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Posts posted by Erdall

  1. One way or another, rather seems insecure or is a selfish person.

    Either way, don't overheat your head with her, you have still a long way ahead to find a proper girl for you.

    Tend to mark a distance with her. If she ever had real interest in you, she might came closer time ago.

    But I unfortunately smell that she may be treating you like a guinea pig. Just let it be by her own hand, letting the truth shine by itself and, meanwhile, go by your own. Keep the relationship friendly and casual, but do not dare or pretend to force anything.

  2. The problem with FE in Smash is HOW was so much promoted by continuous additions: there were Lucina, Robin, Roy AND CORRIN.

    Four in a row, yikes. That's quite what I call an outstanding growth.

    But actually, I don't care on the other hand. You know, Fire Emblem was in danger of extinction if not for Awakening's success. A bit of over-advertising never hurts, a necessary evil if you wouldn't mind that way. But it's the way it is.

  3. Heh, joined since summer and never created a topic in this section, couldn't tell before if my stay here could be definitive (never been an usual forum poster), but I can tell ya that I kinda fell in love with this place: friendly folks, respectful community overall, etc., etc.

    Is nice, I think I wouldn't complain.

  4. And SMT x FE looks like some of the stupidest crap I ever saw. I have zero interest in it. I want an actual FE game for Wii U.

    It's ok then.

    And the Gamepad isn't a console itself, it's a controller. Also, was it really necessary to be a smartass?

    My suggestion was: they could make the controller as a 'console' itself, but you knew what I talked about. No 'smartass' pun intented in my previous commentaries btw.

    I don't want to go off a tangent too much, but this is my take on a possible console and portable hybrid...

    Do you know how the Wii U works? You have the Game Pad (a controller with a screen) that connects wirelessly to the Wii U console.

    Now imagine the Game Pad was an actual portable console and didn't have to connect the Wii U all the time. That's probably what the NX will be like.

    Most likely, you can play the NX portable away from home, but when you connect it to the "console", it will get more power and display better graphics etc.

    Basically, you need to think outside the box : P

    What this guy said is what I meant before.

  5. When does desire become greed?

    Desire is necessary for survival. If we had no desire we would not do anything and would shortly die. Greed is usually defined as a desire that has grown beyond keeping us alive and begun to impede the survival of others. Greed is usually considered a negative because it requires exploitation, theft, and other harmful acts. The person who experiences greed does not think they are a bad person, but most people, including psychologists, are likely to become the victims of greed. If there are two greedy people, they will see the other's greed as bad, but not their own.

    Desire is 100% normal as natural, greed is the excess of any desire.

    And excesses tends to usually lead to NO good behavior for anyone.

    Accurate post imho by the way.

    Theoretically, when you give so much that there is no longer enough for you. I don't know of any real life example of this happening, though.

    Another quite big truth, no one could be pure enough to ask nothing in exchange of big sacrifices. Well, at least unless is getting what he or she thinks he needs.

    Thinking of the usual example of Jesus Christ's last sacrifice ... I believe he was exemplifying the sense of humility by not fighting back against those who appeal through the abuse of power and even violence. Instead of rebelling against the powerful and the blind, raging people condemned him to death for so little, he chose to carry own his own sins (the big cross he drags on his back) and let the world, corrupted by only itself, see how wrong they could be.

    What may I may mean to meant before, is just ... that one may need to be a little altruist for a better common good behavior among us. Giving our little best inside us is fairly enough. I'm pretty sure that can work for almost everyone.

    The way I see it, violence is a necessary evil for this kind of world. Since we live in a world where animals - and people - are willing to use violence against us, using violence - or merely bringing up the threat of violence - as a means of self-defense is our only option to avoid or counter (as in, apply just enough force to stop) aggressions done toward us. It is not always that issues can be solved peacefully, and most of the time they can be solved peacefully exactly because the means to violently coerce those who step out of line are available for use.

    Statement: more like a second needed evil force to appeal with. Is not worthy to look all times as a first and mostly-only available option. People tend to think in a similar way, not necessarily evil, twisted or even violently, but rather how they usually feel, and then bursting whatever they feel through many unnecessary speeches.

    But I agree with the rest. Most things can be solved through peaceful terms, you know. A prepared mind is required, then a tempered, calmed heart is secondly but also very importantly needed. And third and finally step, you must act with all of that in mind about what I said before, with proper and hard practise.

    Never avoiding feelings in their purest form (bursting rage, pure sadness, etc.), they can show anytime, but rather for stronger reasons. Anytime you feel very sad, you shall unleash that emotion just for once. It's sad how many people tend to keep these sort of emotions inside of them, clouding their own minds and even their hearts. With such excesses, is no wonder why some persons are not happy even with themselves at times.

  6. Never Ironman (unless I do for pure boredom), I keep all units alive (I care about them, and also curious about their own endings anyway) and, normally, pick the best ones to play with.

    Basically, I tend to choose all characters in equal terms. Per map I play, I pick those I didn't play before, so I can see their own future potential based on how they grow up their own stats.

    Example, in FE7, I no longer play Florina after post-Lyn's prologue because ... sigh, has really weak stats to begin with. Poor girl, sorry I have to keep her in the forgotten zone, among other few characters.

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