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Everything posted by tacticianwhite

  1. I will be playing F!Byleth in all my runs...so I think I may just end up pairing her up with the House leader for that playthrough.
  2. I can't say I'm totally excited or hyped for this game (not to the extent of Fates, at least), but I am really looking forward to it. Now if only NoA would actually bother advertising the game...
  3. First off, I agree partly with zuibangde. While I personally like Dorothea so far from what we know about her, the JoJo memes have started to become incredibly overdone and annoying (and they have been for quite awhile). It doesn't help much that her hat doesn't even look all that similar to Jotaro's at all. Another unpopular opinion of mine is in regards to Echoes: It is a decent game at absolute BEST. Sure, it looks great, sounds great, but it doesn't PLAY great. While I actually quite like the dungeon exploration, the maps are a chore to play through. Cantors are extremely annoying, and the desert and swamp maps are an absolute bore. Plus, I would argue that even the story isn't that great. There are far too few Supports (and yes, while Awakening and especially Fates have far too many, having too little is still a flaw). That one plot twist (you know the one) has terrible foreshadowing, and the villain's plan is poorly thought out, too. And don't get me started on how Celica is treated compared to Alm. Overall, it is probably my least favorite Fire Emblem game next to revelation.
  4. I'm not nearly as hyped for this game as I was with Fates, but I am definitely looking forward to it. Enough that I bought the Special Edition, at least.
  5. Probably Golden Deer. While his house doesn't have my favorite students design wise (that goes to Dimitri's house), Claude himself has a design I really, really like. And his house is made up mostly of commoners compared to the Black Eagles and Blue Lions, so I think that's kind of interesting. Plus as silly as this might be, with all the jokes about this game being like Harry Potter...I was placed in Hufflepuff, Claude's house is yellow, so yeah.
  6. I really like the idea of choosing which House you will be teaching (and this time, without having to buy a different version for each House). I think that can lead to a lot of replayability. Being able to change your class whenever you want is really convenient (and one of the things I really liked about, say, Bravely Default). And as the one person who actually enjoyed the dungeon crawling in Echoes, I like that we'll be able to freely run around and explore the academy.
  7. I'd like to see how f!Byleth looks in game. But I doubt we'll ever see much of that in trailers since IS kind of likes to ignore the female option... Also, I'd like to see how Supports (or maybe Base Conversations?) will work, too.
  8. Managed to get a copy from Amazon yesterday. Really happy about that. Unfortunately I'll have to wait a few days after the release date before my copy comes in.
  9. It definitely looks really fun. It's honestly a big reason why I'm now saving up for a Switch. But I wonder how Japanese fans feel about the controversies?
  10. If I can ask here... For Cynthia, what ending class might be better for her? Her dad's +Mag/-Str Robin. It's between Dark Flier and Sage; Dark Flier provides better movement, but Sage has higher Mag, although her Mag right now is already pretty great.
  11. "Absolutely necessary", huh? Personally I think Sumia should have replaced Cordelia if that was the case, and saved her for DLC. Unfortunate. As for the characters that I can see as DLC...or at least somewhat likely... Fates: Azura definitely, Charlotte (decently popular, 9th most popular female), ??? Awakening: Tharja, Gauis, ??? Shadow Dragon: Minerva, Draug, Camus (Honestly I've never played SD so I know little about it, but these seem like pretty popular characters. Especially Minerva?)
  12. Nice. I missed your first stream, but I should be able to catch this one!
  13. Yeah, the twins' designs are growing on me, or at the very least Lianna's. I think the only thing I'd change would be to not make their hair quite so...vibrant? Bright?
  14. I'm going to stay updated. I don't have a Switch, and I most likely won't for quite some time. So I want to see what this game is like without having to wait months.
  15. My guess is because--at least with Rhajat--at one point during the S support, she said she wished she was a man. To Treehouse, that might have come across as homophobic, but...they could have removed only that part, and everything would have been fine. Getting rid of the entire Support was...pretty unnecessary.
  16. Does anyone have Savage Blow/Death Blow on Velouria?
  17. Ah. I have it, actually: https://pastebin.com/e5fpH6m6 I will admit that the C and B parts still may be....off-putting, but the A and S parts are really good. Honestly I'm probably making it a bigger deal than it is, so I apologize if that's the case.
  18. Might I suggest the Japanese version of F!Corrin x Rhajat? That one handled Rhajat's character a lot better I feel. Even if she did still start out kind of creepy, she was not like that for the entire Support, and it's what probably made me like her better than Tharja.
  19. copying the post I made on reddit I feel like Xander gets way too much hate-- I think he's one of the better written characters in Fates. ...and as a whole, I prefer the Nohr siblings much more over the Hoshido siblings. I disliked Conquest's story the least. Obviously apart from how she treats Noire and Robin, I don't find Tharja to be that bad of a character(in fact, she's one of my favorites of the Awakening cast). Also, I rather like Rhajat and she is one of my favorite Fates kids. Really, my problem with her is that Treehouse completely got rid of her unique Support with F!Corrin, which I thought was really good and cute. TMS#FE is a fun, enjoyable game. I prefer Awakening and Fates over Echoes. While I have my complaints with how Treehouse handled the localization (as one was previously mentioned), as a whole I do not consider it to be the worst thing ever, and I find people are much too harsh towards it. I do not have a problem with Celica wanting to give up her soul out of a desire to protect Alm and to free Mila, given her love for the former and her reliance on the Gods due to her upbringing. What I do have a problem with is that it eventually causes her to become a damsel in distress later, however. I liked Lyn's story. ^ also, this. I'm sure, out of all unpopular opinions here, mine are the most unpopular
  20. You two are definitely correct. Honestly, all of the games on my PS3 are low priority, Star Ocean actually being one of the lowest. I suppose they're always there if I want to play them, but you're right. Who knows when--or if ever--I'll ever finish them?
  21. My backlog is...quite large. Uh. Here you go: ...and this isn't even counting the games I'm still planning on buying (I recently picked up the two Trails of Cold Steel games, for instance). Needless to say, I think I'll be busy for a long while.
  22. While I'd LIKE to see F!Robin, I imagine we'll be getting M!Robin, since F!Robin honestly doesn't get a whole lot of representation (no amiibo, for instance). But I suppose this time I'm okay with it, since we're getting F!Corrin.
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