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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 7 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    She's not shy. Olivia is the only shy dancer in the series. Most of them are pretty cheeky and flirtatious. Phina's introduction in Ch.7 has her accusing Navarre of protecting her only because he has crush on her. And in New Mystery, her supports with Kris show that she teases her friends/love interests a lot. She also will speak up if a character isn't fashionable (similarly to Oboro). Even her FE3 sprite shows a lot of personality; the way her hand is positioned kind of gives her a haughty expression.

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    So no, she's not shy. Lara also makes sense, but Thracia 776 is so obscure most fans don't know about her. Sylvia has a big personality though.

    Guess I remembered wrong, my bad. In any case, it would be pretty nice if they went for her actually, especially since Azura and Olivia are big characters in Heroes already.

  2. 3 hours ago, Tolvir said:

    Its what I said earlier in my post before that info came out in the news thread. We have over 300 characters spread across 25 years to pour over, for a game that at most will have a 40-50 character cast including DLC. As your point was made, half of that would literally only be Lords, leaving room for maybe 1-2 extra characters from each game outside of them.

    Honestly, that sounds absolutely fine to me... And I'm also expecting characters to have several weapons like in Hyrule warriors, so the sword issue could be alleviated fairly easily. Maybe that won't happen though.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Not the most iconic, that's for certain. But not obscure. I was comparing her chances and sort of campaigning for her spot in Warriors, because she's a prime candidate for a hack and slash IMO, KOEI loves gimmick-y movesets, which a dancer will provide, and Phina is one of the most combative dancers in the series, and one of the best units in her game, so that's my reasoning. 

    Also, it may not take long to defeat Hardin with Phina. Example:

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    Unless you're referring to training her, than yeah, that may take a while. But she comes early enough in the game so it won't be too hard.

    Not that impressive? Bruh. She's on par tier-wise with the main mercenary and myrmidon (Ogma and Navarre) of her game and is one of the strongest utility units in the entire series. If that's not impressive to you, then wow. If you're trying to find her on youtube, "Feena" will come up with better results. I'm only using "Phina" because that's the localized name now.

    But yeah she's not in Heroes yet. A shame, but hopefully she gets added when they do a New Mystery focus.

    And the only reason why dancers made sense is for morale-boosting, like others said. Having a pretty girl dance for you would be pretty uplifting. It's not uncommon to see guys go through obstacles for a pretty girl in storytelling and life. And it's FE, where there's dragons, magic users, and even maids fighting for you, it doesn't have to make much sense.

    Isn't she super shy though? Not like that would stop them, but I still feel like characters like Sylvia or Lara make more sense as swordfighting dancers.

    Between Feena and Olivia though, eh, toss up.

  4. 1 minute ago, eclipse said:

    Difference is that Heroes actually tried to do some world-building despite being a barebones story!  That says something!

    I do feel that it is a bit unfair how if the devs had taken two minutes to name the continent, a lot of the worldbuilding complaints about Fates would potentially disappear. Not that it wasn't bad, but come on, Heroes doesn't introduce any town or location whatsoever...

  5. 2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Quick, name the continent that Heroes takes place on!

    Now name the continent that Fates takes place on.

    If you want to see how another FE crossover went, please check out Project X Zone 2.  Yes, it was a lot of different worlds, but the FE section is, uh, pretty bad.

    I think Heroes' does have a name though... and the fact I have no idea what it is might be even worse than Fates' case.

    ... but does it actually...?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay, this is one thing I don't quite agree with you on. While I agree the game is fanservice to a degree, that doesn't mean the story isn't important at all, really.

    That said, I do think that a good story is manageable with a little more than just three FE games being involved.

    Heroes set a poor precedent as far as plots of crossovers for this series go though... Personally, I'm not expecting much sadly.

  7. I kinda like how people have to answer in my place because I write so horribly slowly tonight. And in general. Though I guess that was the basic idea yes, thanks phineas81707.

    7 minutes ago, DaloDask said:

    I'm half tempted to think we're all idiots.

    I think you could argue humanity as a whole is full of idiots, but that's more philosophy than beat-em-up.

    The signs were all there, but it seems as though nobody likes to pay attention...

    I feel that with how much love this series' past has been getting from IS lately, especially compared to how it's been since Awakening's release, it was natural to be hopeful. Hence why a clear announcement would have been better imo.

  8. Just now, Hardin said:

    I would be very concerned for someone who came to that conclusion. 

    I feel like we could argue about this for a while. In any case, the fact is, they set people up for disappointment, as demonstrated by this thread and quite a few others. Or we're all idiots. Now to see if they're planning on redeeming themselves at E3 somehow...

  9. 1 minute ago, Hardin said:

    How were they not upfront about this? The debut trailer was extremely clear about what was happening, this isn't a bait and switch like what happened with TMS. 

    The debut trailer could also have been interpreted as the game only having 5 playable characters. The fact of the matter is, we didn't know for sure.

  10. 4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    So it looks like this game actually cares about Western audiences, by making sure to include characters from games that sold well here!

    In other words, why is this a bad thing?

    In a different context this mostly wouldn't have. Though this could have been communicated much better in general. If you don't want to speak of dlc too early, which is probably wise, at least don't come up with silly excuses. Or be more upfront about it, we could have known about this much earlier.


    In any case, this is just reigniting the flames of conflicts this fandom's been fighting for years by now. Do they not care? Possibly...

  11. I'm not going to write off this game just yet, especially with E3 around the corner and my Switch mostly being used to play Mark of the wolves of all games lately, but, man does this announcement suck. And while I do love to hate Awakening and Akaneia in general, my main problem here is that I was really hoping that they were past pretending two thirds of this series never existed. We have Cipher, Heroes, SoV, and all of these were steps in the right direction, so, why?

    I'm fully aware that dlc is happening and likely "fixing" this, but still that just feels like bad PR, especially with the swords excuse and all. Besides, I didn't see any newer fan complaining that they didn't recognize half of the characters in Heroes, and it doesn't feel like the other side specifically doesn't want Awakening/Fates characters... they just want to see equal representation. It's perfectly possible to please both crowds is what I'm saying here, to an extent anyway.

  12. Okay, so before I go any further, I'd like to confirm some basic stuff, so if anybody feels like lending me a hand that'd be pretty nice:)

    Stats are

    Strength Magic

    Skill Speed

    Luck Constitution(?)

    Defense Resistance


    Is that correct? Also, as far as weapon stats go, I'm unsure about one of them:

    Might Accuracy

    Critical Range

    ??? Max uses


    Otherwise, from what I can tell, accuracy seems to be your weapon's + (skill x 3), and crit is straight up skill, aka skill is looking good in this one, although you need a special skill to crit at all. Having a hard time figuring out evade...

    Not sure why the guard knights have lances twice in their equippable weapons, and so many skills to figure out... man.

    Oh and adept at speed x3% is looking gooood.

    Edit: Oh, the other lance rank is for ranged lances, that the cavalier cannot use. Okay.

  13. What a fun read, much better way to experience genealogy than actually playing it (at least for me).

    Granted, that means Integrity took the shot instead of me, so thanks.

    Well, congratulations on finishing FE4! I've never played it, and now I don't think I ever will barring the incredibly unlikely event of a virtual console release on the 3DS.

    Although the criticism progressively became a bit harsh for my tastes, and my overall opinion didn't really change all that much, this was still pretty enjoyable, and you made a lot of good points; looking forward to FE5.

    That being said, the above quotes bummed me out. I really wouldn't say reading this topic is a good way to experience FE4 as a game, and it's a shame if it ends up making people less motivated to try it out.

    But, eh.

  14. Yes, and look at this:


    The guy named Drei in one of these screenshots looks like a generic male Rod Knight.

    You could have linked to the precise screenshot, it took me awhile to figure out what you were referring to(^_^') Is it still visible on that page even?


    In any case, looking at the chest area... this could be a girl.

  15. I'll go with the one I can customize the closest to my liking(so most likely female). I think I'll keep that character for the other side, because I really like the idea that it's the tale of one person making two different choices. Following that logic, I may do the same for the third path.

    I do plan to play as both genders, but realistically, it largely depends wether or not I'm burnt out with If after all that.

  16. I thought the 3D in Awakening was really well done and calibrated!; so much so that I literally always put it and left it on full while playing. But then again, I always play my 3DS with my prescription glasses on cause I'm farsighted. And I think the N3DS might help with your problem, it really does as advertised in being able to see the 3D from any angle /experience from friend's japanese-imported N3DS.


    Wait, we got something from the new Dengeki scans!

    On the left page of the 2-page spread:


    I'll get to work on translating them (to the best of my and my ipad's abilities) to see if I can get any new info

    All of this was already showcased in a former Famitsu issue: / It was the third one I believe. It's about the lancer's class skills.

    Although admittedly all that text might have some relevant stuff in it.

  17. Do you think Felicia will be able to heal at 2-range with Sakura's staff if the player takes the Hoshido path? Sakura's buff looks pretty useful regardless, especially for harder difficulties.

    I was wondering about that. But considering they get an armorslayer, which is a sword and not a katana, on the Hoshido path, I'm inclined to believe there are no restrictions on who can equip what. Rather, basic Nohr weapons aren't available in Hoshido and vice versa, My Castle excluded. But you never know.

  18. Well here we go. Note that there are quite a lot of pages with little to no new content in them.

    Face pages and basic information(mechanics, characters, etc):








    http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/wp-content/gallery/dengeki-nintendo-20-06-2015/DN0815-48.jpg(note: Ryoma's status is on this one)

    My Castle:



    http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/wp-content/gallery/dengeki-nintendo-20-06-2015/DN0815-51.jpg(the children/marriage page is on this one)

    Character bios(both routes):













    FE 0 Cypher:






  19. Jakob and Felicia get normal, unpromoted xp, while Gunther doesn't. Considering the former two start with 6 move, have constant 1-2 range, debuff even with a support attack AND can heal, I'd be surprised if they didn't end up being fantastic units. Gunther on the other hand, is indeed looking very underwhelming. We'll see how it goes.

  20. Actually this issue shows a lot of status screens that we didn't get to see before. Most notably, pretty much every unit from Nohr that isn't a royal is covered.

    Ryoma's stats are indeed quite high. His personal weapon's might doesn't seem that impressive though.

    Wonder if I should simply post them since they're on Perfectly nintendo...

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