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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Oh my gosh, I enjoyed that waaaaaaaaaaay too much. Bless you. Niles has no fucking chill I swear.
  2. Corrin should have given him a bath towel instead
  3. This also applies for Odin and Laslow as well. It's a bit tedious and a bit of work, but you can always bond with them as friends first, get the dialogue, and the marry them.
  4. I love Modern AUs I also love short haired Takumi with a beanie.
  5. Ahh is that it? The comment they made of "WHO'S GIRLY NOW, FOOL?" made me think they were talking about that rather than the glitch you mentioned because when I went to check my game before commenting, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. My mistake if I misunderstood!
  6. I'm assuming this is about Forrest looking ripped af? I don't really consider this a glitch since, you know, he considers himself as male and this happens in the Japanese version of the game too.
  7. I can just imagine Subaki and Kaden having a slumber party where they groom each other's hair.
  8. I think the most valid lesson that was learned from this is: Talk shit, get hit.
  9. Someone already made a thread about this a few days ago. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=62317&hl=amalee
  10. -aggressively waits for Laslow and Kaze- oh my gosh, I need Kaze kicking Laslow's ass in getting woman so badly lmao I really hope that's how their conversation is going to play out.
  11. When I did it, I just stayed out of their range of movement. Even if they close in on you when it's their turn, as long as you stay out of their range before hand, they won't react so you'll still get the opportunity to move away from them. I also paired up units who couldn't move as far with mount units to make it easier to stay out of range.
  12. Working with a limited palette helps you with shading :> Sometimes artists will work in gray scale to establish shadows and highlights before putting in colour. The same could be said with using only one colour. You're training but limiting yourself to only use light and dark values of a colour.
  13. Welcome to Fire Emblem, where hit rates don't even mean anything.
  14. The first Hidden Truths was harder than the second one purely because you have enemies swarming from all directions in the first one so I was able to beat it by having everyone move down and then up. But I had a hard time with the second one because the bloody RNG was screwing me over. You get First Blood, and you get First Blood AND EVERYONE GETS FIRST BLOOD!
  15. Damn Scarlet. I really like your flirting style! It's a real shame they couldn't support because they have a really great chemistry going on. And they both have the red armor motif on fleek. They were clearly meant to be.
  16. The CGs aren't THAT horrible. The one that I think is not the best would be Setsuna's but everyone looks 'decently' proportionate but I'm not going to nitpick. The CGs look great to some or they may look like hot shit to others - it's subjective.
  17. Awwwwwwww...that was a really, really nice conversation. Quite a bit of back story for the length of the conversation as a whole but it was just enough that it didn't feel rushed at all.
  18. You'll get your chance another day, Shura. Or get Saizo to remove those caltrops for you hahaha Azura is me I love telling scary stories too I'm that person who will bring up a scary story that has something to do with the current setting or activity For example, one time my friends and I were on an escalator and I was like "oh yeah, I watched this video of the 3 most horrifying deaths caused by escalators" and proceeded to explain what happened and my friends were freaking out like "DUDE DON'T TELL US THIS WHILE WE'RE ON AN ESCALATOR"
  19. They should have made it so that the cards are greyed out as an indication that you've already visited them. Throwing in a countdown timer would be convenient too. If they intend on bringing My Castle for the next installment, they should definitely consider doing that.
  20. You could always go down the route of buying better skills from other people's teams in their My Castle :>
  21. My Corrin would most definitely reprimand Laslow for trying to turn one of their pride and joys into a womanizer.
  22. I spy the fact that Laslow can talk to Niles and Kaze. This pleases me greatly. (Kaze pls kick his butt at attracting woman that would make my day)
  23. From my understanding, they were supposed to reflect the poll results but there were a lot of detours in choosing who got a CG in the end. Edit: This is the third time I got ninja'd in a thread jesus I think that's an indication that I should go to bed.
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