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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Leaf: Do what? Tiltyu, what makes you think you can be good at all with swords?
  2. Celice: Because I'm not a girl stealer.... Tiltyu, why does your promotion bonus suck?
  3. Was this the one that /v/ keeps on claiming sums them up pretty well?
  4. Aless: What did I just watch? That video looked very out of sync... So Ike, when are you going to grow some balls and put the moves on Ellincia? It's no secret that she likes you.
  6. Sety: I call hacks on this one. In fact... Sety throws a computer at your head! 100,000 points of mortal damage to Zak! Sety used a Crashing Boom Bang attack 1200 times! It missed! x 1200 Zak has fallen due to lack of HP! Sety: Never use cheats... L'Arachel, how did you like our first time together?
  7. Agreed. I always did random, but only after I got the random stage switch so that I could turn off all the gimmick stages. While it's not the biggest deal, I just find that it would be nice. I also don't understand why you guys are keeping it realistic. We can only speculate now, and while some characters you might want to see in Brawl are unlikely, it still is interesting to talk about, at least IMO. But I do seriously think that TF2 characters have some viable chance of making the cut... though if Alucard and Megaman don't make it, that will unleash the rage of so many fans...
  8. Aless: Because... we are one in the same. I am you. You are me. We do not exist without the other, in fact, only you can see me. Come on guys, L'Arachel and I go into the backroom for two hours and we come back to find this madness going on? What the hell is wrong with all of you?
  9. Gah, it's over for me. Well, I didn't expect Eclipse and Kaoz to turn on me like that. I was so close to controlling the game too... If I just could've made it to night five we would've controlled the game.... Well played, and good luck.
  10. Actually I'm just a post-Hybrid Theory hater.
  11. Healers > Vulneraries ESPECIALLY Troubadours. Yeah, I'd restart the chapter if I were you, though Rhys isn't someone to care much about, so long as you have Mist.
  12. Are you kidding me? Linkin Park might have better vocals, but their guitar, bass, everything behind the vocals are inferior to Limp Bizkit. Wes Borland could eat them all alive.
  13. It's very sensationalist, and quite frankly I disagree with the overall 'capitalism is bad' vibe that I get from it. I understand that fixing problems on a global level takes the support of governments. However, it's clear that she is taking shots at corporations, and if I'm not mistaken calls for government to 'put them in line'. I do not believe it is the government's right to do that, and as such I am turned off by what she says very quickly. She does make a valid point in where our happiness was higher when we had less stuff (the '50s compared to nowadays), but she doesn't build upon it very well, which disappointed me.
  14. I call that bluff. Odds are if we all die anyway that's fine.
  15. My wishlist: -Everyone who ever showed up in prior games -Hector -Ryu -Ken -Chun-Li -Richter Belmont -Alucard -Megaman -Megaman X -Protoman -Zero -Dynamo (Megaman X5) -A Mii -The Heavy -The Spy -The Scout -The Demoman -Gordon Freeman -Skorpion -Sub-Zero -Captain Price -Soap MacTavish -Crono -Duke Nukem -The Battletoads -Rad Spencer (From Bionic Commando) -Sigurd -Morrigan -Batman -Wolverine -Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia) -Tom Nook I'll probably think of more, but for now these are the dudes who I'd like to see, regardless of how unlikely many of these characters getting in would be.
  16. I am interested in this, but I am unable to check my FC right now, so I'll get back to you all with it. For the record I'm kinda rusty when it comes to Smash Bros., so I'll have to get practicing again.
  17. Lol, some of the Gamefaqs mods are awful. That's no secret.
  18. Tinny: Not as long as I have Thorhammer... Ishtar lent it to me for a few days. Okay everyone, do you all want to go to a Euro Dance club?
  19. You get Tinny! She's not exactly happy though. I put in the staff Latona.
  20. You forgot me and L'Arachel... I feel so bad now. Are we really that... hard to notice?
  21. Can we just cut the thread off at page 8 and call it good?
  22. Tinny: Well you still mean more to me than a loss, *strips naked* NOW YOU'RE GOING TO BE CHEERED UP, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT! So uh... L'Arachel... damn, what now?
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