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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. The character that I'm thinking of is pretty cool. She can use a bow!
  2. American TV is too mainstream. The only thing I ever watch on TV are my sports teams.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks that the surprise on Day 3 is that we are all going to die?
  4. You feel refreshed! I put in Manchester Orchestra.
  5. Thany: No, none. So, L'Arachel, didn't you say you wanted a Gambling Hall in Rausten? How did that one go over with Mansel?
  6. Johalva: Well Johan wouldn't let me use his... So L'Arachel, why is it that you're so concerned about what you're wearing, and yet your shoulders are exposed anyway? (Not that I don't like it my dear, I just am curious).
  7. You get Osama Bin Laden's Death page! *inserts AMERICA, FUCK YEAH*
  8. Johalva: This is just a clone Zak. Calm down. Gatrie, if you don't pick my darling L'Arachel over Cecilia, I'm going to cast Balberith and Naglfar at the same time on you.
  9. The orders from the general are to keep danbooru on danbooru, M. Sorry.
  10. Ike is no more than a bro. So yeah, sorta. My favorite Brawl character, easily.
  11. That's because she's reserved only for me. Besides, there's no lying, she's hot.
  12. Oscar: Okay, but it's going to take ribs from tiger laguz, locks of Titania's hair, and TONS of olivi grass. Say, L'Arachel, who's better, you or Cecilia?
  13. Then you obviously haven't been lurking long enough to know that there IS VERY LITTLE logic in SF Mafia outside of "there is no such thing as invulnerability" (unless that's a night power, but you know what I mean). You also should have remembered that anything you say can be copy / pasted and posted here. In other words, don't say anything incriminating, or at least, not TOO incriminating.
  14. This looks like a case of either 'accidental innuendo' or 'getting crap past the radar' to me...
  15. Hawk: I'm saying this! Anna, aside from being sort of the announcer, what role do you play in each of the FE games? Also, are you secretly Mila? EDIT: Skip below poster unless they figure out the rules and edit their post by the time you see this
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