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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Excuse me while I headdesk. Even /b/ recognizes the proper way to avoid these things and that is to NOT TALK TO THEM. And for the record, it's actually not 'everyone' who comments on Youtube, in fact, most of the cancerous individuals hardly talk at all unless you're going to a Shane Dawson, RWJ, or popular VEVO Music video (I.E. Justin Bieber). The people you see on *MOST* other videos are blatant trolls.
  2. I like this album. A lot. Quite frankly there's not much to say. (Also I don't have the kind of time I had with my Challengers review either).
  3. Hawk: Looks like it's Beer:30.... So, why are you so deluded? [Hector, Kent, Sain] Everyone should know by now that she's already screwed Rath... why try anymore?
  4. Hugh: Because I have headaches on my back! So Joshua, why is it that you gamble so much?
  5. I dunno, he always sucked whenever I got him.
  6. Coming from one of the guys who has arguably the worst prepromote in FEDS as his avatar. :|
  7. To answer your original question OP, it's actually impossible to make threads, so no.
  8. Hawk: Steal HIS girl. Whoever it is. Yaaaawwwwwnnn.... alright, is your body ready?
  9. Johan: Tinny for the night. So, L'Arachel, I'm getting sleepy, and quite frankly, bored. Mind making it a little more enjoyable?
  10. 9/10 I love classical music, and this song is one of my favorites among the genre.
  11. So I just had what I felt was an epic discussion on another IRC channel just recently, and I felt like I had to share it. Well, stupid or funny, I figured I'd start up a thread for a 'The Best Of' thread for IRC quotes. Anyway, just be sure to remove anything that may link back to an IRC chat or something that's not SF Chat, or the SF IRC, so that we don't run the risk of getting the thread locked for breaking the advertising rule or something. Anyway, in the below IRC chat I am under the name 'NinjaBomber'. I'm an idiot.
  12. I think the best way to make it harder is to increase high-crit weapons and put enemies in points around that map that forces players to fight more often. Also, spawning more magic enemies more often will probably make it the hardest. ESPECIALLY stronger gorgons with demon surge and shadowshot.
  13. *Webster's Dictionary. (LEARN TO SPELL 'reference'!)*
  14. The text within the spoiler tags is basically me taking notes while I was listening to the music. All in all this album's nice soft rock, very strong and quite enjoyable at its best, and passable at worst. Unfortunately it's biggest downfall is the monochrome flavor of the album which makes it somewhat boring at times. I wouldn't buy this album, but I would buy the few songs in it that I did like. Strangely enough it's the songs being within the album itself that makes them worse rather than listening to them separately. 5.5/10 By the way, I listened to all the songs in the order set by the album, if you want to identify what it is that I mean when I say 'fifth track' or 'seventh track'.
  15. *Obscure reference that you will never understand*
  16. Durandal, but only when a 20/20 Dieck with +4 CON is wielding it. Otherwise I'd have to give the one over to the Sword of Seals or Exaccus.
  17. 5/10. Really sorta feels uninspired, just another generic action sequence sort of music. It feels too soulless to get immersed in the song. That and no outstanding emotions that make so many other fast songs enjoyable results in a nondescript track. Now I'm going throwback... this is my personal favorite Black Sabbath track.
  18. Definitely the Paladin, but ONLY if this is specifically limited to the games where being able to tank really well is in their repertoire. Otherwise, I'll take a Dragon Lord every day over one of them.
  19. That song that I just posted WAS actually a video game remix, did you listen to it? The song above... ugh. How could The Presidents sink this low? They normally are a pretty good band, but this song just goes to show how badly people can sell out. Even from a mainstream perspective this just absolutely REEKS of the word 'sell-out'. They clearly did this for no other reason then they just wanted to get paid for making that song. -10/10 So, you DID say something about video game remixes... I think you'll like this one. Maybe.
  20. L'Arachel: June 7th. So, who here likes rape? (Only girls are allowed to answer, we already know who amongst the men does).
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