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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Anyone willing to let me share human form Idoun? Preferably after she's turned good...
  2. Fala A: Oh don't mind me I'm just calling in Generation 1 Alvis to destroy you. So, Tinny, if I let YOU choose, who would you pick, Johan or Johalva?
  3. You get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehsdUPPVV-I (If you DON'T notice the similarities outside of the fact that it's thrasher metal, you must be easy to fool) I put in Tinny!
  4. As a unit that I use, yes, she's up there; as an actual character, not so much. Uh, Tinny?
  5. *Lance gets his ass kicked by Alan* Alan: Nope.avi Lachseis, just who WOULD you marry? (So long as they aren't related to you)
  6. Just curious but are there Nightmare modules for FE4?
  7. Tinny: Well if you meant that literally then yes. So, Haar, why are you so sleepy all the time? And what kinds of packages does your delivery service deliver?
  8. If you know how Limp Bizkit is, odds are you think of Fred Durst, a rapper who you just couldn't tell if he was really trying or not. Well, I've started listening to this new album (lots of the songs have been leaked onto Youtube), and you can call this blasphemy if you want, but for once I think Fred Durst sounds like he was REALLY trying. (I can tell because his rapping is much easier to listen to than in prior albums). Anyway, I just wanted to put it out there for those of you who like metal, that I believe this album is worthy of a listen. (To be fair 3 Dollar Bill wasn't a bad album either, but you get the point).
  9. Kieran: Never! The only way for me to heal myself is to break the wall and find the ham hidden within it! Sety, why don't you join any earlier in FE5? We need you on our team!
  10. The only dream that I've ever had about Fire Emblem is the time when I dreamt that I had to fill in the roles of Jagen in FE11. Needless to say, it was the worst dream ever. Except for the time I had a dream about High School of the Dead directing by a Michael Bay + Satan + George Romero - Fanservice + Some weird flashback involving someone taking a ruby which starts the outbreak Drugs are evidently bad for you kiddies, almost as much as High School of the Dead
  11. This thread is bad and you should feel bad Ike, not only did you have to derail IP chat for about 15-20 minutes, but now you go ahead and create a thread about the same subject?? We're not all 12, and we don't all find this stuff funny.
  12. Prf - 6 Lance- 12 Axe- 15 Bow- 12 Ballista- 0 Claw- 10 Fang- 10 Beak- 10 Talon- 10 Breath- 10 Fire- 10 Wind- 7 Dark- 15 Staves- 14
  13. You get a Sword Dragon! *puts in last.fm*
  14. Yo what's up guys? Just saying that if you want to win this Mafia game, try to see to it that I don't get subbed in. I'm so bad at this stuff, I haven't ever played in a Mafia game before! Seriously though, I'm totally new to this. TRY TO STAY IN LEST YOU SEE WHAT HORRORS AWAIT YOUR TEAM...
  15. Sety: You mean like that one from a book by Freud? Okay... So Boyd, has Chris Hansen caught you banging Mist yet?
  16. You get this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKZLRgziwHE The catch? You are going to hear this non-stop for the rest of your life. *Puts in the Dark Stone*
  17. I can't say. L'Arachel has already done so much for me that to make her mad would be foolish beyond comprehension. So is your favorite character Asvel?
  18. You get raped by the machine for such a gruesome murder. (Sounds like fair trade, da)? *Inserts a rifle cartridge*
  19. Skasaher: Yeah! How is she holding up anyway? Calm down Sety, I'm just trying to get you to cast the goddamn spells in the back of your books. I WANT TO SEE. NOW. Oh yeah, and if they used to belong to Levin, then how is Tinny featured in it? Wouldn't that make it her mom Tiltyu?
  20. Leonardo: I have never shot anybody anywhere, let alone the backside. Sety, have you even tried using the spells on the last page of the book? You're probably too lazy to do it... Eh, while you're doing that I'm going to learn dark magic. Only then shall I embarrass you. I will win with my own corrupted version of Holsety! (Now with +20 Speed)!
  21. 2/10 I was a big rap / hip-hop hater to begin with, but at the same time Lil Wayne brings it down that much more.
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