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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. Mmmmmh, so many, I'm pretty sure ...

    But I guess: When I beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time after MANY years my father bought it. You see, I was a little scared brat (the first time I faced the mighty Gohma, OMG OMG OMG I'M SO SCAREEEEEEEEED, WHAT ARE THOSE EYES AROUND THERE11!!!1????)

    Around my age of 13-14 years, I felt like I truly saved the day. Man, I defeated a badass monster, sick of a quite powerful power. Anyway, the youth ... still, excelent gaming and story overall, :)

    Oh, also the moment I got in my hands Metroid Zero Mission. Yikes, I loved Fusion, I was over excite for this game so much that I swear I almost puked the same day I purchased it, x'D (Guess food didn't taste too good that day anyway, + the hype in my stomach, so ... yeah, lol, old times can be too good I guess).

    I guess I could tell you about more games, but who knows if my memory betrays me ... or not.

  2. I'm pretty amazed people still talk about this game ... well, it only has been months since its release, but still a game worth of its own to be called like a great one: original on its own concept and overall greatly and amazingly worked in many senses.

    My favorite character is Asgore by the way, poor big guy had to take big burden in his back when

    had to choose to let morale fall down once more in the monsters' hearts after the Chara and Asriel deaths, or rather try to rally the guilt against humanity for their demise once more.

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