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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. So, there will never be another home console FE? I'm sad. :(

    Nobody said that, at least we have that weird mixture of shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. Still, a pure FE home-console based game maybe have to wait until NX, I guess.

    I'm glad it didn't release.

    No doubt it would have bombed, and while I love Pikmin, FE and Pikmin do not mix.

    No one could knew what the hell would get out from such concepts.

    I smell they tried some sort of strategic game such as Age of Empires style. Sounds neato, still worth the try sometimes, I guess.

    How is that even possible? It's not a home console if it's portable, because it's portable, not a console for at home. You can't have it both ways, it's too contradictory. So if the NX is going to be portable and there will be no more home consoles, I won't be playing video games as much as I do now anymore. I usually only ever play portable games when I'm away from home, because at home, I enjoy the home console titles more. There have been a few exceptions (like a couple Pokemon games and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon), but you'll still find me playing a home console game like 80% of the time.

    The WiiU's controller says otherwise. You see, this is quite a certainty, by mixing the production (for once) of more 'handheld' centered productions and more pure home-based games as we call it, they surely save A LOT of moneyh by not producing ever again two consoles. Also, don't forget that is frequently insisted the new console will use new cloud computing, so ...

    Basically, you need to think outside the box : P


  2. Thanks! And I see, but what does intonation mean though? I do need to work on not being nervous, I agree with that. xP Stupid stage fright. lol

    What I said, the tone of your own voice differs a little too much at times.

    There has been a quite nice improvement in your last recording works though, keep it up! ;)

    Oh, and merry christmas everyone!

  3. Well, that was well voiced! I mean, beautiful vocal chords and all of that, the timing was also pretty accurate, but the intonation drops a little many times.

    Just as Mikoto once said to Azura: "don't song with fear", because is what I detect at times. Don't feel embarrassed, you do well anyway on your own, ; )

  4. Guess some smart / possible additions could be ...

    Darmani, the Goron Leader from Zelda OoT



    Shovel Knight and Shantae too?

    As for Stages, I think one relative to each character, like ...

    Goron City?

    A typical bomberman level with many brick blocks and random bombs destroying them. You know, like in Bomberman levels ... w/e.

    Spiral Mountain. Careful with Gruntilda when lands some of her terrifying spells!

    Etc ...

    And perhaps, the most astounding, incredible, yet essential character ...


    Screw Goku and company. Anime was a mistake.

  5. To be a better person than I ever was before and improving my own life.

    On the most 'materialistic wishlist' hand, no big deal really. Maybe a few pounds will give my grandma (aka kindness' reincarnated, pretty much, :^_^:) to me, and while I'm saving money for a proper laptop in conditions, that's all I require for my studying needs.

    That, and a Nintendo 2DS (coming sooner than the said handed computer, :P).

  6. always more fire emblem to satisfy my love.


    /HUGEhighfive colega!

    And as I said before in a certain thread got reasonably closed, though:

    To the discontent people -v


    My expectations after this announcement though? I agree it kinda overcomes the Smash crowd with quite a lot of Fire Emblem characters this time. Corrin would be a better addition if there could be a future smash (along with Azura, and there you go).

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