No need to, it would be drowned out by the Hector and Chrom/Ephraim/Alm fans (whoever it is who gets second).

    Could make the fifth character a tempest trial reward or something "shrug". It's not that big a stretch. Also wasn't the very first Reinhardt one comprised of six characters? As you said, we're currently down to three, and yet they didn't modify the format to only elect three winners instead of four. They could have, merge both genders and only take the top 3.

    As for the rest, the assumption is that Marth would get enough votes to get #2, so saying the backlash would be minimal makes no sense to me.

  4. 1 hour ago, Lau said:

    However, if it turns out that Marth's combined votes put him in second, it won't be pretty. I wonder what IS will do if this happens, because it is very possible, given that Ike and Roy are out of the running.

    If I had to guess, I assume they'd give us three winners instead of two to avoid any backlash. But that remains to be seen.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:


    If you combine the 2 votes for SD & MoTE Marth he has 24,547 & barely beats Chrom but he's still behind Hector.

    I'm not sure what you're disdain towards him is since I don't see him do anything controversial but I'm not really into hating characters to begin with. Not that I'm above such feelings either.

    It's 100% a me thing, and pretty old at that. You know how some people dislike Lucina for taking the spotlight away from every other character? It's very comparable. Even though these days, I can hardly blame him for doing that anymore.

    Yes, Marth's total has been discussed on page 2, actually. I was just curious to know what made you think there was a chance they'd combine his votes. That being said, that page doesn't do that, at least for me. I'm just seeing one Marth, at 15877.

  6. 22 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    I feel like a lot of people are underestimating Marth if they're really going to combine the votes.

    By the way, is there a source for that? First time I've heard of it... then again I've been out of the loop for a while.

    Also it's pretty ironic that I find myself arguing in favor of Marth when I have a strong dislike for the character and he's definitely not getting any votes from me.

  7. 6 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

    Likewise, don't assume things like say, people will learn from the last CYL and rally around one particular version of a character (Marth). Quite frankly, the general play base fall under one of the following: 1) not smart enough to pick up on that idea 2) has that idea but thinks version B instead of version A should be the rallying point 3) wasn't around for the original CYL and has no idea about the vote splits. Marth is doomed because of this. Don't think he will ever be able to secure a top 2.

    I don't think it's unfair to say a lot of people who voted the first time around seeked the results afterwards, hence why I think they learned. Beyond that and while I agree that many don't pay attention to these things, I do think you're giving people too little credit here. Again, we'll see.

    As for the split vote problem, see my previous post. It's all fun and games until a technically more popular character loses because of a design choice no voter is responsible for.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Yea but Marth is still split :s

    Yeah... though this does beg the question, would people let it fly if a split character that had enough votes to get top 2 combined was robbed of a victory as a result? We didn't get that problem last time, but it could happen.

    Beyond that, I'm fairly confident the Marth voters will have learned to vote for the FE1 version only if they want a win, since it got the most votes last time.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lushen said:

    True, but Marth was only above Ephraim by 900 points.  And that was with a huge, prominent, smash fanbase.  I don't think the smash fanbase is as big as it was before so I think less Marth mains will be voting and all he needs to do is drop by 900 points.  I also think while Marth is dropping because of this, Ephraim will be rising for other reasons.

    That's just one Marth though. Combined Marth had almost ten thousand more votes than Ephraim. There's no denying Heroes made Ephraim more popular though. We'll see.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    I don't think Chrom or Marth is going to finish anywhere near Ephraim and Hector.  I think a lot of people have too much faith in CYL 1's results.

    I guess you're not wrong, but even without that, Marth doesn't have to compete with Ike, Roy, and Lucina to get the Smash votes this time around... however much they'll weigh in the end.

  11. 24 minutes ago, wissenschaft said:

    I don't really think so since heroes combat in no way matches the experience of a proper FE game. Personally, I don't like the grindy nature of mobile games but hey they sure are popular. But people who casually play mobile games aren't likely to buy console games anyway so I don't think theres anything to worry about.

    The bigger issue is will the new fans gained with the 3DS games (for many players these are their first FE games) transition to the switch. And given how well the Switch is selling even with the limited amount of games out for it so far, I'd say theres reason to be hopeful.

    I mean, it's tactical turn-based and grid-based gameplay with many rpg elements, where unit survival is paramount and where skills and character/team building play a huge role. Obviously there are key differences as well, but it does scartch that itch, at least considerably more so than Warriors does. Yet we do act like it's the opposite I feel.

    That's indeed a question mark as well. A lot didn't buy Echoes it seems, and Fates' reception is in part negative among the Awakening fanbase. Basically you could say we have three main Fire Emblem audiences at this point, and how volatile each of these group is is proportional to how many people are in it, with core fans on one side, Heroes player on the other, and newer 3ds fans which have not yet transitioned to core in the middle. That's how I see it anyway.

  12. 10 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    it doesn't matter if a lot of people play the game, super mario run was considered overpriced by most people, to get the full experience with fire emblem heroes you don't need to spend a penny, super mario run had it so that you downloaded a demo and then bought the full game most people were either satisfied with just the demo or didn't see the full game as reasonably priced enough to justify the purchase, when you download heroes you get everything the game has to offer and you are never required to spend money.

    the reason why people tend to ignore heroes is because it is unfair to compare a FtP game to a full release purely on account of the fact that they are much easier to get into for a common consumer, you can have millions of accounts but by the fourth week half of them will be dead, by its very nature FEH will be significantly more accessible for the common consumer because it's cheap and requires no effort to get into, FEW on the other hand costs money and requires prior knowledge to be able to understand if this game is even worth getting.

    the only way for FEW to reach the same 'success' as heroes is if a bunch of people bought over 100 copies each to buff the numbers, otherwise, of course FEW isn't going to do as well as heroes it has a perfect combination of instal base and cost to make it have a good sized player base regardless of how anyone feels about it's quality.

    I think there should be a major distinction between admitting that it's hard to gauge how much heroes affected the franchise, and straight up ignoring its existence. Going from "it's different" to "it's irrelevant" makes no sense.

    I am also aware of the differences, you really don't need to explain. Though you are incorrect, since Heroes is highly character centered, the game barely gives anything to a free beginner. You have to invest time or money to get results. People are just much more open to investing time than money in general, which is why the F2P business model works as well as it does I would assume. But there is no possible denying that Heroes is a pay2win game, or rather, pay2excel, if you will.

    Again I wasn't saying that FEW should have had nearly the same success, since as yourself and a few others said, they're different products. But they're under the same brand nevertheless, so they do affect one another.

    9 hours ago, guedesbrawl said:

    not to mention you need a switch, which you might not even have,

    The chances of you not having a device to play heroes are much, much lower.

    It's just not comparable. As most things between games are.

    A good third of its sales was on new 3DS, but disregarding that... of course it's comparable. Just not 1-1, and most of us wouldn't know where to start; but that's no excuse to ignore it entirely. It's still a Fire Emblem video game, if anything, it's closer to a classic game's case than Warriors is in spite of its business model.

    8 hours ago, wissenschaft said:

    I'll believe that when remakes like Shadows of Valentia earn big sells (Zelda's remakes on the 3DS have done so). The only things big right now are awakening, fates, and heroes. Lets hope the switch FE game is a big hit as well. Given how well the switch is selling, I hope so.

    If I had to come up with a reason as to why that didn't happen, well Gaiden is easily the least popular of the franchise(this is especially relevant when comparing it with Shadow dragon and New mystery, very few people ever asked for a Gaiden remake), reviews weren't stellar, in comparison with Awakening and Fates it wasn't presented as a "big deal" by Nintendo(we learnt of its existence two months before release and it was very much advertised as a remake rather than a new entry), so on and so forth.

    I agree that FE Switch, if properly (over)advertised, will give us a lot of answers.

    An interesting thing to think of is, does Heroes actually hurt sales short term, because people already get their Fire Emblem fill through it? That's something to consider as well.

  13. 14 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    not really, It's a bit unfair to compare sales of a phone game to a console release.

    with console games, you make one payment with  the possibility of dlc and that's about it.

    with free to play games there is the possibility of individual people spending thousands by themselves, on top of about 60 percent of players spending at least 20 dollars only once and with an IP like fire emblem, people will likely download just for the name.

    if anyone is comparing warriors to heroes in sales you have your expectations way too high.

    But Heroes is a massive success for a Fire Emblem mobile app, so the different statuses are already accounted for. Would you have guessed it'd beat Super Mario run in profit, even with its more effective business model? I feel none of us would have. And for some reason, it more often than not gets ignored in arguments about Fire Emblem's weight as a series in favor of Awakening and Fates, even though at this point, many more people discovered the series through Heroes than any other past release, and more do every passing day. For a while it seems like it's been one of Nintendo's biggest money making machines, and that's a pretty big deal. Sure, whales are a thing, but take a look at any voting gauntlet, and you'll see that a lot of people play this game.

    This wasn't about Warrior's sales per se, though it is true that one can only wonder why pretty much none of this success(I wasn't expecting most, but, not even a little?) translates to game sales. But no, I just don't understand why people act like Heroes is not a thing.

  14. 13 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Like holy freaking crap when Lyn, Caeda, and Navarre was announced I expected joy. (Lyn announced. Caeda and Navarre "leaked")

    That's not what I saw.

    Can't say I completely disagree here. The problem is that Lyn got leaked as well, due to her map sprite being featured on the special edition's box, so we'll never really know how people would have reacted had it been a surprise. And since there was no surprise, only the dissatisfaction at the fact that her inclusion broke two promises from the developer at once was left for our community to voice. I guess.

  15. 3 hours ago, DIO said:

    That would come off as quite presumptuous, suggesting that they needed more than one entry to start catering to what fans wanted.

    I'm saying that because in the end... well that's exactly what's happening. I won't say it wouldn't have been great if they gave each game representation in this one, but the way things have been going, I think they could have minimized the controversy by being upfront about what they were planning to do. But I could be wrong.

  16. At this point I can't help but wonder if they shouldn't have spoken about sequels right from the get go...

    "The Fire Emblem series has too many characters for us to even hope to represent it properly within a single game. As such, we plan on making more than one, if we're given the chance of course. The first will be focusing on Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Fire Emblem Fates."

    ... you know, something along those lines? Obviously there'd have been complaints still, but...

  17. Honestly, we knew balancing the weapon triangle was likely just an excuse the moment they revealed that both of the main characters were sword users. As for SD getting the short end of the stick, yeah, it sucks. I'm not convinced it has much to do with Lyn's inclusion though.

  18. A bit surprised at the negativity as well. I guess it's yet another example that leaks ruin everything.

    She seems to dual wield a bit, probably with both kattis, so I wouldn't be too worried about her fighting style. I'm also pretty sure they didn't plan on including her early in development, when the weapon triangle excuse still made some amount of sense. IS did say they were amazed at Lyn's popularity in the CYL poll, which probably led to her inclusion in warriors in some way. So, fanservice. Which, you know, is exactly what this game is for, so even though I'm not the most avid of Lyn supporters, I think it was a good call. One of their only ones thus far, too.

  19. 4 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Also, I'm definitely in the minority in this regard, since the games are mostly Japan only.  But like Unique said, it's all the rage in Japan, and I'm sure both Shadow Dragon and New Mystery helped bring the series back from the brink in Japan.

    They... did not, afaik. They sold okay-ish for handheld titles. Apparently Japan isn't crazy for Fire Emblem remakes, with Echoes' performance confirming that idea.

  20. 1 hour ago, Slumber said:

    They said they were mostly picking from SD, Awakening and Fates. If they were going to include only 3 characters from SD, then they'd have said "We're mostly picking from Awakening and Fates". The wording seems to indicate that they'll probably give somewhat equal attention to all 3(Though I don't doubt that Awakening and Fates will get more attention). As much as Awakening and Fates are the money makers, FE1/SD is the franchises' legacy, and IS/everyone who touches the FE franchise seems to give FE1 way more dues than people give the first game of other franchises that are 30 years old.

    I think it's mostly IS caring about their roots really. The fact that Awakening, their "final" fantasy of sorts, is a love letter to Archanea... it's very telling in and of itself.

    And also I was exaggerating on purpose, though it certainly seems possible that the original'd get the shorthand of the stick overall.

  21. 3 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Right, but comparing the guy who started the archetype vs. a middling Awakening character, it seems like the guy who started the archetype is more of a shoe-in.

    Obviously a middling Awakening character is going to be more popular than 90% of FE characters, but I feel like they're going to have to respect legacy to some degree, otherwise the game would just be Marth, Caeda, Navarre and then everyone from Awakening and Fates.

    Well, who's telling you that won't be the case? They never said there was going to be equal representation amongst the selected games.

    If anything, the fact that there are selected games at all kinda indicates that the series' legacy isn't their focus at all.

  22. 1 hour ago, Arthur97 said:

    Chrom is not used anywhere near as much by IS as Lucina and that itself may be the key: IS likes Lucina.

    The fact is, she is one of the most relevant characters to the series, Falchion or no.

    I wouldn't word it that way for several reasons, but I agree with the majority here. In fact, I'd be willing to bet money that Lucina will be in.

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