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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Ah, true. You may still live and lose anyway though.
  2. Can I claim L'Arachel? If either the dudes who claimed her are willing to share or don't respond within a week and a half I'll have her by then.
  3. 01: Shinon vs Arthur 02: Fir vs Cormag 03: Cecilia vs Titania 04: Largo vs Karin 05: Lester vs Isadora 06: Lex vs Katua 07: Marth vs Sain 08: Percival vs Meg 09: Sara vs Anna 10: Leanne vs Haar 11: Echidna vs Aless 12: Geese vs Nephenee 13: Pent vs Oguma 14: Clarine vs Gerik 15: Gonzales vs Marcia 16: Volke vs L'Arachel If you don't vote for her I will find where you live and murder you with our trusty assistant Dozla! 17: Othin vs Mia 18: Sothe vs Sirius 19: Trabant vs Miledy 20: Dieck vs Ayra 21: Levin vs Brunya 22: Raven vs Rath 23: Levail vs Lakche 24: Rutger vs Boyd 25: Priscilla vs Ethlin 26: Nanna vs Calill 27: Valter vs Parn 28: Kyza vs Lloyd 29: Lifis vs Ilyana 30: Tiltyu vs Aimee 31: Ishtar vs Sigurd 32: Alvis vs Volug
  4. No need to get hasty... I've been known to change my vote.
  5. Tinny: It sounds like you need some cheering up... what sounds nice right about now? Yes, L'Arachel, those are my abs... you still haven't seen everything quite yet. *removes pants* How about now?
  6. Be patient, if it's dead people you want, then it shall be dead people you shall get, soon enough.
  7. The Wii U has countless possibilities right now. But yeah, that aspect is going to be pretty cool. What I think will end up happening is that you'll be able to change what the lower screen shows...
  8. Sure, I'll help a brother out with that... ##Vote: Snike
  9. Aless: I WILL KILL YOU WITH THIS CURSED COFFEE MUG Hey L'Arachel darling, what do you think of my muscles that I got from training to become a Baron? *takes shirt off*
  10. I'm not even mad though. I've just been floored by the fact that for not being around to do anything I get rewarded with ladies giving me casual hugs and stuff. Unfortunately though this speaks volumes as to what I should do.
  11. Eh, that's saying too much. With a day in between games and a home crowd to come back to, I think Luongo will recover. I just bet on the Canucks winning in six.
  12. I second this. In my experience they don't care about being treated well, or so it would seem. And yet at the same time I've been hugged quite a ton in the past few days. IT MAKES NO SENSE! (Look I know it's insignificant to be hugged, but I mean, come on... I used to be one of the most disliked guys in the school because I was "odd" and once I'm that much harder to find around here all of the sudden there are people going out of the way to try and find me)?
  13. Just curious, but why is it either Knoll / Ilyana or Hector / Gonzales?
  14. You get the number 69. *Inserts a troll*
  15. You get a Magestone! *Inserts a Magestone*
  16. This is why I hold Siriusly serious card gamers with scorn... I just can't see sane people spending 25 dollars on one card...
  17. Okay, in hindsight maybe we should all STOP voting until the next round. I get the strangest feeling that when more votes are added it takes that much longer for the next round to come....
  18. I picked Florina. Just too cute for me to say no to that face.
  19. Best: Septimus "...the beasts, they wish to... CONSUME ME!" Worst: Denning
  20. All I know is who it couldn't have been... not sure who's got this power.
  21. Actually I gotta thank you for that PM you sent me. Now I have something I can taunt Bear with during the postgame.
  22. Tinny: Because I won't be able to enjoy my bottom half like you will! So Dozla why do your animations show no armor, and yet your mug does?
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