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Posts posted by Coolmanio

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ether said:

    The smart choice is to vote for a limited seasonal character. RD Ike will rotate in on legendary banners without pity breakers, so the people that want him shouldn't have much problem getting him. A strong seasonal like SCorrin or WTharja is a much better choice if they're available. If not, well, I guess I'll enjoy feeding an Ike to someone

    OOOOH. Yes, a good idea! W!Tharja would be awesome since she is OP. But, the masses aren't going to be coherent enough for that haha!

  2. All the new orb maps are cool with me. 

    50 orb present! Yo, that's chill. Thanks IS.

    Training maps looks awesome and super useful. I am down with those.

    Tap game is a big 0.0

    Hero Fest 3 is okay for those who need those units. I have all 4, so I can rest easy and avoid it.

    Legendary Heroes Banner...... Units look alright. I'll only pull on Green, as I need Guunthra and would LOVE a PA!Azura. Don't have Xander and don't really want him. But if I get him, at least it fills in the catalogue.

    V!Ike..... Let's hope he wins the...

    HERO VOTING THING (I already forget what it is called). Yup, there will be bloodshed here for sure.

    I agree with everyone else. This sits firmly in the ok range of FEH channels. For the anniversary, I did expect a bit more. #fixyourfreakingsummoningpools

  3. 120 orbs so far on this banner and only a - ATK Brave Roy to show for it. Not bad, since I didn't have him, but still haha.

    But Myrrh was like in my Top 3 characters in SS, so I WILL get her haha. I hope the next Legendary Hero isn't TOO OP, so I won't feel bad missing him/her.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Getting really fucking sick of Camilla. Tharja dropped, why didn't she? Please let Eirika or Azura overtake her. I'm totally cool with Celica making #1, though.

    Honestly, I'd love to see Veronica, Loki, or Laevatein make it high enough just to see how the devs would justify them in-universe (assuming we don't get to acquire normal versions of them prior).

    Anna, though...her not even being in the top 20 females saddens me.

    As for the guys...Ephraim is cool, but I don't think I'd pull for him. I'm neutral on Hector. If the top two are any two of them and Marth, I'll be fine. I just hope Alm doesn't creep up.

    Now, I knew Reinhardt would rank higher, but shit. His and Leif's positions (and Veronica, Loki, and Laevatein, to be fair) show that this is largely being voted on by hardcore Heroes players rather than the fanbase at large.

    It's unfortunate, but Anna is just a victim of having 5 different incarnations of herself in the poll.

    But there really does need to be an Anna seasonal unit. Valentine's Day?? Anna running towards a big pile of money with hearts in her eyes?

  5. 2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

    Poor Glade is so out of place on my ballet. Someone should help the poor guy. 

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    The mid-term placements are... interesting. Can't say I'm thrilled about all of them but it is great to see Celica and Hector in 1st! And its awesome to see Keaton and Kaden in the top at all!

    That too.

    And Selkie too!


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