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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. As someone who has their own youtube channel as well, sometimes it helps to put out content that people might not be able to find anywhere else like tips/secrets/easter eggs and so on. What I mean by this, is that my youtube channel started getting subscribers and such after posting everyone's My Room/skinship videos. Other youtube channels have posted videos like that way before me, but what I did differently was that I was able to showcase everyone's 'special' lines one after the other using Live 2D viewer since people have made their models available. So, it's kind of a matter of finding your own way to put out content that is unique to you. I get some comments every now and then asking me how I record my videos or where can people look to find the Fire Emblem related resources that I use. If your audience is able to ask questions, you have a greater opportunity of reaching out and communicating with them. As a result, you start to build a relationship with your audience. But with that being said I am by no means popular (I have about 2.5k subscribers) but I had no idea that I would even get that many to begin with and I'm extremely grateful so, sometimes it's good to set the bar low. It's a slow process and it's not easy - but it really helps to narrow down exactly WHY you're making videos. Do you enjoy making them? Do you enjoy playing video games? If you're having fun and enjoying the process of making videos and putting them out there, people will believe it too. If you're not having fun with what you're doing, then what IS the point? If you enjoy something enough, there's always a point to it - the point is your satisfaction. It's important to think about your potential audience, but it's just as important to think about yourself. I noticed a common trend with popular Youtubers in that, they spark in popularity from one video or a series of videos. Sometimes you'll hear people say things like, "Oh Pewdiepie was that Amnesia guy." or "Markiplier was that Five Nights at Freddy's guy." and so on. They made tons of videos way before putting out the videos that sparked their popularity, so who's to say that it can't happen to you? You won't know unless you keep making videos. Maybe one of your videos will go viral one day. Remember - Youtubers and popular channels all started from the ground up and know exactly how it felt to be at the bottom with no audience and no fans. Seeing their history, it really shows how much they believed in their content and capabilities that they were able to make it all the way to where they are now.
  2. Omg that is so precious. Saizo is such a big softie.
  3. I nearly threw up everything at that Skinship one DOES NOT WANT
  4. Do you ever just clutch your chest because of something so precious and adorable? Because I just did with Takumi and Kana's conversation.
  5. ...Really? For me, I actually didn't have anyone talk to him - I just made sure he didn't die and he got recruited to my party anyway by the end of it.
  6. -Mortal Combat narrator- FATALITY Shiro used Smog! It was super effective!
  7. Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Not sure if I want to post the link but...in Kana(F) and Soleil's conversation, Soleil brings back the...questionable powder and Kana(F)...seems to want in on it........ Only the first half of the scene is translated so far but man...I really hope this doesn't cause another shit storm. I don't think I can go through another week of that. I can definitely say that I do not like this conversation aha............ http://jokerthebutler.tumblr.com/post/141276744223/part-of-soleilkanna-dlc-convo-more-kanna
  8. I would watch the crap out of that. I absolutely adore comedy/slice of lifey animes.
  9. Oh, I actually found the conversation pretty nice even if it was predictable. I like the dynamic of the child having talented parents, only to find out that they don't share any of their talents - which leads them to feeling incompetent. But in the end, it all comes down to hard work and perseverance since some skills just come more naturally to others. It's probably because I've felt that way throughout my life so I'm bias towards this hahaha But yeah, I've been in choir and stuff and I don't remember hearing anything about chopsticks and dumplings.
  10. You need...dumplings and chopsticks in order to sing...? Am I missing the punchline here or.............. Wat
  11. Kitsune for life I loooooooooooooooooove their design (I also like Kaden over Keaton tbh) and I just love foxes.
  12. Oh I remember the "Rainbow Road to Heaven" alright ;u;
  13. Oh my gosh, I thought I was able to move on but watching this attacked me right in the feels and reverted me back into a blubbering cry baby ;A; Such a beautiful tribute.
  14. I am speechless at that Camilla and Kiragi conversation Camilla what have you done
  15. Hopefully Kana doesn't go around making this big mistake again.
  16. man...kind of unrelated but when Dwyer said: "Actually, to be forgotten by everyone you know is like the same as dying…" reminded me a lot of Freya's quote from Final Fantasy 9 which is "To be forgotten is worst than death." which hit me right in the feels.
  17. Huh! How about that - it's a little strange then that she wouldn't announce them as winners as well :o Unless it's the case of the game sensing which children characters you do have and having Anna announce the winners based on that but still.
  18. ...Huh I think the Midori and Shigure CGs might be fake. I follow someone on tumblr who translated the opening scene of the DLC and when Anna announced the winners, she only mentioned Dwyer, Forrest, Nina and Ophelia. http://fateswartable.tumblr.com/post/141128943454/hoshido-festival-dlc-translation-intro
  19. Aren't those screenshots posted straight from the game though? I mean, that is how people are able to post screenshots from the game to Miiverse so I don't know how they would be able to photoshop anything since you can't upload anything to Miiverse from your computer (unless I'm missing something here or Miiverse Japan operates things differently).
  20. It's female Corrin because my Corrin has the exact same sprite. It might be hard to see but the sprite has low pig tails.
  21. At the end of the day, these are just character illustrations - yeah it's unfortunate that, y'know some of the children that technically ranked higher than others didn't end up getting a CG but it's not the end of the world and this actually opens up windows of opportunities for artists and writers alike to portray and create some of the other children in kimonos and show case what could have been. Heck, I'm plenty disappointed that Soleil didn't get a CG even though she technically ranked higher, but this just motivates me more into drawing her in one.
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