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Not Changed by VASM :(

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Everything posted by Not Changed by VASM :(

  1. Meh, move if it really matters... ... Nudity is nudity... You may forgive me, but I don't forgive myself.
  2. I just noticed the naked Gurl in Red Fox's sig. I must be really tired if it took me this long to notice nudity.
  3. What the fuck did CGV just do to you?
  4. Well then the Rebellion is sort of fucked.
  5. Bianchi X Black Knight Princess X Masu is a close second
  6. Irish, Italian, Mexican, Cuban, American Indian, Canadian, Possibly a small amount of African but I'm not 100% sure... Yeah I'm good.
  7. Lol I just barricade myself up on the second level far out of range from the Greil Murder-rapists.
  8. Darth Vader. DARTH You IDIOT! *Force Chokes* Also, a winrar si Zeph.
  9. For making topics like this. that is why I hate you.
  10. ... You can't grasp the true form of his badassery.
  11. Echidna is dressed fairly well for a Hero. Not that diffrent from Harken's outfit.
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