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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 19 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    There's plenty unique about Revelations. It's just mostly gimmicky maps that nobody likes.

    I mean, apart from Fuga and a bunch of support conversations, what is there?

    There's no new weaponry, no new classes, no new skills(apart from Fuga's personal), very few new antagonists or story characters in general, few new tracks, the story doesn't exactly go new places... It has new maps, but also a lot of reused ones...

    I think at the end of the day, Revelation does its job, which is giving the overarching story a definitive ending, and allowing players to use almost every character from Fates. But it accomplishes both in a very safe, basic manner, and not much beyond. It... yeah, it feels a bit lazy, to me anyway. And there is the possibility that it's the result of them trying and failing, but I don't know, I'm not seeing it.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    That's what ambitious is. What's conceptually impressive. That's why being over ambitious is a bad thing. It means your actual competence can't match what you want to achieve.

    But that's the thing, it feels like Revelation was never ambitious. That it was meant to look that way, but not to be. I'm having a hard time believing that the plan ever was to make a great culmination to Fates, and that this largely soulless game was the result. There's just too little that's unique and interesting in it.

  3. To an extent, but I think greed and, as quite a few others have said, a lack of cohesiveness were the biggest problems. Revelation in particular doesn't feel ambitious at all to me, quite the opposite in fact. Conceptually, oh sure, but that makes the execution all the more lacking.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You're the one who said that you're a robot, not me

    You doomed yourself bucko!

    Naaah, I'll be just fine. Nobody reads individual posts in these.

    You on the other hand, created a thread. That's serious stuff.

    55 minutes ago, Arcanite said:




    door was open

  5. 25 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    I also remember a few times when I actually made people online think that I was a girl because I would roleplay female characters... and they'd hit on me.  It was never not awkward.  I certainly don't envy the attention ladies get on the internet, that's for sure.

    Ah, I've had that happen to me too! No roleplay involved at first though, I simply played a female character and they assumed. I went with it for some reason...

    That being said they only spoke spanish, and my spanish sucks. Still, it was funny.

  6. He's pretty limited until he learns excalibur, as fire slows him down a lot. And by the time he gets good combat, well you're not that far from killer bow archers and such, and mages' low mobility hinders what he can do then.

    ... that's what people typically bring up anyway. I agree he's not that bad, though if not for soldier it could be his worst option regardless.

  7. 5 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Well, I sure as hell don't see a winning move for Ignatius's paralogue late, considering that he gets attacked by turn 2 (whereas you might not be able to get there before turn 4), and the ninjas can crit him... not to mention needing to dodge a Freeze staff en route. As for Shiro, he'll just kill himself on the nearest enemy if you don't rescue him.

    I mean I did it for both, so...  Though Ignatius wasn't exactly lategame, more like chapter 20-ish. I don't exactly remember the details in either case. Shiro I can distinctly remember could survive one turn, perhaps with AI manipulation or some such.

    5 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Yeah I agree that terrain isn't rendered as well as it could be in this game. That said, in case you didn't know, the mini-map shows terrain unambiguously, so check that whenever you're unsure.

    Yeah, I know. At worst you can check space by space too. But planning around with such inconsistent mobility is a nightmare.

  8. 14 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I'd honestly say Ignatius's or Shiro's paralogues for much the same reason - that being that they're flat-out terribly designed for late game. The former is practically impossible to win late, and the latter... Well, I hope you made your peace with your Rescue staves, as you WILL need them.

    You don't, it's just really convoluted without them. Especially Shiro's.

    One I don't see anyone mentioning is Siegbert's paralogue.  A truly broken map with infinite reinforcements of completely distinct unit types mixing with one another, with terrain you can't properly assess because of the way forest tiles are rendered. A shame too, because it's pretty beautiful.

    But yeah, the snow map takes it. It's just absurd how bad that one is.

  9. I always interpreted it as them more or less actively making Roy consistently mediocre throughout his various apparitions, and the Binding blade, being tied to him, suffering from it. Why would they do that? Well I'm not sure, but... he's mediocre to bad in Melee, in Awakening, in Sm4sh, and in Heroes. It doesn't feel like much of a coincidence, especially in the latter two where balancing was more of a focus. He's probably at his best in SoV, but they're all pretty bad there. Overall he's like this character they feel the need to aknowledge, but don't want to make good, it's really weird.

    I think him getting second place of the male bracket in CYL1 sort of took them by surprise however(it certainly surprised me), so they could treat him(and thus it) better in the future.

    Or not.

  10. 24 minutes ago, CyberController said:


    They bring nothing to the game, essentially. Griffon rider also feels really out of place since as far as I know, Griffons have never existed in Archanea.

    Well obviously now they do, but barely, there's no lore to them or anything.


    Edit: I guess I spoke more in terms of importance than what you asked for, though. Well Chameleon has limitations, but having more of your best units cannot exactly be considered as bad I suppose. As for Griffon rider, there is an argument to be made that wyvern lord is superior in essentially every way, but taken for what it is, it still flies, so it's not bad.

    Taguel on the other hand is actually a terrible class, for what it's worth, due to its terrible bases and being limited to 1 range no matter what. No promotion bonuses either. The fact that Panne moves several tiers up when reclassed into wyvern rider with E-rank axes says a lot.

  11. No antagonist art specifically, sorry(no Iago at all), though there is one double page dedicated to generic units of ~20 classes. What's on it is pretty small as a result. Can't say I'm finding any concept art for armor, though there is a little of that for weapons. A few pages are also dedicated to locations, but if memory serves well it's pre-release stuff, so you can find most of it on the internet without too much trouble; and no maps specifically.

    It's a neat booklet of good quality overall, there's just not that much unique/unseen stuff in it, so I wouldn't spend money if that's what you're interested in first and foremost.

  12. Well, my turn to not really care, but be genuinely glad for those that requested Morgan for so long. Plus that's not entirely true, I do like Morgan

    Edit: Gerome is a pretty surprising choice, btw. Didn't expect him in Heroes anytime soon.

    Aaaand I do have to admit I could have been a little bit less serene today had they not revealed Thracia yesterday. So I guess their strategy is working, on me anyway.

  13. I understand the demand for a staff user, but if they're doing things well, Nanna should use swords. She's not a prominent staff user in Thracia, since she starts at E-rank(and that's a big deal in that game unless you arena abuse), with no personal staff to her name.

    The Earth sword, on the other hand, is among the best weapons in FE5, and only she can use it. Also as someone mentioned, she's one of the four units that can use the Blaggi sword, which, for all intents and purposes, is the Falchion of that game.

    So yeah.


    ... oh also yay Thracia's hereWHERE'S MAREETA.

  14. 19 minutes ago, ElectiveToast said:

    I don't think Nintendo would have to go that far in the gore or the sex, and from what I heard most people actually wanted the skinship to stay in the localization, and got mad at NoA's censorship policy. Yes, I'm sure there were certain people who didn't like skinship, but from a business standpoint it's not sound to displease the majority for the sake of the minority. Blood in VG is pretty much just a particle effect anyway, so it's not like Nintendo can't add a feature that turns it off. 


    For your second retort, it seems that we have different information bubbles. I've not heard a single person try to criticize SoV under the charge of a simplistic storyline, and it's honestly a silly criticism to begin with in my opinion. I'd rather have a solid story that tells the tale its wants to tell and ends, rather than a roller coaster story that leaves a dozen plotholes.  

    I mean, to be fair I can't say for sure how much this community would be accepting of more mature visuals. Perhaps you're right, and it would work out just fine. That being said, I'm pretty sure most people wanted skinship in out of principle, rather than because they thought it was a good feature. Beyond the creepy factor, and though we did lose quite a bit of characterization through its removal, it was also pretty redundant after a few times. I'd know, I imported BR

    We really might. I pretty much hang out in places where people complain the most, for... some reason. Also I was referring to the gameplay, though I've seen the plot being criticized quite a bit as well.

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