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Posts posted by carefreejules

  1. Don't be afraid to use shape tools especially for the crystal ball :>

    Also, for things like lightning effects or just effects in general, when you're working digitally, don't give the effects a black outline because it makes them look tangibly solid, if that makes sense. Things like smoke or lightning aren't tangible so that's something to keep in mind.

    Here's some example from my own drawings:

    Fire: http://jinglebell-whistle.deviantart.com/art/Vesta-622441885?q=gallery%3Ajinglebell-whistle%2F44167984&qo=1

    Lightning/Thunder: http://jinglebell-whistle.deviantart.com/art/Tactician-548685486



    She also happens to be into the puzzle-solving detective life, and initially got into this line of work to find out where her father disappeared to. When progress isn't going so hot on that mystery, she takes on odd detective work around town with her assistant Sharo, who is a talking dog.



    omg I am so concerned and worried rn

    Is this how her games are going to play out? At the end of each game, she'll get an important clue about where he is, which will lead into the next game??? That's my best guess anyway.

    I have so many questions but god damn I am intrigued and interested af

  3. This new installment features Layton's daughter as the main protagonist! She's also accompanied by a talking dog which looks to be her side kick/companion but also a bit of comic relief?

    The game is set to launch in Spring of 2017 for the 3DS but also for Android and iOS devices!


    I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hyped!! She's so cute and I absolute adore her design. God, I miss this franchise so much ;u;

    But I'd really like to know who the mom is like, Layton, who's the pretty lady that you knocked up I NEED TO KNOW!!!

  4. Awwwwww it would have been kind of funny and cool if there was a drama CD with just the children, like how 2 of the Awakening drama CDs centered around the children. One of them being about their Future of Despair (angstangstangstangst) and the other being a more light hearted one where they try to find Lucina's tiara.

    I saw a post on tumblr of the characters that are to be featured (though I didn't know if it was for the first one or for all the drama CD's collectively), but I was a bit surprised to not see Jakob, Felicia, or Camilla on the list :0 Or any of the other Royal sisters for that matter since they ranked pretty high.

    Here's the post in question if anyone is curious: http://instantlylefttrash.tumblr.com/post/147987948762/so-theres-going-to-be-a-fates-drama-cd-released

  5. I didn't want to necropost and I didn't see anyone post anything about this yet so, here's the anniversary picture that Kozaki Yusuke drew!


    The picture is really nice but I find her leg positioning a bit...confusing? I can tell that her legs are facing forward (away from the viewer) and she's twitching her body around to face the viewer but I feel like she's twisting a bit too...far maybe? Maybe I'm just being nit picky.

    Also, Female Kamui/Corrin nendoroid and figma confirmed! I also saw prototypes of a Camilla figma in the works on tumblr but I don't know how reliable that source is.

    The final result of the Elise nendoroid seems to be finished and she looks super cute!

    Yo man, I want a figma of a Fire Emblem dude next come on Good Smile.


    I'm in a bit of an art rut where I can't think of a fun thing to draw so, feel free to send in suggestions on what I should draw. The only catch is that the character or what have you MUST be from the list of video games and anime that are listed in my about page on tumblr. Otherwise, suggestions of characters I do not know will be ignored. Note, these are suggestions - not requests so I'm not going to draw every single thing that's going to be asked of me.

    And please don't request anything super elaborate since these are probably just going to be busts (so don't request characters to do some crazy Jojo poses)

  7. tumblr_oaqd62dMdi1uygxybo1_540.png

    Aagh I hate lineart so much ;o; I don't know how you magicians do it. I just can't make them go together smoothly ;P

    Ahhhh if you're trying to mimic the style of the My Room models, I suggest working with thinner lineart since it's closer to the style imo ;)

    Line art isn't easy but it really depends on how you're doing it. If you're slowly sketching in the lines, stroke after stroke, it's going to take awhile and your lines might come out a bit uneven and not very smooth. Dragging your stylus pen will also make your line art look a bit messy.

    I flick my wrist for when I do the line art or in other words, it helps to make quick strokes for clean lines.

  8. The midi file and sheet music are in the downloadable file. But here's the link again in case other problems arise: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iiiujm1e4ur44qq/Test%20Music.zip?dl=0

    So messing around with the graphic options on paint.net; coloring it it, ink sketch, then coloring it in again using the NES pallet given earlier, this is what I came up with:


    I quite like this one, actually. The colors blend well enough, I think.

    I also like the glow the "ink sketch" option gave me, that's a nice touch. Earlier I used a white outline to separate the portrait from the background, but the glow works even better in this instance.

    Would this be suitable for the final outcome? The tilesets use the NES pallet as well, so this would be a great match. Is there anything I need to adjust here?

    EDIT: Looks like the glow cuts off at the ends, but I can fix that.

    Actually...imo, since you're using a NES Palette, those colours don't actually mesh well together because the way lighting works doesn't really make sense. I don't really understand why you're putting those dabs of colour because to me, it looks like you're trying to shade, but you're not shading enough. For example, it looks like your character is in a setting where there's green lighting because of the hair but then the darker colours on their clothes aren't green - do you see the inconsistency? When it comes to shading, you need to think about the colour of the light and where it's coming from and keeping that colour of light consistent throughout.

    Green and brown don't really look good together. I know you're trying to go for an NES/Retro colour palette, but you shouldn't use green as a shading colour or an accent colour for the colour brown.

    Also, I find the glow kind of unnecessary. I don't think the glow is going to be all that noticeable if you were to show that portrait in the game.

    Edit: To add, the green inevitably clashes with the orange as well.

  9. It's not worth it man. Ayanami is not worth it.

    Just stay away from this thead.

    As a person who has the JP Tokyo Mirage Sessions and isn't super "OH MY GOSH HOW DARE THEY" with the exception of the wedding dress...

    I'll tell you it's just not worth it to respond to the rants of a long time member of this forum that makes little sense.

    I have learned this the hard way and will now listen to this advice.

  10. Front page.

    front page of what? are you talking about the video?

    yes because that example speaks on behalf of EVERYTHING that is j-pop...

    now this time, give me a real life example of j-pop video with REAL people, who are wearing just bath towels.

    because you know, j-pop doesn't appear in just video games and anime, you know.

  11. Folks have complained in the Censored Tokyo Mirage Sessions vid which I don't blame them. They've ruined a great masterpiece for some of us to enjoy. -.-

    Removing integrity upon their dancing to give them clothes and no shorts and bath towels in the certain point of the game doesn't make it J-Pop at all. They could have had both versions (Censored and Uncut) for everyone to enjoy. But...nope. They aren't willing to invest money on it.

    ...Have you ever actually watched a J-POP video before????????????? What j-pop videos have you been watching where the singers are wearing just bath towels??????

    Give me a j-pop video where they're wearing just bath towels. Go on, I dare you.

  12. There isn't any point to getting the Eng version if they have changed it into a game that isn't done for older audiences to enjoy it...too. When upon average 35 yr olds play games. Only getting both versions for the offical translation. The battle system and translation are all I can say good about it! Still...like Card Captor Sakura, they've removed a portion of the series and turned Tomoyo(Madison) into a blunt character. -.-

    Stuff like this...you should import and will now have to watch the games more now to see what they remove from the game before deciding on whether to buy it, or import it.

    Yup, you clearly don't know how business works in Japan, you don't know how localization works in general, and on top of that, you are pretty entitled.

    Also, "there isn't any point to getting the English version if they change it into a game that isn't done for older audiences to enjoy it too" you're making it seem like that YOU NEED BOOBS AND SWIM SUITS AND NAKED ABS in order for adults to enjoy a fucking game. People aren't that god damn simple minded and perverted, you know.

    I don't need to import a game if I know what they removed because frankly, some people don't give a shit of what was changed because people can live without OPTIONAL swim suits.

    Unless they took out Sessions or Weapon fusing, you know, things that are ACTUALLY integral to the gameplay, then we can talk.

  13. OqqDm5.jpg







    Just got it in the mail today.

    Unplayable at the moment though. -.-

    Nintendo already killed my hype of it long ago and this is the only way that I can enjoy the game now. It has no English subtitles and I feel that they could have done a better job on it. -.-

    Cero B is higher than Jap FE Fates rating when it was a Cero C rating. It'll be cool to see Touma Akagi in swim trunks with brawny shoulders in battle. ^^

    >complains about there not being any English subtitles

    >...for a Japanese region locked version of the game

    I mean, that's the price you pay for buying the JAPANESE version of the game, for the ORIGINAL country that doesn't need English subtitles to begin with...

    That's like me buying a Japanese exclusive game from Japan and then complaining that there are no options to play it in English.

  14. Your portraits...if I'm going to be honest, they look kind of lifeless. Have you considering colouring the shine in their eyes like this:


    This isn't even a stylistic choice because if you look at eyes in real life: https://www.google.ca/search?espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=eye+&oq=eye+&gs_l=img.3..0l10.4162.4301.0.4685.

    There will be shine for eyes in most situations. Putting the shine can do a lot to make your characters look less spacey looking. The only time where they wouldn't have shine is if they're in a really really dark place or, they're possessed

  15. Being a leader is not just about leading your people and telling them what to do, it's also about shouldering responsibility and admitting to one's own mistakes.

    Ultimately, whatever you order or whatever you command, you take full responsibility for it because even though you aren't the one committing the act, you're the one who brought it up in the first place. It was YOUR ideas that lead to the problem.

    No matter what, if you're a leader and you're putting all your trust in someone and they end up acting in a way that reflects negatively on the company, you're held accountable for putting your trust into that person because you trusting them is what lead to that person being able to make that mistake. That's just how it is.

  16. Uh, excuse me, but that was a little thing called an analogy, I never said he was literally a hotel owner.

    ...We know you didn't call him a hotel owner but the fact is, that comparison doesn't really make any sense to begin with, hence why they said he's not a hotel owner.

    Being and President and a Hotel Owner are not the same and cannot be compared with with the same level of problems and issues.

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