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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Undoing is my best friend so yes. When I blend my colours, I have each blend on a separate layer. After I cell shade the main part of what I'm shading, I make a new layer on top of it and colour the darker portion of what I'm shading and then blur. It's the same with the highlights where I make a new layer, colour the lighter portion of what I'm highlighting and then blur.
  2. Sorry for the double post but hold the phone - I'm putting in all of F!Corrin's supports and in Dwyer's support: Dwyer: So, I won't have to do as much work...and I also get to marry you? You're the best, Lord/Lady Avatar. -RAISES EYEBROW-
  3. Percy: Oh, gosh, I really am lucky! I get to marry you AND ride a dragon every day! Can Ace sleep in our room? UHHHHHHHHHHHH....
  4. Thanks for compiling all the Support to make it easier to put on the wiki, Thor! That being said, all of Laslow's supports are up!
  5. I don't think it's that bad imo. If you ask me, I don't think M!Corrin and Soleil's support was all that romantic either - the only thing that was romantic, was her confession where she flat out says that she loves him. But otherwise at the end of their support, I felt that there was more of hint of a potential romance because of how she wanted to get to know who M!Corrin really was and go from there. So when I think of it that way, her support with him follows a pretty similar pattern of her valuing or simply wanting to cherish the bond she has towards any of her male candidates, but that's just me. Maybe she's just not the type to jump into serious relationships so quickly? To me, she just wants to have fun going on dates and the like. This is coming from someone who's not big on romance - so I have no objections to platonic supports like these because it's a nice change.
  6. Oh don't worry about it! :> I'll see if I can look into it later!
  7. Hmmm...I'd have to dig a bit deeper into the text dump to find the Epilogue script to check. Unless someone beats me too the punch! Midori and Kiragi can be romantically involved - she names one of her tonics after him awwwww... Midori and Siegbert can be romantically involved - she's the one that takes care of him when Siegbert is busy thinking about others before himself. The other children that Percy can be romantically involved with include Mitama, Midori, Nina...lmao he askes Soleil straight up to be his wife and she's just like "whoa there, going way too fast." She tells him to seriously consider his options more carefully since he's still young so they end up going on a practice date instead.
  8. God bless you Thor for confirming this That honestly bothered me in the original script. I don't know, any lines that involve someone acknowledging the familial bond followed by suddenly being OK with being romantically involved with them always rubs me in the wrong way.
  9. Sorry for the double post! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.... Even though the Kanas can't necessarily marry any of the kids, they will mention in some supports of how they would want to when they're older. Like in Kiragi's support with Female Kana, he asked her if she could be his princess but she replies that she would want to marry him when they were older but they'll continue to spend time with each other and they even address each other like "my princess" and "my prince" in the end of their support. That's so cute in my opinion oh my goodness! As for the other children, they seem more romantically involved with each other in the end so I think they kept marriages in tact for them? Honestly, I'd have to see the title that they get afterwards to make a more definite confirmation.
  10. I can check the other children supports with each other and I'll report in a moment.
  11. Hmm...I'm looking over their text dumps right now and that seems to be the case in which they don't actually marry someone - instead they or the person they're supporting with will ask them to be their best friend. I skimmed through Male Kana's and Caeldori's support and it looks like he does ask her to be his girlfriend, but she declines and says that they should be friends forever instead.
  12. Oh my gosh so much audio spacing was done hahahaha Not as lewd or suggestive but hell, I like his voice.
  13. Now I'm just imagining Female Corrin punching her spouse in the face like how Sumia punched Chrom in the fact that one time.
  14. Yeah, I would agree that the suggestiveness is toned down considerably but the lines are more cheesy and romantic or in other words - the characters will gush more about how much they love and appreciate you.
  15. So much audio editing had to be done to sync up the voice acting and model animations. Hope you guys like it!
  16. Uh oh. I think I've run into a problem. Has anyone tried to put the English voice acting with the Live 2D models using Live 2D viewer? The Japanese voice clips work with the models, but when I tried to put the English voice clips, their lips don't move nor do their voice clips even play :0 I'm sure there's probably and underlying reason for this but hmmm.... EDIT: Oh wait, the audio files are a different extension. Time to try to convert this.
  17. Alright! Here are some Laslow supports. (Laslow x F!Corrin C-S)
  18. I've already put together Laslow/F!Corrin, Laslow/Kana and Laslow/Soleil which I'll post once I drag my butt out of bed.
  19. -insert lenny face here- I guess it's time for me to put together and record the English version of everyone's My Room lines using the Live 2D models like I did for the Japanese voices >:3c
  20. YOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 6TH PLACE? ALRIGHT!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who supported my piece, thank you everyone who entered (you really made this competition great!) and a special thank you to all who pitched in to put together this contest! It has been an honor to showcase my work alongside other talented and creative minds and I hope next year it will be even better! Congratulations to all the winners!!!! :D
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