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Everything posted by IEatLasers

  1. If I’m even right it may be like Ragnell and Adonite that aren’t actually the same
  2. I think Byleth’s sword may have divine ability of a goddess and it may be a whip too? Unit can counterattack regardless of space? Whip Sword? Sorry for keeping the annoying bars there I felt people may want to see timestamps!
  3. So faith, spirituality all that is Astral and science/dark magic is Anima? Never knew what those meant.
  4. Maybe, I don’t know right now I’m in a very nervous spot. I want a reason to like Byleth but...
  5. But then they have literally no character they’re nothing.
  6. Yeah...I’m really not happy about a story splitting in three ways around a character who doesn’t even talk...that’s really sad to me in fact!
  7. I think the game has all paths but it’s 3 paths so, not one story
  8. I don’t think there will be romance or marriage just hearts to reference supporting. Does byleth ever talk? He may be a mute (to the players because we tal through him which, I really hate) also so it looks like we only have a little bit of team members/units instead of a whole bunch like usual which is so sad. Also, maybe only 1 tier now for classes. I don’t think you promote I think you have to try several classes to hoisted your stats instead of going Cavelier, Great Knight you go Noble, Cavalier, sage, Myrmidon,
  9. Great work! I think in the Dmitri section near the beginning you mixed up their named So questions for You or anyone else reading: few questions! Do you think the story’s will converge? Or is it 3 totally different games? I just want a lot of units not like 10.. To me it looks like supports are gone, but the support system is in? So no conversations but still bonus? Or at least no marriage. Idk that make sense? Or is it probably just your few students 10-20? Also, is the class Noble->Mage->Sorcerer? Or do you think tier two classes are gone to promote the idea of making every use every class for some time? (Since it seems like we’re meant to make everyone train in everything) Lastly, did you ever notice Byleth talk? He may only grunt/be totally silent and have no role in the story.
  10. I really hope we get a legendary Chrom someday...but I don’t have that gut feeling this month hmm, do you think Fallen heroes 2 is coming? Maybe risen king Chrom...? Idk who would be in it. Maybe beserker Ike.
  11. Still Chrom loses like all in doing is for nothing
  12. Either Chrom or Michiah. About time they got legendaries!
  13. Yeah but Chrom just may win if I try hard enough so do I use my votes to show my support for the smaller characters, or use them in a way that I may, unlikely as it is, win?
  14. I really only want Chrom but no way he can beat Marth, Reinhardt, Alm, and Eliwood (going to get the Hector vote) on the girls side...No way can Lethe or my Nepheene win
  15. I would rather Byleth have a set personality than be an avatar but they should have just made Edelgard the main one! She could still be like Chrom, the front with avatar in back, instead of Azura, playing second fiddle
  16. Oh I’m sure Byleth can be female too but that doesn’t really count as a strong female lead.
  17. I need it hope to that Byleth it isn’t the same. Same reason I didn’t count Corrin...(though Corrin was so blank even she got overshadowed by Ryoma and Xander)
  18. Honestly I’m hurt that we Finally get a woman in the spotlight and she’s overshadowed by the main character as an avatar. We never got a lord! We had Lyn who got taken over by Eliwood and then hector I’m NG+, Erika who had ephraim, and Michiah who had to fight the return of Ike taking lead. I saw Edelgard and thought finally we get a lord for the girls~ nope. It’s an avatar main character and there’s 2 other lords, both men. Not like guys have Marth, Ike, Chrom, Alm (who comes out on top over Celica), Eliwood, and maybe the new main guy if he can’t change genders. Thsts whats changed my opinion. I’m so upset.
  19. It would add replayabilty if done right. Awakening has more replayabilty than Fates or me because better story and more interesting characters, plus in Fates every character retreats nobody dies wtf echoes has NO replayabilty. I couldn’t do it. It bored me, maps were too flat and the dungeons were so long and boring it just wasn’t any good going through again. Mixed with fewer classes and fewer units it just didn’t have it for me This game seems like itll have the same problem.
  20. Maybe not silent but mostly silent because he said nothing but Edelgard spoke a lot yet he is the main character? And in town she talks but he just gets a prompt that the player picks. they really need to stop with avatars...
  21. What worries me is if number of people in the squad deplete maybe you don’t die you run out of squads and that character can’t battle until you go to a safe zone and restore their squad to full power but the unit themselves never die and we get like 6 characters with large squads not an FE styled 30/40
  22. I wasn’t picturing them changing the color scheme to give all of it more flaming feels! And arcfire is actually ragnorak
  23. Can’t say I expect it...but I could potentially see Impa (shiek) Celica (Robin) but this would be instead of Chrom (I don’t think the Chrom evidence is strong. He’s from an old game and Ike lost half his costumes so of course Chrom ain’t one no more) And someone for F zero. Maybe a villain.
  24. Biggest thing is I want a woman! A woman who aint sharin her spotlight and cant go and become a man like Corrin. Even if Robin were a woman, Chrom is the real leader and protagonist.
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