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Everything posted by Seiglia

  1. I'm good! It's nice to meet you! ^w^

  2. I'm fine. Good to meet you!

  3. How are you? ^^

  4. How are you? :3

  5. I'm... scared of my own dreams... Nah! I'm mostly scared of tempests...
  6. Good! How about you?

  7. Seiglia


    I can play violin pretty well, and play a bit clarinet too... But I prefer violin, personally! ^^
  8. Hi, there! Nice to meet you! ^^

  9. Depends... During the summer I live at Marseilles and the rest I'm in US. ^^
  10. I noticed that in the Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones class introduction, Mage wasn't linked to Sage and was linked to Mage Knight twice... Maybe it cannot be repaired, but I just wanted you guys to know... -'v'-
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