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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. In a maddening face-heel turn, I'm going to say... *L'Arachel glares* ...yes. So NinjaMonkey, I hear your favorite character is Devdan!
  2. You get Colm. *Inserts a Children's Card Game*
  3. Tinny: Give him a foaming mug of milk! Sety, what kind of spells can your new books cast?
  4. Holy crap. Why have I not seen this before. You and your team are gods among men BwdYeti.
  5. Quite frankly I want the next Fire Emblem game not to rehash anything else. I'd much rather than all the untranslated games (Aside from 12) get put up on the Virtual Console. I don't even want story continuations. I WANT A NEW CONTINENT / UNIVERSE / WHATEVER. I loved the other stories but now I'm looking for something new..... Anyway, I just hope they take more steps forward with the system... and make it as challenging as Thracia 776. I dunno, but FE5 just did something RIGHT that made it so fun, and naturally I assume it's the difficulty.
  6. Overrated: FE3 I simply cannot get over the UI; as such I'm just going to emulate FE12 instead. Underrated: FE5 Sure it's hard, but if you get good at it it becomes amazingly fun, also it has all the good advances in Radiant Dawn minus a good amount of the bad parts. It just feels right.
  7. Can I claim Skuld? Search isn't providing any matches so.... I think I will.
  8. You get Nyan Cat! I put in Limp Bizkit's third album, 'Results May Vary'.
  9. Julian: A Thief Fighter like Lifis. Hey Anna, why is there a 'One Steve Rule' in Fire Emblem?
  10. Unconditional? Really? Generally that's considered one of the best tracks on the album...
  11. Zak: ERROR 404 TEXT NOT FOUND Okay, this is to all the hams! I have a trophy known as the Golden Ham. If you want to win it, you must defeat every other contestant in ham-to-ham combat! Who is a bad enough dude to rescue the president from Ninjas? (And to bash your own dick with a hammer)
  12. Can we get Raymond in here so new players like me have a better chance at winning?
  13. Fergus: "Get the name right, it's FERGUS!!! Oh yeah, and I bet that my ponytail is better." Forde: "At least I got laid!" Fergus: *Silence* (DISCLAIMER: In my responses, MY pairings are canon). So, who here is secretly a spirit charmer?
  14. Just to let you know, his last name is 'Endicott', and to be honest with you I think his vocals are a hit-miss. (It's mostly this particular album though; I don't know if it's just me but he seems to find his niche in their albums after this one). These guys are my favorite band anyway, in part because I love this odd hybrid of Goth Rock and Electronic. Well, their second album is more pure goth-rock and then their third album actually feels more like Depeche Mode rather than The Cure or Joy Division. To be fair though their first album had quite a few tracks that I think would qualify as B-sides at this point, but I think The Ring Song, Honest Mistake, and 8] Rites of Spring are awesome.
  15. Do we finally have a solidified date on when this shall begin?
  16. Sety: I feel pissed. Who here enjoys listening to the Foo Fighters?
  17. Protip: Do your part and review the music other people put up so we can move along. This thread in the last page or so has quickly deteriorated into mostly a "I don't have time to review this thread" or anything. It just helps to move this along when people give their opinions on the music so we know that SOMEONE has been listening.
  18. Aless: The bottom; it has more use. So Mist, how old are you right now? (My friends think you're 16 in Radiant Dawn and I believe you're 14)
  19. If Zelgius were to join, then that would make the fight against the Goddess too easy... Eclipse can 1-shot anything and everything. What I would like to see though is a hack with a handful of battles where you try to take down the heroes, with their superior stats. THAT would be fun.
  20. If nobody minds, I'll go ahead and put up an album... You will have to find the fifth song, 'Give In' on your own, because I couldn't find it on Youtube. After that though I got it all on one playlist and included the bonus song from the Japanese release. (It's the same thing as the bonus track on the other CD releases, only it's a duet instead). http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=EBEEF661676630E8
  21. I'm not in the mood for searching for them myself... inb4 laziness.
  22. Marth: With Falchion I am always ready! Okay Gheb, in your career as a bowling ball, how many strikes have you gotten?
  23. Can someone PLEASE get me a link to all the songs on the album? At least show a list of the songs so I know what to look for... It was frustrating enough with Challengers, and I'm not really in the mood to try and find some more songs when I don't even know WHAT they are.
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