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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. Glad to see (at least) many people cheering a good year.

    For me it was ... like a year of transition between two very important events of my life. I had worst years recently to be honest, but what the heck, past is past once you're done with it by a mere question of time. Let it be.

    Hope everyone of us will get an overall better life, one way or another, for that I'm pretty sure more than ever.

    Now, let's work together for a nice 2016 year, greater than ever, despite whatever happens to us or even to this world!

    Cheers, and happy new year! ; )

  2. Another thing, How do you guys feel about the ChromxMaribelle pairing?

    You are really a thing about pairing units ...

    Jokes aside, it all matters about how you feel the chemistry between those characters. You can totally try all C-A supports with every character, then check your best option.

    Sometimes I have different impressions through that and, at least, I changed my mind with some cases, rather than only choosing by how the simply look at first glance. I explore my options, then let the love flow on its own.

    Tharjas. Tharjas everywhere.

  3. SO many special moments, but ... SPOILERS WARNING.

    MGS 3, the ending was too intense for me when you discover the truth about The Boss. I literally cried.

    Most of the N64 games were a great introduction for the 3D world. With SNES is where I started my very first touch with the videogaming world, concretely thanks to Stunt Race FX.

    And the GBA, I guess played a great deal of wonderful games. PS2 too, but not so many: Rayman titles, GTA San Andreas, Woody Woodpecker, etc.

    Some Gamecube titles such Super Smash Bros. Melee, Zelda WW, Mario Sunshine, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

    Wii games like Metroid Prime Trilogy, Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess, and few more I guess. Nintendo DS? Many of course! Zelda PH and SP, Super Mario 64

    Undertale affected me the way to see games overall as well.

    Gaming is a wonder of experience because of the many ways can let you interact with a fictional world, and the feelings they can transmit because of the power of the narrative. Combine both things and you'll get a supreme infinite of possibilities to experiment, left with a lot of creativity that you could create in your own.

  4. ...

    Oboro's birthday is the same as mine...

    This is destiny. This is fate.

    I must win her affection!


    Man, then tell me, which heart's affection shall I win!?

    Camilla or Oboro ...


    - Pick Oboro

    - Pick Camilla

    - ... Just waifu 'em all

    Naaah, Azura best waifu ftw!

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