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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 8 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Well obviously I'm quite bias.  But I feel like Ephraim deserves to be treated as a fair contender considering he beat a character that appeared in literally 6x more games (4x exluding remakes) than Marth.  SS, to me, is second only to the Jugdral games in being completely abandoned by IS/Nintendo and I'm glad to see him win regardless.

    Besides, Marth had the advantage of having RD Ike removed which is also a random CYL rule.  If RD Ike was still in the game, many of the smash voters would have voted for him which would have decreased Marth's votes by an unknown number.   CYL is far from a popularity contest imo.

    I think a key thing I'd like to add just in case, is that people aren't mad at Ephraim winning here, as far as I can tell anyway. If anything, most people love Ephraim, him winning is far from the worst thing that could happen. No, people are mad that Marth lost entirely because of an honestly pretty dumb rule. There's actually barely a reason to compare the two imo.

    The interesting thing is, if they do end up giving Marth (sizeable) compensation, then as a result this is the best possible outcome right here. If Marth straight up won, they would have had no reason to give Ephraim anything to appease the fanbase. Basically it's more content for us, maybe.


    It technically isn't. "Who do you like most" and "who do you want to have a special version of in this game" are similar, but not at all the same. There are characters I like who I don't care at all to have a special version of.

    I was kinda worried someone would make this argument, to be frank. You're not wrong, it's not strictly labelled as a popularity contest(though if it only was about the tops like you're saying, there'd be no reason to give us the entire list of results, and farfetched heroes happened too). I just think it's reasonable to consider it as one.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    But that's the thing.  You're assuming CYL is simply a popularity contest and it's not.  One reason is because there is vote splitting.  Another reason is that CYL happened to be announced right around the time SS characters were being released which allowed people to have SS (Ephraim & Eirika) in mind.  I guarantee if they just released a bunch of SD characters, Marth would have won.  There's also another advantage Marth had where people were touting that FE had abandoned Marth and therefore people should vote for him (which isn't even true).  

    I think Marth fans should be a little salty, just like I would be salty if Ephraim lost.  It's basic human nature to be competitive and I don't have an issue with competition.  What I don't like is when people lose and they point at one thing and say "That's the only reason he lost".  Well, if Ephraim lost I could point at Smash and say "That's the reason Ephraim lost".  But you can't point at one thing, because there are a multitude of reasons one player wins over another.  

    I mean, it is a popularity contest. Rigged as it is, even when many people use it to make their voice heard on characters that they want in the game, at the end of the day it's still a franchise-wide popularity contest with rewards for the top 2 of each gender. Whether it's good or bad doesn't change what it is. And while what you're bringing up is closer to what I'd call an unfair advantage than in your last post, it doesn't come close to having to essentially get 50% more votes than your opposition because a large portion of them will be wasted on a second version.

    I agree that basic spite when facing loss in a competition is as far as it should go, but this is not the issue here.

    Marth will get his time to shine, one day. I am one of those who believe he is also on the landing page with the four main winners for some reason.

    I do wonder now that I've reflected on it a bit more, since it's also the top 5 and there are always 5 characters on these. Though they didn't do that last time, the ones featured were just random popular characters.

    I think what's important is that at this point, they have a choice. They could go either way.


  3. 27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I feel like someone cheated. Anyone realize that Veronica somehow jumped all the way from 7th to 2nd? That's a huge leap. And I don't mean anything IS did, I feel like some unfair voters decided to vote a ton for her on a lot of devices... That's really not cool.

    From 5th to 2nd.

    That being said, she was under Azura who only got 20k in the end, and now here she is at 29k. Meaning she got at least a third of her votes after the midterm. It's even more jarring when looking at Micaiah, who was only one spot lower and ends up with ~half as many votes.

    49 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    Probably from Japan votes, also yeah they might have to make story script changes now with these events.

    I mean, it'd be cool if they did anything like that, but they really don't have to. The heroes you have have no relevance to the story whatsoever, outside of the main characters of course. So we can have Veronica fight Veronica without it needing to make a lick of sense.

  4. 5 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

    Admittedly, I done this. Not to give a single character more votes, but to vote for a bunch of side characters that I wanted in the game (Boyd, Norne, Wil, Nagi, etc). Still cheating though.

    I'd really prefer if they done away with the current voting system and revamped it: merging units who appeared in multiple games, splitting votes by region or game, not allowing a person to vote for the same character multiple times, or whatever. Just do something to spice it up, at least. 

    Given, it's probable the winner of next CYL are FE16 characters regardless.

    I don't think you cheated, it's on them for letting people do that, and for all we know they might be completely fine with it. Kinda falls in line with the concept of Heroes, too; the game is as fair as you make it, assuming you have money/time to spare in the first place of course.

    I do agree that it makes things considerably less interesting and enjoyable though. Like, right now I can't help but wonder how much it helped Veronica, what % of her votes come from that, etc, instead of being amazed that she somehow won fair and square.

  5. 2 hours ago, Lushen said:

    How are we at 72 pages right now?  It's been 56 minutes....

    Anyways this is gonna make people mad but I'm going to say it anyways.  


    No, Marth was not robbed in CYL 2.  CYL 2 had the same rules when it ended as it did when it began.  And CYL 2 had the same rules as CYL 1.  That's the way it is.  I know people think that the voting split gave Marth an unfair disadvantage but guess what?  Marth had several advantages.  He's the first FE Lord so that gives him an advantage.  He's in two games which means two different audiences vote for him whereas Ephraim only has one game.  And Marth is in smash!  Not only that, but with Ike and Roy gone he pretty much inherited the entire smash fanbase.  That's probably where a lot of the new mystery votes came from - people who didn't know there were two Marths.

    So yes.  The voting split was a disadvantage.  But CYL is filled with advantages and disadvantages - that's how it is.  And if you took away smash and combined Marth's votes I would wager he probably still would have lost to Ephraim.  And this goes both ways.  Ephraim had a lot of unfair advantages as well such as being such a giant meme and having a bunch of Sacred Stones content released right before CYL.  Heck all the campaigning on reddit was probably enough to sway the votes his way and make him win over Marth.  And Veronica won because the interim showed she had a chance and Eirika lost b/c Eirika 2 was announced.  I think saying that Marth was robbed is kind of cherry picking advantages/disadvantages to suit the argument.  CYL isn't fair with vote splitting and it wouldn't be fair without it.  It's just how it is.

    See the difference is, Ephraim being a meme and Marth being in more games aren't unfair advantages. Popularity is popularity. This poll is based on that, not on merit.

    Marth's votes being divided on the other hand, is an arbitrary rule. Especially since the removal of Masked Lucina and RD Ike proved that they don't consider different versions of the same character to be distinct entities when it comes to getting a CYL unit spot. Furthermore, I think I can safely say that very few of the voters would refuse a SD Marth winning over a FE3 one.

    Marth as a character has garnered more votes than Ephraim, yet he lost. No cherrypicking involved in being able to see that it's wrong in some way. That being said you're right, the rules are the rules, and it would suck for Ephraim to be demoted now.

    Also a lot of multiple accounts voting happened, they should really do something about that next time. There's no point if some people have 7 votes over a week, and others 350. Then again, maybe they don't care.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Florete said:

    The vote count seems...suspicious.

    I assumed there'd be more myself, I mean, considering heroes's huge success had yet to happen last time. Interesting that it's pretty much the same.

    As for combined Marth, yeah, he's way above Ephraim. We'll see if anything happens.


    Edit: Interestingly, 5 heroes appear on the result page... the four winners and Marth. Doesn't seem like a coincidence.


  7. I'd say Sirius makes a lot of sense considering all he's been through. I'd love a post-darksphere possession Hardin simply named Coyote, but that's probably not happening for obvious reasons.

    For Jugdral, Forseti possessed Lewyn, King Trabant, Emperor Arvis, definitely post-FE5 Evayle, maybe Ishtar and Galzus... a lot to choose from there. Not really up for any of the crusaders because of how little we know about them individually. Master Knight Leif is also an interesting case. He doesn't really have the feats, but the implications of him reaching that class are pretty big.

    Elibe feels like it's on a smaller scale somehow, so it's a bit more difficult. Niime and FE6!Karel would make a lot of sense. I'm iffy on King/Master Lord Roy(even though I'd love it), but he did win a continent-scale war, so it could work.

    Nothing much to say about Magvel, mostly because it's been a while. I think King Ephraim makes sense.

    Tellius has the Laguz kings, possibly Renning and Tauroneo, Greil, maybe Volke. Altina would be really neat. Also if she and Deghinsea can get a spot, and even though I had to look up his name, Soan qualifies as well. Ashnard is a difficult case. As for Micaiah, another case where I'd love that, but in terms of feats I think she comes short.

    Awakening could have Future Past!Lucina. Maybe. Priam is obvious and as a result so is Walhart, who was a strong candidate anyway. Post-credit Robin could be fun. RNG-Goddess Anna is logical.

    Fates has, er... pre-possession Garon, the usual suspects Xander and Ryoma, probably Queen Corrin.

  8. 7 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    So we're in a consensus that Hector & Celica more or less are in 1st place right? I doubt we'll see any major changes to these polls.

    Can't say for sure of course, but the chance that their lead is small enough that they could be overtaken is pretty low. Which applies to the number 2s as well, to an extent.

  9. Since we're all going around telling people who they should vote for, y'all need to be made aware that RoyGlade is the actual right choice.

    Because think about it. These polls have a random vote feature as their homepage. This means that it was very likely used quite a bit, and that the lower you get in the rankings, the more the totals are comprised of random votes.

    In other words, Glade got rng screwed. Literally. We can right that wrong, so let's do that.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Yexin said:

    i think they put this second version of eirika, instead of a potential different character with the intention of making people stop voting for her in the CYL event, and let camilla be 2nd,

    Honestly, she was released during the fourth day, right? I mean we'll see how close it ends up being, but if they really meant to sabotage Eirika, they should have done so earlier. Logically, most casual voters came for the first, second, maybe third day and then forgot about it, and as such, most votes were already in by the time of her inclusion. And this could have put more spotlight on her as well.

    Again if Camilla ends up with a, idk, lower than 2k lead(assuming nobody reaches 100k total), I'll give you that maybe things could have been different, but otherwise, eh.

  11. Whelp, guess Marth voters indeed didn't get the memo. C'm'on, guys!

    I was hoping for more upsets(that being said, why is Loki there exactly? Don't answer that). Interestingly, Micaiah is still doing really good despite just being added to the game, and somehow Tharja did worse than we all expected. Also, is that Thracia Leaf of FE4 Leaf? That's his 4 sprite.

  12. 1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

    Look on the bright side. If Camilla and Tharja win, that means tits are banned from VG in the future.

    Let's not act like the new FE isn't getting a few voluptuous ladies of its own. It's a series staple at this point.

    Also I guess I'd appreciate more Kagerou love dangit. Plus Orochi if it can finally bring scrolls to the party; then again Rhajat was not enough, so...

  13. 24 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Hard to say. The developers know female units are more profitable but Fire Emblem has more males than females so they’ll have to come up with ways to make future male units...interesting to whales. Slapping come cool inheritable skills seems to be the easy way to do it. 

    No, I meant, maybe a new Ephraim is already on the way. Or not.

    Edit: As for what they'd do next outside of that... apart from seasonal event banners, I guess they'll go in on Radiant Dawn a bit more? That's the only game left with a mostly unused roster outside of 4 and 5, which they might be holding back for the time when their remakes come... if that ever happens.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Solvaij said:

    Eh, I understand why a lot of those are in there. Heroes likes its archetypes, so any red-green knight pair or peg sisters had a good chance at showing up. On that note, a lot of Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem characters are in there period, maybe to show off the original game's characters or maybe because all the archetypes are in some ways based off them. Popular or not, Julia and Deirdre are main characters, so they were sure to get a spot eventually. And all the young, handsome, tragic bosses are perfect for Heroes antagonists, so they all fit. The New Mystery characters make sense too because there aren't that many characters from strictly New Mystery, they pulled the ones with memorable designs and called it good. On Seigbert, it was a matter of time before Fates children crept their way into the game.

    Which leaves:

    555 Bartre (Binding)
    470 Klein
    371 Hawkeye
    310 Gwendolyn

    And I don't understand any of those. Maybe Gwendoln for just another female armor unit and dare I say Bartre for the meme?

    As far as characters I wish we didn't have, just fewer Fates characters in general. I honestly didn't hate Fates but everybody knows the characters were very one-note, and there are just gobs of them in Heroes clogging up my summons. :(

    Probably the same can be said for Shadow Dragon/Mystery characters, but I happen to love those games so.....

    Bartre because Fir, Klein because Clarine(he was on the siblings banner but Clarine was already in the game, that's also the original reason for Reinhardt, a need for characters with a sibling). Hawkeye because he's... unique, perhaps? Not sure.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    If anything, it dissuaded many of her voters now. In Camilla/Tharja’s case it’s more of their fanbase being incredibly greedy. To me, it’s pointless to vote for Eirika now. I’d vote for Ephraim instead. 

    That being said, what would "logically" come after an all-female new sacred stones banner?

    Yea, but in her case she actually does become a mounted unit just like Eliwood did. She just can't use a spear/lance.

    True, there's still room for a new "closer to canon" version of her. That much didn't change, for sure. I'd find it silly only because of the "just got a new version" thing.


  16. 2 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    Eirika can still be a Cavalier.

    At this point she can be anything really. Mounted units being able to use dark magic is unheard of outside of glitches and shadowgift, afaik. Besides, they've pretty must established that sky is the limit in heroes as far as who can use what weapon type.

  17. 1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

    With Eirika getting a variant already, her chances of being in the top 2 dropped considerably thus opening the possibility of another female character for any of those spots. This could work in Ephraim’s favor if some of the former Eirika voters migrate to her brother. 

    Depends on how many people actually vote every day instead of just the first two or three, and how many of them still want more Eirika. If multiple versions don't stop people from voting Camilla/Tharja... There's even the crowd that could go "oh hey, that Eirika character is cool, I'll vote for her too!"

    Though her winning would be pretty silly now.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Icelerate said:


    Well theoretically they should but Ike didn't have that luxury yet still won easily. Wouldn't it be unfair for Ike if Marth got the luxury of combining votes whereas Ike had to win the hard way?

    We don't really know that Ike didn't have that luxury, he just didn't need it. If neither of his versions had placed above third but the combined votes were enough, maybe they'd have adapted then.

    And frankly I don't quite see how it's unfair to Ike fans either. Not to mention a lot of them might be voting for Marth this time around, because smash.

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