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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Yeah, but Lucario is 20x more awesome anyway, so it doesen't really matter...
  2. Photoshop? Lol, I just hit Print Screen and put little red boxes around the posts and percents in Paint.
  3. NECROMANCY!!! *Lightning strikes.* I estimate we are 34.2 miles away from the forest for every off-topic post we make. Which puts us somewhere around... 364 Billion miles away.
  4. I never knew how easy Marth's FS was to dodge... The guy I was facing against even flew off the stage once, because I Roll-Dodged behind him the second he activated it. XD
  5. It's the background for the main site.
  6. I like the new one. It really fits the theme of Serenes Forest IMO.
  7. I'd vote for her. ...You can vote for three different people, right?
  8. A promotion for my new movie.
  9. Suuuure you were... ;) I wasn't doing too hot either... Today was not my day. :P Hikarusa, you should use Ike more often. Also, quit spamming Lucarios's B attack! XD
  10. Today I learned that if you pit two Ikes who like to Roll-Dodge together, you get a fun (but long) match. ^^;
  11. Yeah, the people you play as differ in each part... If you consider the Dawn Brigade to be Team A, then in Part 2 you get to play as Team B. Then in Part 3 you play as Team C, with a couple levels devoted to Team A, and one devoted to Team B, etc. Although certain characters will join different teams as the game progresses.
  12. Pretty strong eh? That sounds like a challenge. XD I'll add you in a bit, my FC is on Page 1.
  13. To be honest, I can't remember it that well either... ^^; I think it was Marth, Ike, and whoever CGV was at the time... Maybe Fox... I really should have saved a replay of that.
  14. Someone stabbed me in the back... Either way, there needs to be a temporary truce rule for this sort of thing. It will last long enough for me to unload an attack on the remaining fighter. Muahahahaha...
  15. I don't mind if you stick with Marth. (Since I use Ike all the time anyway.) Oh and that 3-Way Sudden Death was pretty funny, though if I knock Marth out, you don't have to stab me in the back CGV. :P
  16. Well, it's basically an RPG version of Bejewled, and I doubt it trumps SSBB. Though if for some odd reason, you get bored (gasp) with Brawl, by all means, check it out.
  17. Saw No Country For Old Men... 'Sugar' wins the award for "Most Badass Gun."
  18. Ah, really? Suddenly that one introduction topic makes much more sense... On a different note, what did you guys think of The Subspace Emissary? The story wasn't RPG quality, but it had me on the edge of my seat on a number of occasions... All in all, it was a great addition to a great game, IMO. I really hope they stick with this sort of thing in the future games.
  19. I have the exact same problem... Everytime I click 'Save Changes,' it just redirects to the Forum Index, and nothing is changed...
  20. I agree with all that except the Link part. Despite his slow speed, he makes for a good character. Plus, he's quite good at taking down Lucario. ;)
  21. 5370-0132-3122 Nickname is Ethan. I'm not particularly awesome yet, so I shouldn't be hard to beat. :P (Btw, I'm gonna add you MR.)
  22. Augh, a little late... Hey RFoF, when you see this, PM your FC or something.
  23. Heh, thanks. Hopefully I'll be a bit better next time.
  24. Hah, a friend of mine did the exact same thing, but for Brawl. Of course, the Wii has plenty of great games besides Fire Emblem, and not just Brawl either.
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