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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. Concoctions healed 20 in awakening as well, it was vulneraries that healed 10. Only two uses rather than three is different though.

    The ice clan is interesting, since it's definitely in Nohr, meaning the clans aren't a Hoshido thing. I actually had a thought that Felicia might be from the ice clan, considering the ice-like effect that her attacks seem to produce, but it's a very tenuous link so it's probably nothing.

    Oh, that's correct, my bad. I got confused, since their icon is that of the vulnerary in Awakening.

    Also, Rinka is of the Fire clan, and her attacks burn with a bronze club, so it might not be that far fetched.

    Am I the only one wondering why they didn't saw Prologue or Chapter 1 ?

    I'm reminding something Cysx said about a precedent Famitsu issue, and I'm wonering if one of them would have you play with Aqua as the Lord...

    Well I don't know. Getting you to control at least four units, including a dancer in the prologue chapter clashes with what they're expecting of you in chapter 2. And there is also that possible Xander battle like VincentASM said.

    Plot-wise it could make sense though.

  2. Don't worry, I strongly believe they aren't. Like I said earlier, during day 2 of the treehouse livestream, Felicia mentioned Joker's name. (I'm still calling him Joker.. welp)

    I'm inclined to do the same. Felicia and Joker were luck-related names, probably on purpose. I can't see how Jakob is.

    You guys do realize that you're able to recruit version exclusive characters right. Felicia and Joker are no different.

    Among all the revealed characters, we have yet to see even one being featured on a side where they are not supposed to be available, plus we still don't know much about this streetpass recruitment thing.

  3. This is normal mode?

    Well, the stats of the enemies-their HP mainly- seem to match with the ones in the treehouse showcase, where we got to see on the player's save file that she was playing on hard(supposedly, 2 stars is for hard mode). So, apparently, no. Though I'm not sure why they'd all play it on anything else than normal in that context.

  4. They got a game over? Gosh!

    It's funny, because they didn't even play that poorly

    I mean it was bad, but a single mistake was enough for Kamui to get overwhelmed. Hidden weapon users and enemy dual attacks really seem to weaken defensive strategies. Rinka getting an additional 4 3 damage boost for... some reason, didn't help either. Even though it actually didn't matter.

    This is so unprofessional. The guy just constantly made jokes and looked like he had no clue what he was talking about while the girl just constantly laughed.Also they got a game over scene on the first level.

    Apparently it's chapter 2.

  5. So um... can I just say that Asama's design is amazing?

    So I can see confirmation that Aqua is Garon's daughter I believe, and a new affiliation for the knight on page 3(It sounds close to the french word "chevalier", which means knight, but that'd be weird)

  6. you can go to their youtube channel and rewind and pause their stream.

    Thank you, I managed to find it on Twitch, but still I appreciate it.

    They are usually pretty quick at uploading videos to their YouTube channel. I don't know if this video will take a bit longer due to the technical difficulties, but it should be up.

    That, or someone else recorded it and uploaded it in its entirety, I'm sure.

    Thanks as well. As of now it's not on their channel yet.

    Also, Marx... Xander I guess, really wasn't shown in a good light in these scenes. Everyone else but ... Corrin was fine, though.

    And, all three of Kamui's servants' personal skill is a recolor of the Loptyr icon. Wonder what it does.

  7. Wow, you weren't lying. That was a pretty long read. And this time around you noticed a lot of things I missed.

    As far as things you didn't mention, I can't think of much that's worth putting in. You can see the damage of Kamui's Dragon Fang for an instant and it's surprisingly low(4), but then again, he seems to be fighting a general, which looks extremely similar to the ones from Awakening by the way. We also see an enemy paladin for the first time.

    Another detail, looking at the model of that dark mage that Tsukuyomi's fighting, I'm thinking the "female" dark mage portrait we saw a while ago might actually be male.

  8. Lol.

    And, on the subject of E3, any one see Sony's announcements last night? If they aren't covered in Famitsu, I'm going to laugh. Square Enix's stock price went up a hundred points in less than an hour.

    BTW, in the chart, anyone directly associated with Garon or Mikoto? I would assume they have bodyguards of their own.

    I updated the relationship thread with the assumed subordinations as well.

    Well, they haven't been revealed yet, but there would be that puppeteer guy with the glasses, and the guy with the sun crown who could fit this role.

  9. Well, Kamui's goal in both routes is apparently to overthrow Garon to stop the war. Aqua is Nohr's "former" princess, meaning she may become Nohr's rightful leader without Garon around. So if you put two and two together...

    I'm not convinced that's right myself, though. In a lot of ways, Aqua really doesn't seem to care much about anything.

  10. All the clones have fans except for Pichu because fuck Pichu because it only takes a few differences for some fans to prefer using a clone to the original.

    Shame that I can't find that one Pichu headbutt video

    I mean, I'm a prime example of that, so I won't argue the truth of that statement. And while I do have a different opinion on what makes a clone popular, it's mostly base on conjecture so I'll leave it at that.

  11. Every character who has ever appeared in Smash, besides maybe Pichu, has received a lot of requests. When Lucina get's cut for Smash 5, their will be a swarm of fans demanding she be added as DLC.

    But yeah, like you said, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather see other characters in but whatareyagonnado?

    Well, Roy has quite a bit going against him honestly. I know the list all too well, but solely from a smash player point of view, he's a worthless clone of one of the best characters in melee, we already have Lucina and to an extent Ike, he's from a game/series you probably have no interest in... and yet he's that popular, so I feel that there must be some sort of additional reason.

  12. I just hope Luna and Lazward are more mature, especially the latter. I liked Inigo on paper, but they seemed quite obsessed with portraying him as a loser for some reason, and as a result his character felt like a complete missed opportunity.

    Owain on the other hand had a very strong personality and was extremely popular, so there's probably not much of a need to change anything there.

  13. Roy doesn't deserve to be back in Smash, and that's not salt, it's an honest accounting of what he brought to both Smash and Fire Emblem. Marth, Ike and Robin all bring something unique to the table, but what is Roy besides a clone of Marth and an advertisement for a game that released only in Japan 13 years ago?

    I agree. Sort of. I do believe he doesn't deserve to be back, just like I think it actually doesn't really matter. He's been heavily requested and that's why he's here. I guess his design just appeals to people or something.

    At least he has many unique moves this time around.

  14. Actually, looking at the sprite, that's clearly a second female armor knight.

    Every knight's sprite in this game seems to have that weird chest armor for some reason:


    First image I could find

    Pretty sure it's Benoit. The hair does match if you look closer; what's above his right eye isn't blond hair but skin. And you can see his sprite inside Charlotte's bio in the latest Famitsu issue, although it's quite small.

  15. I've been playing melee religiously with friends since its release and Roy has managed to stay one of my mains all this time, so obviously I like him quite a bit. Can't deny he hardly has a place in smash 4, though, for many, many reasons, so I can't even get angry at the people complaining. Leave him alone, he is just a human

    As far as If goes, well Marth and Ike both look pretty rad, so I'd be very interested to see him too. Hopefully he doesn't forget to bring the sword of seals along with him this time around.

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