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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Girl Stealers: It's more fun than stealing a morph. L'Arachel, why is it that you're so pretty?
  2. Anyway, whether this will scare you or not depends on how adamantly against contemporary indie you are. But, this is basically my music taste in a nutshell, and if I were you I'd expect an album that I've listened to a whole bunch off of here: http://www.last.fm/user/NESkimoFan12 Also you can go down the list and see that I did in fact listen to all the songs from the album that Death suggested.
  3. Actually /adv/ is that way >>> /b/ would give you FUNNY pick-up lines to say, probably.
  4. I thought it was a pretty cool album, though it was awfully short. I'd give it an 82 / 100, certainly enjoyable ambient music, which professes a clear influence from the classical era, and yet it has a sort of jazzy hint to it as well. Makes me think of the PoTC soundtrack times ten minus some length. All in all, worth acquiring, and I'm glad to have listened to it. Anyway, how are we to determine the order of who goes next?
  5. Sety: L'Arachel... so what do you think of the wedding ring I gave you?
  6. Briggid: It's a disease that some people who frequent chat have. Well then, Sages of chapter 14x (Fire Emblem 6), how are you so accurate with your bolting spells?
  7. Either, because I'm getting a new computer anyway! Okay, well seriously though I actually would go with the Hard Drive if it WAS a computer I really cared about, because I could just pay for a new one and it would still run quite similarly. PC or a Mac?
  8. Is a Pokefag. (Seriously, why do people still play those games?)
  9. Seriously I'd keep it the way it is. 4chan's too funny to let it die, regardless of everyone having a 'good' judgment.
  10. Oh you're that sucker who I've been poisoning for the past three months.
  11. Just an FYI but I didn't realize that this whole deal was about BUYING albums... I mean, I'll still listen to the albums that people bring up (online, without downloading them to my computer illegally of course), and then I may wind up buying a couple singles and adding them to my library, or, god forbid, the whole album. Hopefully this doesn't go against the spirit of the music geek club, but I think that I'm not the only one here who's going to go about it that way...
  12. Sety: Sorry, but I lost Holsety, and I can't hope to kill him with my fists. L'Arachel, dear... what's on your mind right now?
  13. Sure why not? Be warned though, my music is sorta.... well, I don't know if hipster is the right term, but, it's very indie-centric. I'm also huge on alternative and grunge.
  14. Nope, you guessed her a couple pages back. She's on my 2-tier. Muarim?
  15. X360 - BeefJello402 I own CoD Black Ops, Halo Reach, and Pure. Steam Search up Imnobodybutahero since it seems to find me that way, even though my current name is 'OriginalMe'. Raptr - Originalmeisabeast Misc. Combat Arms - Ninjabomber Mabinogi - Ninjabomber Dungeon Fighter Online - Brickington (Physical Exo), Starwarsk1d (Blade Master), MahBoii (Soul Bender), NoSocialLife (Fighter), IHatestairs (F. Gunner)
  16. Vindictus gets boring fast, and the token system wasn't the best idea, especially considering it doesn't refresh until like every 2 or 3 days... Personally though I couldn't care less about a game's graphics as long as it's fun to play, and I don't see how else it really could have 'aged'... but maybe that's just bias because I like the game. Nonetheless it's more fun than, most of the other MMOs that I play, (Except Rift, but I refuse to pay monthly fees for a game, make it one-time or premium items, or else no deal). I might get Aion but I hear it's the same way, thus driving me to play Mabinogi. Also the Rebirth system prevents that annoying-ass grinding you get when you hit a higher level from arriving as soon as it does in other games, which to me is the biggest plus.
  17. So, if nobody's figured out what my avatar is from, he's the guy who I use for an MMO called Mabinogi. Now before you write it off as another crappy F2P Korean RPG, this one's actually pretty damn good, if for no other reason, the Generation Quests. It has many well-written stories, and quite frankly the combat system is very good, at least, better than WoW, in my opinion. (It's similar, sure, but I just seem to have more fun with Mab's system for some reason). Anyway, if you do play, add me, my character's name is Ninjabomber, and I'm in the Mari server. I can help with *some* G1 quests, though if we're talking about Albey dungeon I'm probably not going to go.
  18. I liked IV - VI before they were ported to the US... especially DQV. I also own DQIX, which I enjoyed a ton. Any and every game is worth playing.
  19. If I can watch videos / view pictures without getting the 'the system is out of memory' message on the internet browser, then I'm probably going to get it. But that's not yet out so...
  20. Ashnard: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ME OF COURSE!!! *Gets put to sleep by the Demon King* I think that's all we need to know. Can Ashnard put people to sleep? Didn't think so. ___^ - [ - ___| <=-+-=> Hey Claude, what does the above symbol mean?
  21. Tinny: No... I just think you REALLY need the workouts... besides, don't you love me? Please, do it for me? *Begins to tear up* So Levin... why so serious?
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