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Posts posted by Coolmanio

  1. 1 hour ago, Noir said:

    So, new trailer tomorrow? Or gonna skip it since the Gauntlet is still running?

    Could be, but who really knows.

    But this whole BHB Rebout this getting old and just shows the drought we have been in the past few weeks. I have felt really bored. I think there needs to be SOMETHING added soon to make the game feel fresh again. Maybe its time for another Feh Broadcast....

  2. Just now, Rezzy said:

    I was expecting to see that Linde.

    I really mad at my luck right now.  I've used far too many Orbs and only have - Atk Sigurd and a bevy of -Atk Seliphs to show for it.  Then there's going to be some stupid seasonal banner next week that I'm going to feel compelled to roll on or miss out on the units forever.

    Speaking of..... haha #halloweenfeh

  3. Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:



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    I'm super bummed that he and Azura are the same color. ...and I also really want Shigure. My 87 orbs won't be enough. Please please please let this be a month-long banner. PLEEEEEASE. 

    Haha, it is. It says so at the end of the video.

  4. Three summons! First, I wanted to pull for summer Elise and Xander, who I didn't have. No Xander, but.....



    Well, that's my first 3 pull. Celica is +SPD - DEF, Olwen is -ATK +RES, S!Elise is +RES - DEF. Disappointing about Olwen, but I really can't complain.

    Next, I pulled for hero fest. I have both Ike and Julia, so I pulled for Ninian and Genny




    No Genny, but a 2nd Rebecca and my first 5 star Priscilla. Not bad, but would have preferred an Elise!


  5. 3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    I'm pretty sure they haven't released new characters over the weekends in the past. They don't usually release new events either. (Actually...I'm not sure if anything significant ever starts on the weekend.) IDK what the devs have against Saturday and Sunday (at least in my timezone). XD

    More than likely, if we get a new banner, it'll be on Monday/Tuesday. 

    I would agree with you there, but they have updated new characters every 14 days on the dot. So I can't help but think we will be getting our Magvel banner on Friday.

    And IS would TOTALLY have Hero Fest and a cool new Magvel banner release within a day of each other!

  6. Just now, Ryu Yuki said:

    Well, now that I've calmed down somewhat, I do imagine that they'll probably have an English trailer soon or something. And it's probably not too much of a big deal since the new features are probably far-off and won't be here for a while. The most immediate thing is the new focus summon, which we could all tell about even without knowing a speck of the language. But still, I do think it's a legitimate complaint for international players to want an international game to make international announcements rather than catering to a single specific audience. It doesn't bother me as much anymore, but I find it a tad bit rude that many people are equating this complaint as an attack on Japan, its culture, and also its holidays. I don't really think anyone on this thread meant it in such a manner or are hating Japan immensely for this. Maybe they might not be super-fond of Intelligent System's business decisions, but how does Japan exactly come into the equation...?

    It's irritating that people just kind of expect it. 

    When America gets things, the rest of the world knows that they usually have to wait until we get it. But if America has to wait..... ooooooh boy.


  7. 1 minute ago, Rezanator said:

    It depends on the language, the person, and the age. 

    Having learned English and Portuguese, there is a big difference in knowing the basics and having a deeper knowledge of the language. 

    I mean, yes, it could be easier for certain people to learn certain languages, but it is still not a simple endeavor, because like you said, each language has its own eccentricities that take time and practice to learn.

    For example, I speak Japanese so theoretically it could be easier for me to learn Cantonese/Mandarin than someone with no Asian language experience, but it surely is no freaking easy task.

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