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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. Guess we have to wait and see. I'm still really skeptical about this but at least they're not adapting Awakening's system unchanged, which is a plus point.

    EDIT: I think the number of shields is determined by support level, though that would mean that enemies have supports as well, which is pretty interesting.

    I'd say it's class based myself. Could be based on armor too, which is another thing we barely know anything about

  2. The second character cannot be a キ, because we can see a straight line and Ki isn't written with a straight line in that font(thanks Tsubaki). I can only see it being a イ or a ト. I think I see a very tiny slight part of the upper line of a イ, but that may just be me.

    The first character could be an ア, but it's very difficult to say for sure.

    The third one could be a lot of things.

    Haven't the japanese tried to figure that one out or something? It should be considerably easier for them.

  3. Could the reason why Suzukaze cannot dual strike was because he's not equipping any weapon? I don't think that's the case but certainly possible.

    You're right, it is.

    Idk, I was assuming that the screenshots would showcase gameplay on Normal difficulty, so it seemed a little high to me. We're talking Kamui getting 2HKOed by a generic enemy after all... Maybe I'm just too used to enemies being scrubs lol (been playing a lot of FE7 lately)

    Yes, if that's normal mode I agree, the damage is a bit surprising. Both have 4% critical too.

  4. Well for the screenshots that don't show the map, they could be actually paired up in which case they'd be standing on the same square. But looking at the one where Elphy is dual striking from adjacent to Kamui, it's probably more likely than not that dual strikes work regardless of range.


    Looking at this screenshot again, is it just me, or is the enemy's WTD hit rate with that steel axe-equivalent kanabo really freaking high?

    It is apparently now impossible to dual attack from pair up, which is why these examples were relevant. Otherwise, Elphie could be using some kind of javelin, so it wouldn't prove anything.

    Also, 66% accuracy doesn't seem that low for an axe-user in that situation...

  5. In the bottom 2 spoilers, units are NOT paired up. Furthermore, why would pair up REDUCE a unit's stats? I'm quite sure for the bottom 2 spoilers, the stat changes are caused by the weapons (except for Aqua's Luck +4), as some weapons say that they are harder to double with (-spd?) but are stronger, some reduce chance of enemy critting (+luck?).

    No, they're not paired up. What I was saying is that possibly, since dual attacking is now activated through having allies on adjacent spaces, maybe having allies on adjacent spaces gives you stat modifiers as well. A knight giving a big boost to defense and a slight malus to resistance doesn't seem impossible either. As for the speed, it just doesn't make sense. It may be from one of Kamui's skills, that's all I've got. Otherwise, indeed, the weapon, although + def and res(in Aqua's case) from a bronze weapon is a bit... weird. Basically the point was, nothing can really be confirmed through what I've observed, but it's still food for thought nevertheless.

    Also, there are no instances of speed being visibly lowered on these shots.

    ^ About Suzukaze not being able to dual strike while adjacent to Kamui, I wonder if they finally fixed it so that dual strikes are only possible if the supporting unit can normally attack from that range? Have there been any screenshots that disprove this?

    I think I can help a bit right there.


    Both Kamuis are attacking from 1 range, and both of the supporting units are using different lances. How likely it is for both to have 1-2 range is for you to decide. Not 100% proof, unsure there's anything else though.

    Edit: Here's something else actually, in that shot, Kazahana is using the same weapon from when she was alone, an iron katana, and Kamui is, again, attacking from 1 range:


    ... so unless iron katanas have 1-2 range...

    Actually, looking through the old material with the knowledge that they can't be paired-up, I can see a few other examples, but I think that's enough...?

  6. We're reffering to what he said in the January direct, right?

    "The Fire Emblem series has always asked players to make lots of small choices that affect the world as they know it; from conversation choices to battle tactics. In this new game, you will make even bigger choices, and the effect of these choices on the world will be greater than ever."

    He's clearly not being very specific about it, that's for sure. To me, the fact that there will be other choices is heavily implied here, though. Did people not believe him or something?

  7. Okay, so this image may have some interesting things about it.


    For starters, this is likely a skirmish. You're fighting against thieves(not just the class, their actual affilation reads as this), we have a Thief(thought to be exclusive to Nohr) paired up with a Pegasus knight(Hoshido only at this point), and, well, it's in the article about skirmishes. So moving on.

    Kamui can clearly use Suzukaze as a partner, and yet the dual attack stats don't show up(pointed out by a compatriot of mine). Now maybe the dual attack has yet to be unlocked. That being said, there is a plus sign and room for numbers, along with skirmishes themselves already being unlocked at this point; still, it's possible. Note though, that the thief has two of those shield icons in his status. Maybe they are the cause of that.

    Next, the thief's green stats. They are speed and resistance, the same as the pair-up bonus of pegasus knights in Awakening. But, the bow is also different than the one of this other thief with no green stats(and weapons may very well affect stats directly if we're to believe the interview):


    Also, the other cases of units with green stats do not feature pair-up; however, we do have confirmation that pair-up grants stat bonuses, yet there are no displayed stat boosts like in Awakening. Considering all the information available on this screen, it's unlikely to be the eventual less detailed version, and besides, since dual attacking is only possible when units are on adjacent tiles, this positioning may grant stat boosts as well. Also, these thieves are using a bronze and an iron bow, and in this case, the bronze one would be the stat-granting weapon, out of the two. But, some of the stat boosts we see from, er, dualizing, are weird if we assume they're determined by class:


    +Speed, + Def, -Res from Elphie, a knight(this only works if the game still considers that he's still beneath her in that shot), and, +Defense and Resistance from Rinka, a theorized Oni(edit: the luck boost is probably caused by her luck+4 skill). To sum it up, I believe we still can't know for sure what causes these stats to become green or red.

    That's it for the big things, now for the interesting details:

    -This thief gets 7 attack from a bronze bow and C-rank. Aqua is getting 4 from a bronze naginata and E-rank.

    -The pegasus knight, which can be seen on the lower screen, seems to have a masculine haircut(might be a weird helmet though).

    -These enemies seem to be colored in brown, not red. It's easier to see if you compare the two thieves' sprites.

    -The "R" prompt on the left of Suzukaze's name implies that you can chose who you "dualize" with, which wasn't the case in Awakening. This was already pointed out by somebody else(either Ryo or VincentASM I believe), but I thought it had its place in there.

    That's all I could figure out. Hopefully there are no dumb mistakes.

    Edit:Oh right, and Felicia's there. Again.

  8. Hinoka:I hoped for so long that I'd get to see you again but now I wish you had died that day. If you did, maybe I could have put my heart to rest by now. I won't betray my blood like you did, Kamui. I will protect my homeland!


    I mean, right, imoutos, okay, but honestly THIS is the one I'm reaaally not looking forward to.

  9. Why not? There has to be a point at the beginning when the two nations are at least not at war, or else why would they let Kamui return to Hoshido? Nohr is definitely responsible for the mess we see in the image, but what if no one (or at least no one in your playable party) has known that yet, and they're trying to investigate the situation? Even if the Jeigan guy doesn't want to cooperate with Hoshido, he can still see that the Nohrian princess herself (Aqua) is in danger right there. It's unlikely he would just sit there and watch, Kamui probably gave him order to assist as well. There are many possibilities here. And even if there is only Kamui there, I still don't see why he couldn't be placed on a nearby area (or like you pointed out, the green-colored tile is entirely possible as well.) It's not like FE has never separated one or two units from the main group before, the player could do that as well for whatever reason. But personally I don't think he's that far away (in case he is indeed featured on that map). If you look at this page, the Jeigan is also nowhere to be found, but we cannot argue that he's not there.

    Honestly, just because they're not at war(which we have no way of knowing) doesn't mean their relations are cordial. It is a fact that some Hoshido figure was brutally murdered/defeated by Garon, and if he's really taking custody of Kamui during that scene, this happened way before this chapter, since Kamui has been living in Nohr for years at that point. Maybe Kamui ends up in Hoshido by accident, or is captured by Saizou at the end of that dark chapter, through ninja teleport or some. Maybe Saizou tells him something that motivates him to go to Hoshido by himself(something along the lines of "wanna meet your real family?"). They don't have not to be at war for that to happen.

    Ok, to go more in details about why I don't think there's a team split here, this seems like a very vertical chapter. Neither the top, left(arguably) or right sides of your theorized starting position look like they're supposed to be traversable or lead somewhere, and the only thing not playable is at the bottom of the screen. This map would have to be huge, especially for early game, to include a second group of characters in a way that makes neither of the two irrelevant to the battle at hand, assuming you're even fighting anything in the first place. Once again not impossible, but I'm really not buying that one.

    Yes, Kamui could be present. The point of this theory wasn't to disprove that, but to show why it wasn't that likely to me, and what that could mean.

    I still don't understand why she necessarily have to leave and then rejoin at a later point (and why said later point has to be after the path split). Assuming that Kamui doesn't not appear on this map, he can still meet up with her right after we finish it. After all, this scene likely takes place before the path split because of the generic brown dialogue box.

    Frankly, you are correct, this one is more of an opinion of mine. This post is long enough as is so I'll try to sum up why I think that way:

    -Scene takes place at dawn, just like the decision battle

    -Fitting setting for what may be one of the most important events in the game: Kamui meeting Aqua

    -Kamui is telling her something that could fit in an introduction("I was born in Hoshido, but raised in Nohr")

    -She is not a part of your kin at all, so meeting her at a separate time makes sense

    -She is absent from every scene with the Hoshido siblings, even the one with the "exalt". Those MAY all happen at the same time, but considering the very different sceneries involved, it seems more likely to me that they're separated by at least one chapter, which may not feature Aqua as a result

    So, that lake scene would be when they meet, after Kamui already knows everyone else, right before the decision battle.

    Additionaly, we have one example of her not being featured in what's very likely a before-the-choice chapter:


    Considering the amount of characters less important than her featured in that scene, I'm pretty positive she's not present. This is relevant because it shows that the focus really isn't on both Kamui and her, but just on Kamui, for this chapter along with the numerous scenes we've seen by now.

    Re-edited to shorten this thing a bit.

  10. Gosh, you have such pinpointed nitpicks.

    Anyway, I'll bet that most - if not all - of the "new" classes will be translated to be their familiar name when they come overseas. "Trueblade" to "Swordmaster", "Revenant Knight" to "Wyvern Knight", etc.

    Trueblade possibly, but going from Wyvern Knight to Revenant Knight? I can't see that being a random change. "Wyvern master" or something like that could have been used if they just wanted a different name for the same thing. But Revenant?

    Also, the archer sprite looks the same to me...

  11. It's not a player created avatar, it's a choice between two different main characters. You have Toya (Male protag) and Calvina (Female protag). If you pick Toya, he becomes playable on like turn 3 of the first stage, if you choose Calvina she becomes playable on turn 1 of Stage 2. If you pick Toya, Calvina will not appear in the game. Likewise if you pick Calvina, Toya will not appear in the game. Whichever one you pick is the main character of the story.

    Well it seems a bit different, but point taken. I can definitely think of characters creations that happen after you've been playing for some time(TES pretty much), but my issue here is that that would give a lot of importance to Aqua right off the bat. They've been pretty clear about the fact that Kamui is the main character, and it's already hard enough to believe from time to time. I don't know.

    Hmm, theorying here, but this could happen. You play as Aqua in this prologue (or maybe even tutorial) and elarn the game. Then the game goes through its ebginning sequence and ends with Garon grabbing you and saying how he'll raise you blablabla. It's then that you're taken to the character customization screen. This actually works more as a tutorial since I'm pretty sure that's Sakura at the right and I'm not sure I can logically fit her in a prologue w/o any other Hoshido siblings for story purposes (assuming we see all the playable characters in that chapter).

    Yeah, I kinda did imply that it was impossible. I don't think it is, just rather unlikely. But it could work.

    There are also Kamui, Felicia, and Great Knight guy, so it's enough for a group-split. Aqua joins in this map because she has 0 XP. I don't see the problem here. Either way, I think we both agree that this map takes place before the route split.

    I'm not sure I'm understanding you. but if you mean a group split on this very map, that'd be implying that theNnohr Jeigan would cooperate with Hoshido, and I can't see it happening at this point honestly. Aqua does join this map, my point was that it was more of a special chapter where she's there as the leader, but then leaves, and probably doesn't rejoign before the path split; which would technically be the moment she "joins" Kamui, since he/she wasn't there before.

    The last part yes, I think that's pretty much guaranteed.

    Interesting observation. That map looks to me like Hoshido is under attack, so maybe this is the Prologue as others have said.

    If you look at Aqua's status screen on that same page she has a crown by her name, which I've speculated is to show who has lord status. We haven't actually seen anyone else's status screen iirc except Kamui's, who also had a crown, so there's not much to support this. But it might hint that there will be some chapters where the commander is someone other than Kamui (pls have Marx/Ryouma chapters).

    Oh hey, didn't notice the crown. Just like you said it doesn't really prove anything, but still.

  12. I have a suspicion that that is the white-haired butler from Hoshido. He could be a healer of sorts.

    I must admit that I didn't consider that. thing is, he has a weapon in the official art from the box cover, though you actually can't see it on the boxes themselves. Plus Elize from Nohr is playable in this picture.

    To which unit are you referring to in this picture?

    I mean, the one at the top looks like Femui, the one at the far left on the bottom looks like it could be male or female, the cavalier we've seen before, and the other one is probably Elise.

    Well the one that has an ugly red square around it really. And yes, it could be male or female, but, "young looking unit carrying a staff" sounds pretty female to me. I did try to express the fact that I wasn't sure, though.

    Also yes, the others are Kamui, ???su and Elise.

  13. Aqua definitely joins before the route split because you can see her on the battle near the bridge. The party could very well have been split into two since we only see a portion of the map here, we can barely see any enemy either. It's also possible that you'll be able to control Aqua in a few maps as the commander until she and Kamui encounter each other.

    The bridge battle takes place after the split though. Also I find it unlikely that there has been much movement involved, considering that Aqua hasn't got any experience from anything, not even singing(unless we assume it no longer gives experience, but that's another problem). If you meant from the beginning, well I don't think one can argue against the fact that this is a very early chapter, so a team split sounds unlikely. I also don't know about her being the leader for any other chapter. We only have 5 to get both Kamui and the player to know about the two country. That's already pretty short.

    Edit: I think I get what you mean about the bridge battle actually. Still, she may join through plot right before that.

    The first one is something that I've seen in other non FE SRPG's, notably SRT-J.

    Is the player created character the main protagonist in those? That's an honest question.

  14. ^It's assumed to be tied to damage inflicted/received. Like, if the damage received is more than 50% of its health, the look will be distressed. The enemy seems to have these too. The idea could probably use some more theorizing though.

    If Kamui's not there and Aqua has 0 exp, this could be a prologue chapter.

    Also. But the thing is, that would either mean that you'd create an avatar and then not play it right away, or that the creation takes place after said prologue. The second one sounds possible, but I felt that it was too much of an assumption to make.

  15. Okay, see that image on the page with all the information about Aqua, that shows that scenery we hadn't seen yet? Interestingly, Kamui cannot be seen in it. The very first idea that would come to mind, considering how close your units are to one another, is that he's hidden by the command box, so I went ahead and tried to determine how much truth there could be in that:


    So obviously it's approximative, considering there's perspective in this game, but it gives a rough idea. The red squares are where he cannot be because we'd see him or he'd be standing on that obstacle on the right, while the blue ones are where it's hard to determine wether or not said obstacle or perspective would allow him to stand/ not be visible. The green one seems completely possible.

    So pretty much the point is, there's a very good possibility that Kamui isn't there at all.

    Another interesting point is that we can see that Aqua is at level 1 with 0 xp and an E in lances. It is also to be noted that apart from this one, Aqua is only seen as playable on chapters that likely happen after the sixth for numerous reasons. What I'm trying to say is, this may be a chapter that introduces you to Hoshido, before Kamui meets up with them. Although it's just a theory of course. Put it on the pile

    Also it's a detail, but you can see a glimpse of an unknown green unit with purple hair(?) on the lower left.

  16. We don't know if butler guy and blue maid are playable just yet though, or Marx, Leon and Ryouma for that matter. Apart from that, Awakening has a lot of optional children characters, which apparently isn't the case of If, but I'm still pretty sure there's a lot of playable units we have yet to see. Basically all of the visuals we got seem to take place fairly early in the game.

    Also everyone forgets that poor... girl.


    Aside from her(?) I think you've got them all.

  17. If I'm to believe this


    In the end he's just a nice, insecure guy. I tend to like these characters, as long as they don't complain all the time, which maybe won't be the case here?

    As for being an archer... balancing seems to maybe have been an important part of the development process this time around, so... they'll be good this time around... maybe...?

  18. Damn, I can't make it out either, and it's bugging me like hell. The way I interpret it, he's saying something along the lines of "if you're really going to fight for Hoshido, this older brother...(and then an imperative -te form)" something, although don't take my word for it, since I've got zero experience in translating from Japanese to English. Christ, I need to step up my studies if I'm to play this game in Japanese.

    After trying to rebuild it character by character myself, I'm getting something along the lines of "If you want to join Hoshido, you have to defeat me", though that's simplistic and possibly wrong.

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