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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. The posties, they r gonez. I r sad nao.
  2. 'U DASTARDLY DASTARD!" ...Yeah...
  3. But that wouldn't be very fun at all... This is History in the making!
  4. I spam everyone's Intro Topic. Don't think you're getting any special treatment or anything.
  5. Zephy? You're next... Kira.

  6. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I'm quite fond of Famous Last Words by my Chemical Romance. It's just an overall good song.
  7. Haruhi is the Fake Goddess, and Lyle is the slave of the Fake Goddess. Other than that, hilarious. =D
  8. We have Fireman on our side. Or at least we will, once he gets my check. You don't stand a ghost of a chance! *evil laughter*
  9. Something tells me that'll just turn me into a zombie or something.
  10. Glad to have assisted somewhat in your rule making. Now if someone could just spare a Phoenix Down...
  11. Espeon. Psychic pokemon are awesome, and every time I played Pokemon Coliseum, Espeon was the only one I would raise well. No idea why I neglected Umbreon... I just did.
  12. SMRPG at the very least needs to be on the VC. I've heard they're planning on releasing it, but WHEN!? Also, I am addicted to Tales of Symphonia right now.
  13. Wut R U having against the pollz Hika?
  14. Looks/Personalities. Even if Generic Guy #7 is the most powerful guy in the game, I probably won't use him unless he looks cool and/or has an awesome personality. Of course, if he's the best character in the game, chances are he has both of those things anyway. This should be a poll.
  15. *Dies of a heart attack...again*
  16. Lyle, come on... You were new once too you know... *Digs DR1 out, stealing the $100 bill in the process* ... *Then tars and feathers DR1*
  17. *Hides Haruhi from FFoF's Queenly/Modly wrath* You may address me as Lord Sage. Or just Zeph. I have no idea why I'm posting this. I'm just bored... Stupid school...
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8Taieu5lGc About 4 minutes in. PG-13 for lots of language and stuff. Don't say I didn't warn you. It's funny as hell though. Oh, and 5 bucks says Great Aether is changed to something like Grand Aether in the EU version.
  19. FACT: Sakurai delayed the game to March 9th for the sole purpose of implementing Tripping.
  20. Missingno is awesome, and is therefore a pokemon. Besides, he makes Level 200-some Pidgeys appear.
  21. I plan on changing mine to... Blame your fate (lolkratos, possible response to "I blame the lag" :P) IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER (for Lucario or Samus) That was poorly done (lolsoren) And although I haven't played the game... So Zetta Slow! (for Sonic perhaps? Lol)
  22. *Points at Japan* *Then points at Mario Kart Wii*
  23. I'd have to say Kirby, since the only Kirby game I've really played is Air Ride. I gotta give the little pink puffball a chance.
  24. I liked using Piers (Diamond Dust is badass) and Isaac. (Odyssey is badass)
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