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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. You got in the right FE forums for avid lovers like you.

    Welcome, and hope you will make your stay here just fine.

    By the way, not to discourage anyone, but the translation fan project would be discarded soon enough, because Fates will release in the USA soon: 19 of february.

    Cheers! ; )

  2. I could make a good number about this matter ... say thanks to this magnificent video made from a magnific man, known as Dayoscript. He's spanish as I am, unfortunately for most of you, but he makes some great points that I will briefly translate 100% free just for you.

    Oh, believe what I said: he's just like my personal senpai when he talks about video gaming in general and, sometimes, even some (but rather few) interesting movies.

    If you're interested in youtube channels talking about reflexions and proper criticism of the videogaming world, you can check for Errant Signal, Al Russell and MatthewMatosis.

    - Previews through too much hype shows. Can create a partly fake sensation about the game, which could lead to disastrous consequences if not careful enough, you know what I mean though.

    - Overload the cost of a game without proper thinking (say hello to the first Tomb Raider reboot, also Resident Evil 6, some triple AAA titles, THQ and Darksiders, etc., etc.).

    - Hearing too much the public's opinions and let the game's designation be deflected because of a supposed 'majority' (rather, pretty much a simple minority), but hey, don't get me wrong: is all right to listen people's opinions, but YOU, specially as the f***ing game designer, YOU-MUST-DRAW-THE-LINE for your OWN-GOD-DAMN-SAKE!111! (We want MOAR ADULT CONTENT! RARGH! ... Yeah, Undertale sucks then for childish and retro looking, right?).

    Check Overstrike from Insomniac Games and how the Focus Testing Team (typical streamers) criticized the game's looks were initially childish for example ... and well, many things were changed and ... the game ended just as another bakery product to consume (Dayum ... not).

    - DLC. You know what I mean ... the somewhat called as a necessary evil for the industry. Do you still wanna to read my answer?


    - Useless sequels and reboots. Many of them, to be honest. Activision, what a frigging yonkee of 'sequelitis'. Ah yes, too much CoD AND Assasins Creed. F*** YOU, SH**SOFT! Nintendo somewhat entered in this sad tendency too, but quite long ago to be honest ... what the hell, *sobs*. Guess there are too much believers. *Loads Heavy's gun*.

    - Too much firing people from any developing team for ... *ka-sigh*, for just not keeping some maintenance costs of said previous teams. But guess what? YOU ALREADY HAVE A TRAINED DEVELOPMENT TEAM, JUST KEEP IT FOR GUARANTEED, BETTER FUTURE PRODUCTIONS! GOD, DAMN, AAAAAAARGH1!!!1! (The nerve of standing human stupidity, I know, I know ...). *Loads Bazooka with some grenades*

    - Too blasted CoD tendencies copied / reproduced in so many productions that, overall, even miserably failed. A lot. Take life regeneration, massive amount of weapons, etc. as basic examples which the infamous shooter game basically established.

    Personal Disclaimer: Welcome to the first Videogaming World War, where every damn shooter have to even include some online multiplayer for the sake of those little kids who sit 22/7 (at least two left hours for a fast fap and sleep) just to waste more time than he ever had to breathe air from the smoky streets (I don't know if it is better to smell your own fart, but to each his own)!

    - Not relatively directed towards the gaming industry, BUT the PRESS has heavy influence on the matter. You see, a case like in Gamespot from the year 2007, there were so many banners and all those annoying adds appearing everywhere about a game which was Kane & Lynch, which was about to be released. The marketing team from that website led that decision. But the biggest deal happened when some reviewer neglected the already overrated quality of this game with a score of SIX OVER TEN POINTS! (Bravo for those big balls of yours, señor!)

    Then there were some serious stuff with Eidos (developer company), stating that the review was that bad to the point they will retire any sort of publicity about the game AND EVEN GAMES OF SAID COMPANY WOULD PRODUCE IN THE FUTURE. The review itself was changed and the saddest part was when the reviewer had quite fragile discussions with the marketing team, following to his dismissal because he never wanted to agree with their greedy interests.

    Morale of the story? If you don't get along with a publisher, you're gonna be put in their black list for noooo good. Basically, cutting the rights for making proper, free opinions from the press. Stupid, insane and dull publicity over some serious reports. Yep, I'm over the same boat it ... not!

    - And lastly but not least (if not THE MOST IMPORTANT NEGATIVE FACTOR): the video consoles' wars and many of the obvious SO negative consequence you can already imagine. Oh, and the consecutive, future consoles which won't let us play older games, by the way ... way to go every damn company. Way to go.


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