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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. *snip*

    Everyone has opinions. Don't forget that.

    I respect users who respect intelligence.

    Hi Karas.

    Just for this once, I must admit you have some good taste on something.

    This darn precious track ... I almost forgot it. Shame I didn't buy the game but, heh, another Mario Galaxy ... but I regret I still don't own Zelda: Skyward Sword.

    Which makes me remind about it: is it generally good enough to buy?

  2. Wow they could have at least made a location that was totally different to anything in Splatoon. Also its called squid wars but is there anything even squid like in that Ashoka video?

    Davy Jones, pffffffff, hahaha!

    To use him as an excuse ... nah, seriously, these guys sucks, even if they do that as 'legitimate defense', I wouldn't be surprised.

    They at least shall recognize this wholly incredible masquerade or they will get under zero Nintendo customers for a loooong time ... more or less.

  3. Average levels are pretty short as I watched many gameplay videos already. But at least many of them are also quite challenging and creative on their own.

    You still have to get throught the process of creating your own levels, no matter what. But also you can doenload tons and tons of levels as well.

    If you want some lengthy ones ... you know what to do. That at least could aso encourage many people to download them, you know.

    Right now, I've been thinking this game should have some extra collectible items like the Star Coins from New Super Mario Bros. Do it for a big extra score purpose, or even for some secret rewards anyway (IIRC, I believe levels can be tagged by difficulty, so that could make sense to even make them difficult to get ad not just collecting these Golden Coins so easily and get any reward like that. Also it must be from another person who created the level and not by yourself, just saying, x'D Or just by the game itself, but whatever ...).

  4. I can't say I'm surprised at what Disney is doing because IMO they have been going downhill since Mulan .................................

    HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ...

    What about some Pixar movies!? ... Okay, I understand, Disney sucks nowdays, but give some credit to UP, Wall-E, etc!

    It's another western sucker money anyway ...

    Oh well, at least we have Nintendo for some reasons.

    I wish that they would not be so hard on people on YouTube.

    Can't argue with that. They say the more ... the merrier.

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