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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. It was fun reading everyone's predictions for Emblem abilities for Engage so why not do so here since we're essentially doing that on easy mode (we know what the Emblems do in Engage after all). And how do you think they'll be released? I assume Eirika and Leif will be last as in Engage and we'll probably get the 3H Bracelets before the second half of the Rings, but we'll see.

    • To start, given the heavy sword bias in the vanilla Emblems I wonder if IS will take any chance they can to give us non-sword Emblems: for example Sigurd with a personal Brave Lance/ Ridersbane? His Emblem Special is probably the easiest to predict: a mix of his Holy Aura abilities in FEH to give his partner +1 Mov and/ or Canto.
    • Celica will probably get a Njorun's Zeal type limited Galeforce effect.
    • Micaiah might get a map-wide Ardent Sacrifice (limiting her partner's loss to 10 HP to not screw you over).
    • Roy will obviously give everyone access to Divine Vein Flame, maybe even with as big a range as in Engage itself.

    One I'm curious about is Leif. The best I can think of is some kind of WTA neutralizer and/ or "target the lower of foe's Def/ Res" for his partner's Specials.

    And so on. What do you think? The Emblems being locked to monthly banners sucks, but the idea is a really cool one! I just wish we could clone skills with them like Rearmed/ Attuned Heroes...


  2. 4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    This can also be run with Arcane Eljudnir [Atk / Def] with Pledge in the C slot and the Spd skills swapped for Def versions were possible.


    Sword Infantry [+Atk]
    Arcane Eljudnir [Atk / Def]
    Ruptured Sky / No Quarter
    Atk/* Finish 4 / Atk/* Prime 4
    Null C-Disrupt 4 / */Def Tempo 4 / Phys. Null Follow / Spurn 4 / Potent 4
    Atk/* Pledge / Atk/* Oath 4 / Incite Atk/*
    [any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/*] / Distant Counter (M) / Null Follow-Up 3

    Despite not running Spd, the Spd-based B skills are still usable on Arcane Eljudnir builds because of their secondary effects. And for units with middling Spd, you can still activate the Dodge effect from Spurn 4 against slower units.

    I take it this is better for og!Eirika (than anything with Devourer) against current threats due to the follow up mechanics in Eljudnir? Unfortunately the only B skills I have of these are Phys. Null Follow and A!Nino's Spd/Def Tempo 4. I admit combining the former's FU tweaking with Eljudnir's sounds fun though. She'd need a +Atk refine to do anything, but since Clashes and Clashes don't seem too important anymore I hope there's nothing to fear from using Chrom and Lif to chain fodder other A skills around.

    4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Sword Infantry [+Spd]
    Arcane Devourer [Spd]
    Vital Astra / No Quarter / Ruptured Sky
    Atk/Spd Finish 4 / Atk/Spd Prime 4
    Spurn 4 / Spd/Def Tempo 4 / Potent 4
    Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Incite Atk/Spd / Time's Pulse 4
    [any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd] / Distant Counter (M)

    I'll likely go with either this or the Gambit build for Lapis by giving R!Chrom No Quarter and Atk/Spd Prime 4. 5 skills is still too limited for SI these days, but I should be able to get Vital Astra and Atk/Spd Oath 4 from other units. If only we had a Rearmed melee infantry unit!

    EDIT: I have a A!Fir so I could use someone other than Chrom and do something like this:

    4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Sword Infantry [+Spd]
    Arcane Devourer [Spd]
    Atk/Spd Finish 4 / Atk/Spd Prime 4
    Gambit 4
    Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Incite Atk/Spd / Pulse Up: Blades
    [any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd] / Distant Counter (M)

    Sorry for being all over the place with this! I should check how many "cloning Heroes" I have and see who's better to inherit what.

    4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    However, unless you actually use her on enemy phase for anything more than clean-up (or baiting enemies with strong enemy phases, but weak player phases), I don't think she actually needs the stat boost from Prime 4 on enemy phase. Her refined weapon already gives her a comically high +15 Spd at minimum, so she can afford to have an ineffective A skill on enemy phase against the things you're probably using her against. If you're grabbing No Quarter off of a Rearmed skill duplicator, then there are better things to prioritize over Prime 4. Flared Sparrow and Surge Sparrow are both significantly better than Prime 4 on player phase, where you're probably using her more.

    Thank you very much! I believe you said A!Peony was worth using to clone skills since her own aren't that good, correct? To be honest I'm tempted to just keep Surge Sparrow on her, but I can put Flared Sparrow on her too.

    New question if I may (sorry again for all this!): with HF!Corrin confirmed for the next HoF am I right to assume her best skills are Atk/Res Scowl + Counter Roar (and I guess Incite Atk/Spd or Atk/Spd Oath 4)? Thanks in advance!

  3. 40 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    The same reason people go ''So precious must protect!'' about Marianne is the exact same reason they have contempt for Ignatz. 

    Yeah. The worst part is Ignatz is at least more natural: he has low-esteem but also accepts there are things he can do. Marianne just sits around feeling sorry for herself all the time which just gets frustrating. Fast. If anything, Bernie fans will move onto someone else from 3H. That part of the fandom just circulates within that bubble it seems - which makes sense given 3H seems to be the only FE they played. (Granted I'm only going off of all the gaming channels and their fans who said as much when Engage came out.)

  4. 42 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I don't particularly love Three Houses, which with its excess of filler content burnt me out before even completing a single one of its campaigns. I took a months-long break around 75% through my one route - Golden Deer - and that was it for me. However I freely acknowledge that its shortcomings are the result of an earnest attempt to advance the series, even if in the end most of those innovations failed to improve the actual gameplay

    In all seriousness, if this scares IS into making Three Houses' expies for the rest of time I hope they at least retain Engage's amazing gameplay and visuals (by which I mean graphical fidelity and color palette, relax Alear haters :P)

    42 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I wonder if the focus on and idealisation of the Japanese setting made it harder to relate to than the bog-standard medieval fantasy of other FE games.

    Which is a shame because after so many years of vaguely European settings, I'd love to see IS set an entire game somewhere else instead of just making one part of it foreign to the rest.

    As for the failed Engage sweep, color me surprised that the votes were spread out too far to help anyone in particular! I wonder how this will affect next year's CYLs. With the possible exception of M!Byleth and Sylvain, I don't think there are any blatant 3H favorites left (unless Dorothea still can't get a main pool variant by then) while Engage fans might double down on Yunaka and/ or Ivy. To be fair I had my doubts about any of the guys having enough star power to win but I was sure those two had the female division on lock. That part in particular had me more surprised than anything else.

    Still rooting for Lyon to win one day though, he's creeping up each year!

  5. 5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Probably Hinoka right? At least in terms of power/utility

    That's the one, thanks!

    5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    How many Edelgards will be in the VG I wonder? Maybe two of them will face off in the first round to get her at least one victory. 😛

    Preferably none, but I'm sure we'll see the Winter and either the Fallen or Summer versions because people just see Edelgard and click without any more thought.

  6. 1 hour ago, Namero said:

    Ugh... ANOTHER new hero type already? It's only been a few months since they introduced attuned heroes, of which we have gotten a whopping grand total of three, and now they go and throw in yet another one...

    It is really early, but to play devil's advocate: this seems to be how they're celebrating Engage's anniversary after pretending it didn't exist for most of 2023 and we get a new Hero type a year already. Actually, I'm curious if we'll get another type during the next TT+ or not.

    1 hour ago, Namero said:

    What do merges for them affect exactly?

    More stats for the Engagee. Each of an Emblem's 10 merges acts like a bonus Dragonflower on the ally.

    14 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

     Who are you guys voting for AHR? Or who do you think that has a chance? I still have 0 clue of who I'll vote for, didn't vote yesterday and didn't go throught the options to refresh my mind about the recent good units.

    I'm going to split my votes between N!Sanaki (nuke + sisters) and Kvasir (fodder). AHR starting early means E!Marth isn't eligible. I wonder if that was intentional?

    The general playerbase will likely vote for some combination of those two, Wind Claude, Gullveig, L!Elincia and another Legendary I can't remember at the moment, if you want more ideas.

  7. Now we have a grand total of one new SI slot (I'm still bitter about that) I'd like to ask what og!Eirika's best build is. I have both Arcane Swords ready to go, but since they're both on cavs I don't know how much I can pass from them to her. Eirika's not fast enough for Devourer, is she?

    P.S. I know I asked this earlier, but am I correct in saying B!Eirika's best build at the moment is:

    No Quarter + [Flared Sparrow/ Surge Sparrow] + Moonlight Bangle + Incite Atk/Spd (+ Atk/Spd Catch as a S skill)?

    I'm considering giving her Atk/Spd Prime along with No Quarter, but DC (M) makes me pause even if I don't think she values the DC effect.

    Thank you all as always!

    If I have 11 copies of Lapis I'll ask for her best build too, though I imagine it starts with Vital Astra + Arcane Devourer + Atk/Spd Finish. Thanks again!

  8. 26 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    FE Warriors is the worst Switch game I have ever been fooled into buying

    At least Hopes has likable OCs?

    26 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    so I'll take it on faith that he gains more depth there.

    tl;dr is that he has to grow up sooner, so stops being so cruel to Dimitri and the others and does stuff other than train and being a haughty teen. The same happens to Sylvain for that matter. He's actually likable instead of being a complete and utter creep with rare moments of insight.

    But both those things are a huge shame when CYL is almost certainly going to use their Houses counterparts unless they need excuses for more Rearmed/ Ascended alts.

    34 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

    I almost thought the Three Houses dominance was over after last year, but nope. Three Houses still holds half the CYL places since its release, which is insane.

    screams into arm

  9. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

    I found both 3H winners here fairly insufferable

    I go back and forth on Felix (it helps that his Hopes version is more well-rounded) but Bernie: I know she's popular but apart from putting flowers on Jeralt's grave the only "appreciation" I hear for her are people fetishizing her mental illness. I just hope we get some creative builds for them, but unlike Byleth and Marianne these two are only known for swordplay and archery respectively, so I won't get my hopes up. At best Felix will be a Mortal Savant but I doubt it.

    I said this in the Feh Channel thread too, but I'm so mad we got even more 3H winners. At least the potential Engage sweep had a bunch of interesting characters and build ideas. I'll just take my Alfonse and dip unless the others have useful skills to fodder.

  10. 4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    So not only did Ivy (or literally anyone from Engage) not win, but two TH characters did win. Thanks, I despise this.

    Same here. I'm happy for Felix and Bernie fans, but MORE 3H winners? They have 9 now! And after so much 3H bloat? At this point I'm sick of the game as a whole just by principle. I'm glad Alfonse got some focus though. Unless those two have some insane fodder I'll just get him, maybe Robin and call it a day.

    Emblem Heroes look really fun! I'm sad it took so long for them to do anything with the mechanic in FEH but better late than never. Marth is eligible for AHR, isn't he? I'll hold off on pulling until we get some Emblems I'm more fond of. I wouldn't be surprised if we get Bond Rings or other Emblems altogether later on, though I'm curious how group Emblems like the House Leaders will work.

    As for the thing I was waiting for: the SI increase - but only to 5? We have far too many premium skills in the pool for that to be worth it, what the heck? We should have at least gotten 6 (my pipe dream was 8), but it's better than nothing I suppose. I wanted a HoF fix too, but I'm skeptical of how well the described change will work.

  11. 2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Alear could have one of the Emblem transformation as Brave version... that would be neat. Although, I can see them going with this for Alear (spoilers from Engage):

    For Diamant and Ivy, I would expect this (spoilers from Engage):

    Yeah, that's the safest bet and unlike the 3H character literally just getting their promoted outfits (save Lysithea getting a slight recolor) those have only been seen in art so far. It'd be nice if they got some extra features at the very least though, like references to their aides/ families.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Verty interesting that they shared the Top 5 for each title as well. I am actually glad that even though Nidhoggr is top 5 most voted Heroes character she is not in the Top 20, so her chances of winning are quite low.

    So... if we consider the possibility of a Engage Sweep (all 4 CYL units beging from Engage), and considering that we also have the top 5 most voted for each title... Right now, a Full Engage CYL would be:

    Males Division:

    • Alear
    • Diamant

    Female Division (two of the three names below):

    • Alear
    • Ivy
    • Yunaka


    Count me one of the people surprised Alcryst or Alfred weren't in the top two. While everyone expected Ivy and Yunaka, I'm surprised F!Alear's with them. I like her and wanted her to win but I assumed that was a CYL9 dream at best. I'm glad Lyon is still in the top 20 and Veyle made it in too. I'm fond of the dragon twins from the DLC, but I imagine them being DLC (and said DLC being rushed out the door) isn't doing them any favors. Oh well.

    I'm curious to see where this ends up. An Engage Sweep would be pretty weird, but IS seems to have learned their lesson from how utterly boring CYL 4 was so I'm hoping we get some fun kits. Of course it helps that all four of these characters have vastly different temperaments compared to all four winners being stoic to various degrees (even Claude and Lysithea were depicted as such for the most part).

    Oh, also: if we do get an Engage sweep I also hope the web event is something fun and not just a glorified advert for Engage - or if it is (and Engage needs it unlike 3H) they make it fun and not the cringey snoozefest that was the House leaders giving powerpoint presentations on why their nation was the best...

  13. 6 minutes ago, vikingsfan92 said:

    One thing I find interesting is they are allowing votes for Kvasir and Seior but not Masked Marth or flame emperor who are in similar boats. Seior has a more legitimate argument to be voteable as she is more of her own chacter but Kvasir tells us pretty close to meeting her that she is to become Gullveig.

    I like Seior and Kvasir but not sure if they should be voteable after Gullveig's win and book 7 making it clear they are the same person at diffrent points in time when Masked Marth and Flame emperor are not voteable.

    Seidr and Kvasir are distinct enough from Gullveig to still be legible while the others are just the same person in a mask. IS' rules have always made that distinction (hence Y! and A!Tiki being separate options).

  14. 6 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I actually think that's doubtful.

    I was referring to Gatekeeper being added a year after the other 3H cast and sweeping in the process, but in all seriousness I don't think a mascot character will make it onto CYL. It's not like Feh's been added to the Heroes' part of the poll, after all.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    **No Sommie too, which is pretty surprising.

    Sommie's coming next year.

    In hindsight I shouldn't have been surprised CYL was so early given the livestream is also coming early, but oh well. As always I'm going all in for Lyon but I also want to make another account to vote for some combination of Veyle, Nel and Alear from Engage, though I know they're fighting an uphill battle with Ivy and Yunaka (and Lyon has no chance whatsoever against the male Engage Lords unless he's high in the midterms and gets boosted by them - assuming we don't get another alphabetical order thing again).

    Best of luck, everyone!

    58 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Engage has only 51 characters, which is less than every title except Sacred Stones, the non-Academy 3Hs ones and TMS.

    Fewer people to clog up the system in future years as 3H did, at least.

  16. 9 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Ryoma's next scheduled re-run matches up with the Fates HoF in February - refer to the chart here. Ryoma is the only Fates unit scheduled for February, but I suppose it's not impossible that either of the the Fates units scheduled for January (Corrin and Azura) get immediately run again the next month. Either way, we'll find out once this month's Remix banners go up.

    I didn't realize that site was a thing, thank you so much! It looks like Ryoma really will be the HoF Legendary. Thanks again!

  17. 2 hours ago, Florete said:

    Far Trace 4's extra damage is great, but there is actually a negative side to it compared to Far Trace 3: Canto always activates. With level 3 you can use full move to not trigger canto, get refreshed somehow, then attack again and canto. I do this pretty regularly with Duo Lyn: 2 move attack -> duo skill refresh -> attack and canto away. Far Trace 4 won't allow that.

    Yeah, it bugs me that we can't just choose to stay in place after moving to save the Canto for later. I really like using your trick for N!Corrin for example, making the most of her 3-mov when retreating is incredibly useful.

  18. I'm amazed the GHB has a Prf weapon and one with both a brave effect and cooldown charge to boot! The new demote dancer is great too and as was said it's nice to have more Rockslide fodder. Getting not only two healers but with premium kits is lovely as well and I even appreciate S/R Far Trace 4 not being as busted as other Tier 4 skills. Yeah, it's unfortunate Reinhardt memed his way into being the face of FE5 but overall this looks like a solid banner in terms of both unit types/ skills and characters chosen... as someone who admittedly doesn't know much of Thracia and has all but given up on gender balance being a thing anymore.

  19. 23 hours ago, Rinco said:

    I'm looking for a good B skill for scoring in Arena to give to L!M!Byleth and most of what I have seems redundant, so it feels a waste of fodder. Skills I have:

    - Escape Route 4
    - Special Spiral 4
    - Mag Null FollowUp
    - Null C 4

    I think I'm better of waiting for something better. Is there something I'm overlooking that would make any of these skills fit him?

    What other skills does he have? Sublime Heaven already has DR negation so Mag NFU would be redundant on him.

    I think I already asked this before, but would Golden Yule Bow be good on S!Elincia + Deadeye? Spd/Def Hold's in-combat debuff doesn't count as a "Penalty", does it? Thanks as always!

  20. 4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It depends on how stingy you want to be with Atk Oath Echo.

    The absolute best use of the skill is to give it to infantry that are forced to run Time's Pulse 4 or Infantry Pulse 4 and fliers that are running Deadly Miasma.

    Running it on a flier with Hold is okay, but you'll get more mileage out of Oath 4 + Death Blow Echo instead. Atk/Spd Oath 4 + Death Blow Echo is +13/9 offenses, while Spd/Def Hold + Atk Oath Echo is only +10/4 offenses.


    It's also worth noting that fast units will generally want the not-yet-released Spd Oath Echo instead of Atk Oath Echo with one notable exception: If you're running the team with a dancer that has Attuned Peony's Rockslide Dance 4, Atk Oath Echo ensures that the stat bonuses won't overlap. (This is why Peony has this exact combo of skills when she herself would have preferred to have Spd Oath Echo instead.)

    I'll keep Elincia away from the X skills then, thanks! When would an Infantry unit be "forced" to run TP or IP4 though?

    4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Once one exists, yes. If you don't run Prescience, then you ideally want Flared Mirror or Still Water 4 in the A slot and Remote Atk Echo or Remote Res Echo in the X slot.

    And thank you again! Hopefully whoever comes with those Remote skills comes with Flared Mirror too to save me some foddering time.

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