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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Kira Buckland just confirmed that's she's not voicing anyone in Fates. Now I have idea for who Elise's VA is. Maybe Cassandra Lee?
  2. My fave is Gen 3! Everything about is so amazing! Hoenn is by far the most colorful and unique region, with so many interesting things! So many different things that the other regions lack! It also introduced Secret Bases and Contests, which I really like! Many of my favorite pokemon are from Gen 3, and it has one of my favorite characters, Steven! Also, many of my favorite spin-off are from Gen 3. There's not a Gen that I dislike. I've been playing Pokemon since Gen 1 (my first Pokemon game was Red) and all the Gens have a special place in my heart.
  3. Say, I meant to ask, but has people has asking about skinship to the english VAs? I know the VAs have a NDA, but fans tend to ignore this, and ask anyway even harass them. Just curious to know if the VAs have been involved in this mess.
  4. If anything, the censoring made Tharja's picture even more risque. It's pretty funny when you think about it. Wonder what they will do with Camilla's beach picture.
  5. I won't deny that the P3 hero seemed like a creepy, apathetic nihilist, but that being the creators's intention or not, I'm not sure. Besides, it made more sense for people to look up the P4 hero, since he was more like a generic shounen hero, but in P3, it was honestly weird having people admire a guy who looked liked he didn't care about thing. This may sound weird, but the ending of P3 did not fit the hero, or rather the hero was not fit for the ending. Does that makes sense? It sounds a bit weird, I know, but I couldn't find a better way to put it.
  6. I used to think that Xander was Cam Clarke. But know I think he's Corrin. If you're curious about him, he's Kratos in Tales of Symphonia, Liquid Snake from Metal Gear, Simba in Kingdom Hearts 2
  7. Maybe because it was written after the original game, but the female storyline is indeed better than the male one in Persona 3. And while there player worship in both games, I feel that it's better in P4 than P3, not because there is less player worship in P4( in fact I believe there is more) but because I feel that the hero P4 earned some of the praise he got, while P3 hero just simply stood there doimg nothing and looking bored and yet they all love him. Yes, I know they are all silent protagonists, but it felt to me that P4 hero actually had a bit of personality compared to the P3 hero.
  8. Though Persona 3 is one of my favorite games, I have to agree with you on a lot things. One the things I disliked in Persona 3 is how you are forced to cheat the girls you date, if you want all social links. It made me feel dirty. And maybe this is just me, but the romantic relationships on the female side felt more genuine, especially Akihiko and Shinjiro. Another thing that bothered me, is how distant the party is, even thought they all live in the same place, which is ironic you compare them to the Persona 4 cast, who all live in different places, and yet they are all extremely close. I actually like Yukari, because she actually acknowledge the fact that they are distant and tries to solve it.
  9. I don't think Kaden is Vic Mignogna. His voice is very easy to recognize, and Kaden's voice lacked some distinctive tones that Vic is know for.
  10. I'm kinda sad to see this debate end, it was actually kinda interesting. So if Skinship is confirmed to be out, what's going to replace it? There was cleary an exclamation mark over the Private Quarters. They didn't specify it in the video, or did I miss it?
  11. I want Detective Pikachu to be voiced by Danny DeVito. I won't accept anything less.
  12. I beg of all of you who has entered this thread, even if you are just a lurker, watch this video, please!
  13. I have to say that Kaden's voice is by far the best one in the game, other good voices are Silas, Azura, Arthur, Takumi, Leo, Niles and Garon. There's really isn't a voice I dislike. Let me make some guesses on voice actors: Arthur: Xander Mobus Silas: Michael Johnston Takumi: Ben Diskin Niles: Don't ask me why, but he sounded like Chris Niosi to me.
  14. You know, that makes me wonder, why would Kotaku, who has been blacklisted by more than one company, be the only one that Nintendo has talked about skinship? It doesn't make sense, the fact that Kotaku was the only one that was privy to this. This is pretty suspicious, to be honest.
  15. You know what's even funnier? They already have been blacklisted once. If they are lying this time, then they really have no sense of forethought. Honestly, they should have kept quiet about this, since they have no way realiable source to confirm it.
  16. That might be the most honest piece of information that we heard ever since this mess began.And Ana, if skinship is still in, then Kotaku will be blacklisted by a lot people and Nintendo.
  17. Quagsire for final boss on Detective Pikachu or bust.
  18. Of course, Ludicolo is only following the orders of someone more cruel and merciless Look at that face! Look at the evil on his eyes! Besides, Quagsire was famous on the underworld,
  19. You are aware that I was just joking, right?
  20. Even more info here: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/01/29/detective-pikachu-details-key-characters-pokmon-gameplay/ "Ludicolo waitress of feigned ignorance." Well, she ain't fooling me! She's the murderer!! I knew those Ludicolo couldn't be trusted!! Why would you ever trust someone with a pineapple on their head?!
  21. Maybe not Kotaku as a whole, but maybe one single stupid journalist? When people are trying to save face and call attention, they usually don't have a sense of forethough.
  22. This is Kotaku.There's no such thing as "to low" for them. And like DanMan said, isn't it weird that Nintendo only told Kotaku?
  23. Do we even know if it is real? In situations like this, fakers aren't uncommon, in fact they can be pretty common.
  24. I understand that you don't like that, and I respect that, I really do.That doesn't mean you should rejoice at something some people wanted. Let's just say Skinship was confirmed to be in the game, you wouldn't like that, right? Would you want people rejoicing at your misery?
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