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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. MFW I love web comics in general, but the pokemon ones always tend to be the funniest.
  2. Well I'm not going to go around sharing my opinion of the problems that I see in the Pokemon games unless I'm asked, so don't worry.
  3. -People who sage my threads on /v/ -Not getting sauce on images -Justin Bieber -Nickelback -Pop Music (You know what I'm talking about) -Pokemon (After the first generation) -Freewebs -Spartan765 on youtube, for double-feeding a Mosin Nagant and not dying (Also for hate speech against Islam and talking about shooting liberals for being 'pussies') -Nexon Customer Service (It's as real as unicorns and fairies). -Activision's CEO -Duke Nukem Forever's latest delay -Call Of Duty (Except 4 and the WW2 games) -Infinity Ward -Being a stunt double in my friend's amateur films -The Room as a Drama -People who hate on The Room as a comedy -World Of Warcraft -The Grammy Awards -'Friday' by Rebecca Black -The sad reality that 'Shake Me Down' by Cage The Elephant won't win a Grammy award, even though it's one of the most deserving thus far -The Boston Red Sox -Muse -/y/, /d/, and most of all /soc/ -Noob Tubes -Advanced Heavy Stander in Mabinogi -Rule 34 (In most cases) -The RNG -Musically oblivious teenagers (Namely, my classmates) -People who hate on indie / alternative / grunge music -People who only listen to heavy metal -The little things in life that don't go my way -Valve, for making Hat Fortress 2 not-fun -Michael Bay -Uwe Boll -Bad comedy movies -Encyclopedia Dramatica -Covers of video game songs that are terrible -People who brag about doing drugs
  4. Okay, I don't think any of you remember me at all, but I'm just going to cut the bullshit related to my unintelligible posts that I had a history of making so long ago. So I'm just going to apologize for that right now. Anyway, all that aside, it's great to be back here in SerenesForest. I'm not the same obsessed Fire Emblem fanatic that I once was, so I'm going to need help getting back into the loop then...
  5. You all realize that the original series will continue to the point where Wily creates Zero? By the way, Terror Teddy and Weaseletta are probably going to be added since so far not a ton of story development has been going on in the MM series, so that would probbly imply that ideas will soon run dry. I bet on Mega Man 11 including them. THAT BOXART IS AWESOME!
  6. Curious, anyone here know a good Instrumetal band? It's my favorite type of music, so I'd really appreciate it.
  7. Zero and Ryu, I'll go with them, but I'm more likely to experiment first.
  8. I now officially frequent the 4chan \h\ board. Safe to be open about that?
  9. A few days later I can see that post doesn't really express what I was thinking. I'm disappointed that you would write me off as being hostile. I don't listen to too much video game music outside of video games, except a couple CDs of symphonic adaptations of DQ music I keep in my car. Most of what I do listen to is either more than fifty years old, taken from a movie soundtrack or is folk music. I'm not in a very good position to stomp anyone's taste as being nerdy. Sarcasm...
  10. I love it when people quote the Heavy. His wisdom isn't great, but he ain't an intellectual slouch either.
  11. The otaku do this kind of stuff. I'm not surprised, nor will more stories from Japan on similar matters surprise me. Unles I hear it's an American dude. (Ridicule keeps the desperation meter in check. It does for me, at least).
  12. Agreed, man. That mission is part of the story, and really, if it makes you feel bad if you shoot them (Doesn't for me), you can go through that level without shooting anyone. People like the type that complain about this stuff don't bother to find solutions good for everyone, they only say get rid of it and be done with it.
  13. I only got TF2 last week, and I do most of my killing with the engineer with a well placed level 3 turret. And thanks for stomping on my taste of music Hero. I like music that sounds good, nothing else to it, doesn't matter what it's related to.
  14. So... here's my holy blood then. Minor Fala, Minor Hezul, and Major Noba.
  15. The book begins with a man who lives in Conneticut and works at a Colt Arms factory. After he shares a bit of story about what he does, and a little bit more; he mysteriously ends up in Britain. If it couldn't be worse, he's not in his own time period either. He's living in the time of King Arthur. (I speculate that Merlin's behind all this). Now, as he goes around at first, he's not aware that he's in Britain, or, that the time period he's in changed. (I found this especially odd, he doesn't really think too much about HOW he got to where he is; or I didn't notice). The first thing he asks (even weirder) is if there's an insane asylum nearby, and weirdest of all, the people DON'T EVEN TAKE OFFENSE TO IT! Soon after, he gets thrown in the dungeon and set to be burned at the stake, end of story, right? WRONG! This is where it kicks off. Then; he threatens to "blot out" the sun with his "sorcery". (Actually, he predicted an eclipse). It seems as though the cellmate of his (more on him later) botched the date! Lady luck continues to smile though, as the eclipse happens anyway. Merlin, was intent on killing him, for some reason. King Arthur goes with the man who put his money where is mouth is, and our protagonist, the Conneticut Yankee, lands himself a position of power in the king's court. From here, he gets a name that is a proper noun! The Boss! Now, about that inmate... that inmate's called Clarence. He, is deceptively smart. At first, he seemed to be dumb, whereas he actually proves to be somewhat smart, as The Boss gives him a good position in the Kingdom. Now, Merlin in this book, is not really a villain, only a rival who doesn't really like The Boss that much. (His loyalties are revealed in the last few chapters). The antagonist in this book? The Catholic Church. Well, they're aren't as villainous as some, but they, in the end, end up killing The Boss. (Even though they got a good twenty thousand knights of England killed, and lost the battle, disease from all the bodies rotting caused The Boss to die. (Clarence and Merlin are the only survivors that I can name, although some of the boys fighting with him may have survived somehow). I personally would rate this book on a scale of 1000; 1000 being the best and one being the worst, I give this book a 933. Strong storyline; really intriguing more than anything else, although I felt like the end was depressing. The characters are so well made, you actually care what happens to them in story, and leaves you thinking about their presence in the book often. There's an intellectual aspect to it, that is not only interesting and makes you think; but it doesn't detract from quality or appeal in any way at all.
  16. http://www.playlist.com/playlist/16479252747 This is the type of music that I like, although I do like classical too. Take it like a man I shall, Icing. Now put that gun down and go back to whatever it was that you were doing. (I just want to say also that I will be a somewhat inactive user, I'll post now and then, but not too often).
  17. Agreed. Card Ratings as of the first page that I bothered to say stuff about Zagaro: I lol'd Julius Caesar : Kinda funny, but not very. 'Cept for the Pizza reference, that was funny. Katua in a Bikini : HOT, but no lulz Serra: Unfortunately, put to shame by Katua in a bikini, although still awfully hot
  18. It am saying that you should be aware that FE fans can sometimes be even more cocky and insulting than most other fandoms towards someone being bad at FE or just having different opinions. your posts in Far from the Forest shouldn't far outweigh your posts on the other boards as the focus switching from the actual FE boards to the spam board has been one of the bigger reasons for the downfall of many FE forums. you should behave. Now everyone has a different perception of what is considered to be good behavior so let's go with something where you'd be thrown out quickly for not behaving as an example. Aye... Well, I haven't done well my first day, made myself look like a retard. It's one day, I'll do what I can to make amends by following the rules and not make jokes. (I clearly don't have the right sense of humor for this place).
  19. Same; any ideas; 'cause I'm out of good ones. (I never had any).
  20. Reported Sirius is Lawful Evil while Harudoku is Chaotic Evil. Not the match you think it is. Nope. It is a perfect match. I lol'd
  21. Okay, cool. Thanks! (I still am accepting suggestions, so please, keep sending them!)
  22. Anyone here recommend a good RPG for the SNES? Kinda in the mood for a non-FE SNES RPG.
  23. Meh, I have one but I stopped using after the baseball season ended because that's all I use it for is commenting on games along with a whole bunch of others.
  24. This seems like a cool hack! Mixing all the good parts of the GBA FE games with all the good of FE4 could make this a really strong game!
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