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Everything posted by Xanek

  1. Some anon in /feg/ said that you get the "Swimsuit of Love" after filling all 3 big hearts... :O???
  2. Has anyone learned what happens when you get all the hearts filled with your husband/wife?
  3. ;___; poor Odin... also Lazwald and Luna both very thoughtful childs Also Frederick/Joker LOL, holy shit, best conversation. Also what's the context of these supports, like I know its unreleased DLC, but like, what brings them there?
  4. Are you sure...? It looks like it's her skin, it's just more greyish due to the light coming through the palm tree?
  5. Okay wait a second, someone on reddit said this: "Wait a second is Elise's chest completely open?" Now, by the looks of it, one would assume it would cover the important bits, but upon closer review, the positioning of it wouldn't cover said bits right?....only the flowers are covering them??
  6. Here's Soleil & LazwardLazwald? ...Not!Inigo's Support convo! FINALLY, got a reply back on /feg/ http://pastebin.com/VqApCe1K
  7. Unreleased DLC, people already got into it already, i'm guessing whatever side you're playing gives you the respective family members.
  8. Can someone link me all the female ones in 1 image again? can't seem to find it.
  9. Here's all 4 "crudely stitched" together into 1 image
  10. omg takumi... not what I was expecting.
  11. Edit: So the picture I posted had dialogue from Pieri that was cut off, idk why, so here's the full picture from 4chan, maybe someone can translate?
  12. *waiting for the 4th picture...*
  13. Holy shit, this picture from /feg/, a male beach picture appears
  14. No it's 2015 Welcome to 2016! Here's your 3DS, FE:Fates, and your complimentary Ophelia Hug Pillow. LOL, sadly this might exist, (not sadly for me). My eyes didn't override my judgement, my heart did. Edit: either the person I asked corrects some minor issues on the Nyx amie, or i'll work on it in like 10 hours, cause i'm tired and I need sleep. Hereeeessss Nyx!
  15. Here's an example with felicia... she looks quite agitated..
  16. BUT WAIT, LOOK AT MY POST AGAIN WITH THE EDIT AND THE SPOILERS, *read the above text above the spoilers before you do though* It's nsfw-ish but welcome to team ophelia
  17. Welcome to the team....? :D If you confirm that you are, then i'll put something in a spoilers. Screw it, here you go, it's nsfw-ish..., even if you aren't on the team, everyone will eventually convert. Look in my post below.
  18. Any more theories? Still don't know what prompts Aqua to dance in either version, does the dialogue before the dance explain why?
  19. They'll justify it by increasing her age... er.. maybe not, I mean, MAYBE some people will not take that in a dirty way, since I guess you could make that not sound sexual, but dirty minds are easy to trigger.. I guess she's bi? idk, if it is explained in Soleil's support with her father, doubt it, but if it does, then she is a skirt chaser just like him. Idk if she can A+ support anyone, but we'll see as time goes by and people TRANSLATE SOLEIL'S SUPPORT WITH HER FATHER >
  20. It's still from the text dump that people got when they went through the game's files, so there are a lot of unneeded symbols and letters in there, was hoping someone would be kind enough to organize and translate it.
  21. I thought he was going to sing more than that!, was disappointed
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