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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I would like to see a Normal/Ghost, it's a very interesting combination, and also a Fairy/Ground, it's the perfect type combination for a dwarf pokemon. Also, new items would be cool, for example, there could be a hold item that swaps a pokemon's attack and sp.attack. It would be very useful for many pokemon, like Sceptile, Absol, Gourgeist, Banette, Aggron and so on.
  2. That comic with Ryoma and Kid!Shinomone was so cute!! And Shinomone was wearing a splatoon shirt! And the Ryoma vs Ryoma splatfest...I don't know which side to chose!! I love Ryoma, but also love Ryoma! I'm just so conflicted right now! Which side should choose?! I just don't know!
  3. http://www.siliconera.com/2015/09/16/five-nights-at-freddys-is-being-turned-into-an-rpg/ Well, that's an odd idea for FNAF spinoff. Now, I'm not a particular fan of the series, but I don't really have anything against the series, sure it's REALLY popular and it's fandom is not really "pleasant", to put it nicely, but I really won't hate something just because it's popular or because it has a bad fandom. But anyway, for such a popular series, it was obvious that it was getting an spinoff, but an RPG of all things? I mean, there's Five Nights at Fuckboys, but that's a fangame.
  4. I've mentioned it in another thread, but I think that the real problem is not Kamui itself, but rather how the world treats Kamui, if we changed that, there's no need to remove Kamui.but anyway, this is not the thread to discuss this, so let's not try to get off-topic.
  5. It won't kill an unit, but unless the unit is a flier, pirate or berserker, it limits their movemet by a lot, a LOT, I'm not joking. And, for some weird reason, you can't bring Merlinus in this chapter, but there are chests in this map, so be sure to make room for items.And also, I should apologize, I read my previous posts in this thread, and realized that I've been pretty annoying with you, I've kept telling you to do this and that, and making some things worse than they actually are. Again, sorry for nagging you a lot.
  6. That would do more harm than good to his character.The interesting thing about Kamui having to chose between two sides, is the fact he geniuely cares about both sides, and also the fact that no matter which path he takes someone he cares is going to get hurt. So, in the end, no matter which country he sides with, he not's going to get what he wants, and will always suffer for his choice. Really, I wish they would explored that a little more, it would do wonders for Kamui's character.
  7. Honestly, I don't think Kamui should really be removed from the story. Really, while Kamui does makes mistakes, I think the real problem in the story is not Kamui the character, but rather the problem is how Fate's world treat Kamui. Maybe instead of completely removing Kamui, I think it would be far more interesting to change how the characters treat and see Kamui, and even add some negative personality traits to him. And having more characters dislike him might help Kamui such as having some Hoshidans be hostile to him due to him being raised in Nohr and to being partially responsible for Mikoto's death or having some characters look down on him for being sheltered. Because, the concept of a character that has to chose two sides is really interesting, and it would sad to see it wasted.
  8. I almost forgot, you will run into Vaida again in a later chapter, but you can actually recruit her this time, just talk to her with Eliwood, and while Heath is better than her, she does come with a free Spear, so recruiting her might be worth it. And you want to use Nino right? If you manage to get Nino to talk with Jaffar, will get the Night of Farewells chapter, which is useful for training Nino. And, it's a kinda hard and may not even be worth it, but try having Nino fight Sonia in this chapter, you can get a pretty cool conversation between the two, where you will witness an absolutely pissed off Nino.
  9. But from what I've heard, the support points you get during skinship is far too little to actually make a difference. Are there are ways to get even more support point during skinship?
  10. Why my name have to be the last one of the list...It's gonna get ignored... Great idea Aura, also you should ask Power Master to put this list on the OP of the thread.
  11. This all optional, in fact, from what I've heard you actually have to go out your way to do these things, and the game doesn't even tell you about it, also this all happens in the My Room building of My Castle, so if you aren't interested in those things, you could always destroy the building, and ignore it's existance, since it doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.
  12. I've made another difficult one today, it's my most brutal stage yet, let's see if you guys can clear it: 682C-0000-003E-C162 Maybe I was a bit too cruel when making this stage...Best of luck!
  13. It's funny, but while everyone is focusing on II.8, what really got my attention is the trailer are Foretellers, there's so many theories in my head about these guys, that I'm really curious. (I may have criticized KH's plot, but making theories about it is a guilty pleasure of mine) It's very likely that the Foretellers have connections to specific characters, and I wonder who's the traitor... I better stop here, if I start writting theories this post gonna long and off-topic.
  14. There's something I've been thinking: Every game of the series, with coded being an exception, introduces a new character to the story, so I wonder what kind of character will be introduced on 2.8, and makes me wonder what new elements and characters will be introduced in 3, consdering how large the core cast is.
  15. Bring Astrid, and have her fight some of the bosses, especially Lekain, she was supposed to marry him after all. She has boss conversations, and pretty good ones too, with almost every single boss on the tower. Oh, but Oliver also has boss conversation with almost every tower boss as well, and they are hilarious. The bosses's reaction to Oliver are priceless.
  16. I was feeling particularly cruel today, so I made quite a difficult stage today, well perhaps is not difficult, but certaintly annoying: 3203-0000-003A-3928 Let's see if anyone here can complete this stage without taking any damage. I personally think it's impossible, but who knows? Maybe someone here can do it. In the meantime, I gonna give the stages you guys made a go. And Ana, your pipe stage was based on Super Mario Bros Z right? Did you know that they're making a Reboot of the of series?
  17. Yup, you will get another Heaven Seal later on, and Eliwood promotes automaticaply after the Cog of Destiny chapter, by the way, I guess Battle Before Dawn wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, granted it is Eliwood Normal Mode, but still, sorry for making a big fuss about it. By the way what did you thing of Battle Before Dawn? And now you must on the Water Temple chapter, the one with Sonia as a boss right?
  18. My real question is why people make these requests in the first place. Do they honestly expect that someone actually has that sort of Pokemon? Do they really think they are making a fair trade? Or that anyone will fall for that?
  19. Funny, back in the DPPt days I've had the same problems; with people wanting things like Lv.1 Arceus or a Lv.100 Bidoof, so really, this is nothing new.
  20. This might sound weird, but I'm hoping we get a DLC involving Samson and Arran, considering that the choice between the two of them is what inspired Fates in the first place, so an appearance or at least reference to them would be nice.
  21. It's not quite like that.First, if the situation was reversed, and it was Nintendo copying stuff from Disney, most people in this thread would think that Disney should sue Nintendo, just like they're saying Nintendo should sue Disney. While I don't a lawsuit is the best thing for this, Nintendo should at least issue a Cease&Desist warning. Second, if it were a homage, they should have said it was homage, but at no point they mention Nintendo. When people make homages, they should say who they are making a homage of, a good example is the Playstation All-Stars game, Sony said from the beginning that they made the game because they admire Smash Bros. Third, while game companies making clone of popular games to try to cash-in in their popularity is nothing new, they at least should try to be subtle, which they aren't, not in the least. The reason most people are shocked is at how is blatantly obvious that they are copying Splatoon. Seriously, like I said before, they are even using words like squid, turf, ink and are even making squid puns, which Splatoon is know for. You can't get more blatant that this. They at least could have used different terms for the game.
  22. He seems to have plenty of experience in the market, so he knows what he's getting into, and from what I researched, that whole mess with NoA(copyright, localization, etc.) was after his presidency, so I don't believe he's involved with Nintendo's copyright mess, or at least his involment was very small.
  23. Something just hit me, They called it squid wars, used Davy Jones as "mascot" of sorts, used like ink, turf and squid, and even used squid puns which Splatoon is know for. Did Disney seriously thought that people would't notice? I still love Disney, but man...
  24. Let me play the Devil's advocate for a while:To be fair, when Nintendo was less paranoid about their IPs, it resulted into things like the Super Mario Movie, Captain N and the Zelda CD-I games, so one could say they were traumatized. And Disney Infinity's new game mode will only make them even more overprotective of their IPs. That being said, they have a treasure trove of IP, which is very well loved, so Nintendo has an incredible pontential that I don't think they realized.
  25. Just be bold! Don't be afraid to create crazy stages, and feel free to take inspiritation from other people's stages!
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