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Posts posted by Coolmanio

  1. 1 minute ago, Florete said:

    I don't like how we'll be assigned a team, but I guess they did it for balancing purposes.

    Of course, I'll need to play it to see if I actually like it. When I saw the orb with Anna it gave me hope she was getting an alt or something...

    This is what I was kind of thinking as well.

    I still think I would have enjoyed a 'survival' mode more, where you see how many enemies you can defeat/or how many turns you survive and get a rank based off of that, but "shrug"

  2. 4 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Pretty triggered by them calling Leif "Leaf". It's Lay-f. 

    Other than that though, noice. A bit underwhelmed by Roy's refine,but the new game mode and summoning pool adjustments were nice, even if a lot of five star locked skills remain. 

    It's pronounced "Leaf" in Japanese (リーフ), so they probably just based it off of this.

  3. 9C2FeYh4_BMlshsPoVTh3Mhvbcyf-hmj5_vfN561

    You will be joining 1 of 3 armies, trying to take control of the most area of Askr!

    You will randomly be assigned into an army: Alfonse, Sharena, Anna.

    You can ONLY attack an enemies area if you have conquered an area near to that!

    You will have to use special stamina, which is replenished at a rate of 1 an hour!

    The battles resemble Rival Domains!

    The score you get will be added to the overall score from your team for that area!

    There are also defence scores! If the opposing team's defence score is higher than your team's offence score, you will not get the area. Points are calculated every 2 hours!

    Higher scores get you in higher tiers, which result in better results!

    This first event will launch on April 13th and last 6 days!

  4. MlSkvlj.jpg


    Infernal Units Stats:


    Saias (58/53/36/22/40)

    Wargod's Tome: At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Res-4 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next actions.)


    Fury 3

    Escape Route 3

    Spd Ploy 3

    Bow Fighter (59/42/27/32/17)

    Brave Bow +


    Atk/Def Bond 3

    Guard 3

    Atk Tactic 3

    Green Mage Cavalier (45/51/28/18/37)

    Gronnblade +


    Warding Blow 3

    Chill Res 3

    Atk Ploy 3

    Lance Knight (76/56/17/44/21)

    Ridersbane +



    Mirror Stance 2

    Wary Fighter 3

    Res Tactic 3

    Sword Dragon (57/52/30/39/21)

    Slaying Edge +


    Distant Def 3

    Drag Back

    Guidance 3

    Sword Cavalier (57/55/30/31/36)

    Silver Sword +

    Draconic Aura

    Fury 3

    Pass 3

    Def Tactic 3



  5. 3 minutes ago, Thane said:

    How exciting. I'm unable to check out the details of the last one, so I'll ask you chaps here: how long was the previous FEH Channel and how much did they reveal? 18 minutes gives them quite some time to reveal something exciting.

    The last one, the anniversary one, was 13 minutes.

    If it is 18 minutes, it would be the longest one, tied with the Feh Channel where Fjorm and Book II were revealed.

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