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Posts posted by carefreejules

  1. I don't really get it when people are upset about things that are meant to have limited stock. I know back when I was complaining that I couldn't get my hands on the Fates SE, in reality I shouldn't have been complaining because when things are limited, it's first come first serve, regardless of the circumstances. I hate scalpers as much as the next person and I think it's super inconvenient that they're taking away people's chances of getting their hands on something that they genuinely want. But at the same time, that's both their fault and their choice. I can't explain it, but it just feels weird if Nintendo were to add more stocks for the Master Editions because scalpers keep taking them like "We know that they're are assholes who are going to hog the Master Editions so we'll throw in some more for the rest of you!!!" 

    But, that still doesn't rule out the fact that scalpers can STILL buy more Master Editions if they did restock. Would more people be able to get the Masters Edition? Most likely. But scalpers are also in that boat too. Either way, it wouldn't completely stop scalpers from trying to make their own buck. 

    It's true that many people might not have been in the right place at the right time as to where they could have rushed in and gotten something that was limited and it could feel so unfair but the world doesn't wait for you.

  2. A friend and I did that trick where you basically stalk and auto refresh the Canadian Best Buy page until the Pre-order button becomes available and you can put the Switch into your cart and check out. It managed to work for me yesterday around 6 pm and my friend was also able to put the Nintendo Switch in his cart and check out an hour after. 

    Even though we both got order confirmation emails from Best Buy, if that trick is a glitch in a system, our orders could potentially get cancelled but nothing so far yet in terms of cancellations. Surely they would be aware of the 'glitch' since so many people have been able to successful at doing the trick hahaha

    Super excited for Friday, nevertheless.

  3. I'm glad that you're taking the initiative to credit and source the work but have you asked the original artist if you can crop/edit their work? It's not enough to just credit the work but you need to contact the original artist on whether you can use their artwork or not. It may be for personal use but it's a good habit to ask artists permission to use their stuff. 

  4. Tbh OP, you were in the exact position as I was in when I was still in high school. I love drawing, I love art, I love doing graphic work but being in a family where there's a huge emphasis on Math and Science, it was really difficult for me to come out to my parents that I wanted to go into the Arts as a career. In my situation, I have a lot of people in my life who support me in what I love to do - my sisters know that I'm good at art and that they know I'm passionate, my brother in law is just as supportive, and one of my close friends is in Graphic Design as well so, even though my parents aren't 100% happy with the path I chose, they still try to support me in their own way. 

    So fast forward from high school, I'm majoring in Graphic Design at an art University/College called OCAD here in Toronto. Learning in an art environment is definitely enjoyable if art is something that you're passionate about because you'll meet so many people like you (you'll also meet a lot of nerds if that's what you're looking for too aha). In terms of whether it's competitive, any major you're going into, it doesn't matter if it's science, math, English, art, etc - Every field is competitive. Some more than others, of course, but everything in life is competitive, but that shouldn't stop you from being passionate and giving it your all. Even though I'm technically competing against everyone in my grade, that hardly gets in the way of the fact that we're all friends, we all share the same interest, and that we all forgot to do the assignment that was due for class lol. 

    Now, if you're going to go into Graphic Design, in terms of getting in with a portfolio, here's some things to keep in mind with when I had my portfolio interview but keep in mind that it can vary from different art schools. 

    1. Be passionate about your work. If you can't talk about your work, the one interviewing isn't going to be convinced that art means anything to you. It's OK to be nervous, it's completely understandable, but just imagine your showing your work to a friend. Imagine someone selling you a product and they're not even excited as they're explaining what the product is or does - would you buy it? Probably not, because that friend is selling you a product that they clearly don't believe in. 
    2. It's good to have variety. One of the pieces in my portfolio, that I believed helped with getting into the school, was a Graphic Design piece that involved wearing 3D glasses when looking at the piece. The guy who was interviewing me really likes 3D movies in stuff so he thought that particular piece was extremely cool. So, even though it's good to have Graphic Design specific pieces, you need some other mediums of work to spice things up. 
    3. They don't expect you to know how to draw like a genius, ESPECIALLY for Graphic Design. Here's the funny truth, at OCAD, they actually have a policy in portfolio interviews where they don't like seeing 'manga' or 'anime' like drawings. So, considering I'm someone who has a pretty anime-ish style, I thought I was screwed. But, I still had so much work that I've done in terms of life drawings, graphic design, etc so don't feel like you're limited to what is expected of you. If you can learn Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc - you're golden. 

    That's the end of my spiel but if you ever want to talk, feel free to shoot me a private message. I remember how stressful and lost I felt when I was in my last year of high school so I definitely know how you feel. But, if there's one advice that my sisters have said to me that carried me through my doubts, it would be this: "Just do what you love, because you're going to be stuck pursuing that career for 80% of your life - so why would you choose to do something you hate?"

  5. ^ Pretty much this. The closest I can see it being reworked for the 3DS if it was an eShop title and not an entire game on it's own. It just seems weird that you pay x amount of dollars for a game where you have to pay an additional x amount of dollars for orbs in order to do summons.

    Gatcha games are designed to be small but enjoyable experiences to play every now and then. This doesn't even have to apply to just gatcha games but for mobile games that involve 'stamina' in general. If a game has a limit to how much you can play, that should say something about how it was designed. Yes, in the beginning they can be extremely addicting that you don't want to stop, but as you can see, lots of people were able to fly through the 9 chapters by playing non-stop and then they don't have much to do afterwards. Stamina is pretty much there to prolong the experience in moderation.

  6. If you want to draw stuff digitally, you can invest in a drawing tablet. There are a lot of brands out there with Wacom being the first drawing tablet brand that comes to mind but there are lots of other cheaper alternatives that work just as well like Monoprice tablets and Huion tablets. I've used Wacom tablets before (I had the Wacom Pen tablet) and it was a great tablet but when I bought a Huion tablet to replace my broken Wacom, it worked just as well and for a muuuuuuuuuuuch cheaper price. 

    I believe you can get the smallest Wacom tablet for $80 - $90 but I got a large Huion tablet for $60. But if it's your first time using a tablet, I don't think you have to worry too much about the active area (drawing space) of the tablet so bigger doesn't necessarily mean better since there is a learning curve in just getting used to how drawing tablets feel. 

    As for art programs, I personally use Paint Tool Sai as my go to - it's a wonderful art program with an easy user interface but I also use Photoshop CC to do all those fancy filters and lighting effects to my drawings. If you're looking for a cheaper/free alternative, I hear Fire Alpaca is a hybrid between Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai and it's also free so you should look into that program. 

    If you want any more tips and advice, feel free to comment on my art thread which is in my signature or you can shoot me a private message and I can definitely help you out there.

    Good luck!

  7. Well, if I run out of stamina, I just wait until it's full again. When you've played gatcha games before, the waiting game is a lot more bearable and less of a hindrance. 

    But in general, I personally really really like grinding in Fire Emblem. There's something super relaxing and therapeutic about it so I don't mind if it takes a long time to level up. I enjoy the slow grind lmao.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It is a bad game. It's not simply because I got really unlucky. I pointed out a number of other things, some of which people agreed with too.

    I don't really like games that have a lot of luck involved, no. Maybe you're right and that I shouldn't be playing those games.

    Is it "gacha" or "gatcha"? I see both spellings in here and now I have no idea which is supposed to be correct.

    Then keep that opinion to yourself  - when you say, 'it is a bad game', you're talking as if everyone shares the same opinion/view. If that's not how you meant to say it, then say 'I think this is a bad game' since you're referring to how you feel yourself. 

  9. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Uh, duh? I wasn't expecting to only get my favorite characters. I was never refusing to use anything but favorite characters either. Draug and Olivia aren't favorites as I said. I'm getting a lot of duplicate characters and characters that can't do something that someone else in my party already does well enough. So the problem isn't really a lack of favorite characters.

    You're complaining that you just wasted money on a game that is designed with luck being a mechanic for gatchas, you didn't get the characters that you wanted OR would have balanced your team, therefore you call it a bad game.

    If you don't like games with luck involved or you don't like it when things go your way - you should not be playing gatcha games. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Definitely not wasting my money like this again. I guess I'm screwed and can't play the game. Not my fault it isn't a good game though.

    Here's the thing: you knew the consequences, many of us have warned you and gave you suggestions - I'm damn surprised that you're surprised that it turned out this way. 

    Like I said before: Gatcha games aren't designed so people get their favourite characters. When you spend money on gatchas, you're basically rolling for the chance of not getting your favourite character.

    If you get someone you don't like or don't care for, you either suck it up and try to at least make most of the experience or you don't play. 

  11. You're welcome! I'll keep a look out for others but I think I stumbled across that person's store by typing in 'Inigo Fire Emblem Cipher' on google so maybe you'll be able to find other store envy shops by doing something similar!

  12. 12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I realize by saying things like I don't want Elibe characters that I'm cutting out a third of the current cast, but I don't really care. I don't enjoy using characters I don't like or care for and thus I won't enjoy the game.

    I'm going to say this straight up that if you're going to go into these kinds of games with that mindset, you're not going to have any more fun. Unlike with regular video games, you're not putting anything on the line like money to get the characters you want that you'll use and play with. The characters are there with you from the start. 

    Gatcha games aren't designed so people get their favourite characters. When you spend money on gatchas, you're basically rolling for the chance of not getting your favourite character. I know that sounds like a 'well not shit' kind of comment, but if you go at these kinds of games with low expectations and an open mind, you'll feel less frustrated. 

    Gatcha games are not designed in favour of the player. At it's roots, gatcha games are akin to gambling. 

    If you want to continue going into this game with your current mindset, you do you but myself and others are just warning you that you are limiting yourself A LOT by doing this.

  13. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Said user is talking out of their rear end considering growths are fixed.

    You have to remember that not everyone knows that, right? I mean, I sure didn't know that until I found a thread about it here.

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