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Everything posted by DefyingFates

  1. I would LOVE that! Maybe the CYL Heroes could be map/ quest rewards a la the Sacred Seal Quests at 3* or 4*, please IS with the Banner giving them out at 5*? That seems awfully generous but I would hope they'd do something different for CYL (though I'm keeping my expectations low as per @Ice Dragon's advice. My bad! Sorry guys (and thanks @Tybrosion!) "One can hope" indeed. I really do wish we can get at least one of the Heroes for free (or at least as a reward)...
  2. Having four Reds would be complete hell for someone looking for a specific hero though :P I wouldn't be surprised if they all got different weapons (canon or not) for that alone. Who knows, maybe they may get themed weapons a la Seasonal Heroes? Themes after something to do with gratitude or patience perhaps?
  3. Somehow I only just realised this will be our fourth Lucina! I guess [Single Character] Emblem is finally gonna happen, huh? Also, (as samey as it would be) what if Roy keeps his sword? If Lyn gets a bow, Lucina an lance and Ike an axe the four still have different colours in this banner. inb4 they all get completely random weapons a la Seasonal Banners
  4. I'll admit I'm not as invested in this either, but I'm curious to see what happens with it (and especially to see if all the hype will pay off). That said, FE7 was my second FE and I still don't have a Lyn, so I may pull from this banner for that (but if she is a bow user I sure hope they do something about colourless hell).
  5. Huh, good catch! I figured that would be the case (with regards to Summer). I also didn't consider the possibility that we'd learn about the Sacred Coins so soon (I have no idea why :P) And while this is going off topic, where does your profile image come from, Silith?
  6. CYL was supposed to be in summer so they're cutting it pretty close. Also, looks like IS really was trying to bait all our Orbs away before this hit :P As naive as it is to believe this, I wish we could get at least one of these Heroes for free Link:
  7. I hope me posting here is okay: I was going to make a new topic but would have had more or less the same title and asked the same thing as the OP verbatim so...sorry for the necropost! I just wanted to ask if there's been any progress on a fan translation for this game. I'm fine if it's just for the opening; I'd just like to get a feel for the game before the official English release. Thanks in advance!
  8. I wouldn't go that far - I love Modern Sonic's games :) But yeah, hopefully one day! Especially with the huge amount of feedback Aaron got at the party last year :D To stay on topic, I've decided to hold onto my Orbs until we get another SS Banner, or any other that catches my interest~
  9. Thanks @Cute Chao! It's a shame you haven't been in any games since SA2 :/
  10. That's a good catch, thank you :P I guess I will hold off then, and start saving up for the next banner to really catch my interest. Thanks again, to both of you!
  11. Sacred Stones! Woohoo! This convinced me to get a hang of the game through Lackey :) Since this set is meant to celebrate the twins in both SS and FEW, I wonder if Eirika and Ephraim will show up (as DLC or otherwise) in FEW: it would be a neat way of having Rowan and Shianna reflect on their own relationship in a game all about bonds, right IS *hint hint*?
  12. Fair points. I never thought cold hard logic could hurt so much even though it's what I wanted to hear :P At the risk of going off-topic: why is everyone so confident about FE8 being a big part of FEH's immediate future? Is it because the "obvious" choices weren't in this banner (e.g. Joshua, L'arachel)? After all, until Valter was announced (and moreso this banner's announcement), IS' ignorance of Sacred Stones was so rampant it was a meme! As for the previous Tempest Trials, I figured the first was Awakening for its popularity (and for being a lot of people's first FE) and the next two were Echoes because it was the newest FE. I've said this before but I don't see FE8 joining their ranks before the likes of Tellius or Elibe. As anyone viewing this site in desktop view can see, my favourite game is SS so I hope you understand that I'm asking because I don't want to be hurt after getting my hopes up. On the bright side, Magvel is featuring in the next Cipher set (if only to pair Eirika/ Ephraim with Rowan/ Shianna) so clearly IS has remembered FE8 exists :P Anyway, to bring this back on-topic: I've seen one or two people suggesting Myrrh would be a red unit if she shows up: why is that? As I recall she has the Wind element, so wouldn't that make her green? (Not that I'd complain if she was red - the only red Dragon I have is a 3* Adult Tiki).
  13. Quick question before the banner ends: how good is Tana? I finally got Amelia after a pity rate of 4.50, only have 19 Orbs right now and am well aware that trying for Tana means I either need ridiculous luck with the Orbs I'll have by the end of the month or I'll need to spend real money. So in other words, I guess what I'm asking is: is Tana worth potentially spending real money on? I know some of you are whales but I'm a F2P player so please keep that in mind D:
  14. I can imagine, wow... What was your pity rate, if any?
  15. So...do you sell luck? Who did you sell your soul to? Can we leech the luck out of you? After days of trying and a pity rate of 4.50 I finally pulled a Focus Hero on the SS Banner: a +HP/-DEF Amelia! Is that a good Nature? (Though at this point I'm just glad to have her at all :P) Is Tana worth getting now? I only have 14 Orbs - I can probably get more from the TT before it ends but also want to save up for future banners, especially with the pity rate reset. I'm also relieved I won't have to spend real money to get my second SS character but now kinda want a third...
  16. I beat Lunatic! My team was the same as my initial post and I pulled it off by getting Eirika's hands dirty early on and, despite common sense, sending Faye and Olivia to the right to deal with the flying reinforcements. After that both halves of my team reunited just inside the bottom segment of the map, switching sides so Faye and Olivia could finish off the last Axe Cavalier from the south and Corrin could finish off the Red Mage that spawns in the north east corner. ...needless to say I won't be bothering with Lunatic for a few days yet :P
  17. I have S!Lucina with Blarblade but I picked Corrin mainly so she can go to the corner (first square on the left, 3rd row) and bait the red mage without getting hit by the Firesweep Lance), but I'll make the switch if need be (now that you mention it there are quite a few archers on the map...) As for Eirika, maybe I just have terrible IVs but I've noticed having her around makes it easier to kill enemies in one hit. I haven't had luck with other sword units but I'll try some stuff out. --- As for what happens to me, usually one of two things: 1. I try to gather everyone up in the top left corner to get buffed by Eirika and end up surrounded, with either the Panic Ploy Cavalier killing Corrin or the Axe Flier that spawns in the top right doubling and killing Faye. 2. I end up getting my team divided to avoid getting swarmed (Eirika and Corrin by the left entrance, the others on the right entrance) and Faye gets overwhelmed by melee units anyway. I tried using Hector to act as a shield but he gets killed by axes. I also keep forgetting about Panic Ploy, which is silly but gets my units nerfed and ready to be slaughtered (another reason why 2 happens - which is daft, I know :P) In my aforementioned "Turn 6" example, I managed to kill Valter and was on the final round of reinforcements (I think - no one spawned on my last turn) but miscalculated and got Faye killed by that flier. I noticed my 4* Clarisse has better stats than Faye save a lower Res, which doesn't seem too bad since Valter doesn't have many mages so am currently getting her SP up to learn Brave Bow as well. --- I guess screenshots would be best but does this help?
  18. I'm using my full buffer Eirika, Blarblade S!Corrin, 4* Olivia and Faye with Brave Bow. I can get to Turn 6 on Lunatic but no further. Any advice, please?
  19. My Horse Emblem team is Xander (Hone Cavalry), Camus (Fortify Cavalry), Cecilia (Gronnblade, NOT +) and 4* Olivia (with a vanilla 4* Berkut for TT). My Blade Emblem is Eirika with the Fortify Res Seal and Rally Defense with Nino, Tharja and either S!Lucina or S!Corrin (both with standard Blarblade). Apart from Olivia I have a 5* Ninian and my only Lv 40 archers are 5* Faye and 4* Clarisse. I've heard good things about Corrin and archers, so wanted to know: what is my best team to challenge Valter Lunatic? (I also have 5* Lucina +1, Hector, Ryoma, Nowi, F!Corrin and 5* Legion for my other heavy hitters, if that helps.) P.S. I have some 3* Eliwoods and a 3* Jagen to inherit other Cavalry skills from.
  20. ... ... ... ...in my defense, I was panicking and only read the second half of the page, though now I see that two of you answered the question asked at the very top. ... ...shh.
  21. Shouldn't we still be getting Orbs from the 6-month anniversary event? I haven't been getting any for a few days now... (maybe 4?)
  22. I feel I should clarify that I love Sacred Stones and just want a patch to freshen up the experience :P
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