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Everything posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Has something to do with ATI Radeon video cards.
  2. It's because I haven't used this site in nearly two years.
  3. I'm not 18, so I don't have to worry about that. You jelly?
  4. I feel all lonely, being one of the few people who answered an answer under 18 :\ >Most people answered 18 Just a hunch, but I think we have quite a few liars these forums.
  5. If it were me I'd have Mist replace Priscilla and kill Lucius.
  6. You get murdered by the machine so we can bring back Micaiah. I put in a POV Hentai DVD (Or whatever else it could be on, I dunno...)
  7. On a tier scale of 1-10, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst, I'd put Priscilla at about a mid-3 tier, so no. She ain't bad, but not particularly my favorite. Meg?
  8. Tinny: No. This question goes out to the gay beserkers from Sealed Sword: Are you two really gay?
  9. You get a portrait of Lindsay Lohan. *Puts in a bunch of *
  10. 6.5/10 It ain't bad, but I'm not all too big on that style of music. :awesome: :awesome:
  11. Nah... Lucius is does not meet the anatomical standards for which I use to choose a partner. Three to be exact. Micaiah?
  12. You get Fred Durst. He's not going to shut up. I put in Raptor Jesus.
  13. Okay, if you've ever browsed /mu/ you should already know how to do this, but if you're one of the few liars normal people on this board, I'll explain how this works: 1. Post link to last.fm account: My last.fm account 2. Add people who you have a very high or super with 3. Leave shouts for fun
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