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Everything posted by Xanek

  1. Tumblr link works fine for me, but here's the pastebin of the convo. http://pastebin.com/EVfq5bD2 I thought there was amie text convo also, but here is a current one that /feg/ has some: http://pastebin.com/VH25QRxs They're still updating it and the current one just has them more organized, so nothing new yet. I'm not gonna let this go untranslated http://pastebin.com/6ivmdKXs Also Arynee needs to update the Ophelia one to the youtube link and remove the tinypic one. so apparently this is Soleil & Ophelia's support lines(?), got it from 4chan, and it is linked in OP on /feg/ http://pastebin.com/sEeGrGc8
  2. Yes they are, hell, Odin's support with his daughter is great. STILL WAITING FOR SOLEIL & LAZWARD TRANSLATION Q_Q *cough* http://pastebin.com/6ivmdKXs *cough*
  3. You mean OMG I WANT TO HEAR HIM SING IT PLZ!! DX OH... um.. WELL THIS IS.. um.. TO BE EXPECTED?? XD I also want a link to this.
  4. So wait, it has been shown on a stream somewhere? Where? probably misunderstanding you. or if not, has anyone said what chapter it occurs on?
  5. Anyone able to organize/translate Soleil & Lazwald's support? http://pastebin.com/6ivmdKXs <-- High Priority Edit: also here is video of Ophelia skinship on youtube, instead of the tinypic one, so you can remove the tinypic one btw... https://youtu.be/fvBRXIsgbqE?t=1h43m18s
  6. Well I found the text dump for Soleil & Lazwald... can anyone translate/organize? http://pastebin.com/6ivmdKXs
  7. Has there been any updates of translated Soleil & Lazwald lines yet, or still stuck in the dark? Been searching on /feg/ since yesterday and can't find anything on it.
  8. http://imgur.com/a/Askdo here you go
  9. If they remove Ophelia's skinship i'll go on punch a wall.
  10. Really? While I have no clue about the story, this sounds interesting, though why does she do the dance at all in both versions? Was this planned that she was going to do this? There was dialogue before & after the dance, did that tell why or is Kamui confused in both versions? Edit: someone also pointed out that in the Nohr Hoshido version he has guards behind him, is there a reason for this? Edit: i'm assuming because since you're on hoshido those are his guards to protect him, and the lack of guards for Nohr is because... you're on nohr.. Also idk how I didn't think of it, but the lyrics are completely different in the Nohr version. Anyone able to translate?
  11. Here's Ophelia 1st skinship, he hasn't put it on youtube yet, but i'll change the link when he does. https://youtu.be/fvBRXIsgbqE?t=1h43m18s Still no Soleil & Lazwald convos...
  12. Oh hey my tumblr... I found it while browsing through one of the /feg/ threads on 4chan, was trying to look for Lazwald/Ophelia support conversation, apparently no one has translated it yet? Edit: looks like Himynameismaurice just decided not!severa will marry not!owain and he'll get Ophelia... time to raid his skinship folder on dropbox soon...
  13. Plot-wise, did they explain why Aqua did the dance, like did they plan it out in both paths, or was this spontaneous by her? What was the main difference in the dialogue both before at the start of the chapter, and after before the battle-prep?
  14. Yeah, the amount that twitch loads up for the vod if you leave it there, is quite a bit of data, so a slower internet may have a tougher time loading it, since VoD's don't get quality options unless it's a highlight.
  15. The assumption sounds good enough of an answer if this was the actual answer. Though is the Nohr version more effective on Garon because of the way the dance was performed? Or does Aqua know more information about Garon than she does in the Hoshido version?
  16. I know right? The Nohr version obviously has a bigger toll on Garon health then when it is compared to the Hoshido version, which makes me think that there is a significance to it. The dancing is also really good in the Nohr version! Edit: if they had Nohr Aqua & Hoshido Aqua in their respective outfits, I would wife Nohr Aqua solely because of this.
  17. In chapter 12 on Hoshido, Aqua is wearing her white uniform and the music and song sounds triumphant and majestic in a way, as shown in this twitch VoD: http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama/b/671953676?t=2h10m43s (It is time-stamped at 02:10:43, for those who don't get directed straight to that time.) https://youtu.be/rvxKLdVzGXc?t=20m23s<- another person's hoshido playthrough (for those who can't access the twitch vod) ________ It is significantly different from the Nohr side, where on Chapter 14 on Nohr, she is wearing her black/purple uniform and the sound of the music is more upbeat/tribal and her dancing is more sporadic(?) as shown in this youtube video: https://youtu.be/mOzDHAx52cQ?t=1h1m7s Here is just the dance of the Nohr version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTy-eYbRf88 There is different lyrics too, if anyone is willing to translate them! ________ The question I want to know is why is there significant differences between the dances for either side, is it important, is it plot related, or is it because they just wanted to make it different? Garon seems to be more in the middle of a heart attack in the Nohr version when compared to the Hoshido version, where he looks like he's starting to have a heart attack or trouble breathing.. I can't read the dialogue during the start of the chapter, and before the battle prep screen so I think that might have some insight, but is there any reason why the change in tone between Nohr and Hoshido? Is the dialogue before and after the dance signify the reason or hint at anything?
  18. Has there been any translated support between Soleil and her father?
  19. I mean... when you compare them beside each other, one can assume right? I even edited her head on his body! It's a common mistake right? q-q
  20. HMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................SHIT WELP THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR NOT KNOWING ANY JAPANESE AND ASSUMING BASED ON A PICTURE. I'll just... scratch him off...woops... And Soleil is Lazwald's daughter? Looks like his Son! I NEED TO STOP JUDGING BOOKS BY THEIR COVERS.
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