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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. I wish our Yukimura looked like #actualpuppy Yukimura. rip. Anyway I had all of my pairings planned out in image form, but my old PC fried up and I lost all of it. But basically I've been shuffling things around and well... Nohr: Laslow Hoshido: Kaden or Tsubaki (i'lll marry both in different runs, then probably choose one to stick to) IK: Kaze or Takumi
  2. Oops I clicked on wrong thing and thought the movie was the most recent question. Anyway my favorites are Quick Ball, Luxury Ball, Moon Ball, and Cherish Ball. The last two are lovely looking imo.
  3. Reading the replies of this topic, this makes me wonder how Charlotte would do on English polls for favorite character?
  4. Well for romancing Luna and Effie, prepare to choose a dad to be single. Flora is fine and you can get all of the kids that way. Luna, Effie, and Marx probably appreciate a +Strength asset. Leo and Odin most likely a +Mag.
  5. Joker pleases me aesthetically and class wise. Nice voice, nice design, helpful to Kamui... And a terrible dad to Deere. The poor child doesn't deserve that and that's what keeps me from really doing anytihng with Joker unless it's Joker x Azura or Kamui so that poor boy can at least have two loving family members aside from his dad. I hope their support gets changed a bit - like instead of going with his son into combat, why not... chess?
  6. I dunno. Giratina is one of my favorite Pokemon of all time (so cute!!!) and Platinum I enjoyed. It's just Pearl and Diamond weren't... as good and I didn't much care for the designs of some of the new Pokemon.
  7. Least favorite is gen 4 (I liked Platinum, but overall the designs were kinda... ehhhh...) Favorite is actually gen 3. First team I got to level 100 for everyone. And I got a shiny Flygon!!!!
  8. Oh Hell how could I forget Celes. I love that lady. I use to want to be like her when I was a little kid! (Even over Terra actually.)
  9. Yeah I forgot Charlotte. I love her too. We even share names. Plus, first lady axe user... I love muh axes.
  10. Luna, Soleil, and I'm starting to warm up to Pieri. I'll never like her design but her personality is salvageable. Luna seems to have mellowed the fuck out. Soleil... still love her design. I would say at first when I saw Takumi, I was more focused on everyone else. I did see Takumi and my first thought was, "gee he's cute. But since I like him with my luck he'll be unimportant." I was wrong and I'm super happy about that.
  11. Eh? But didn't the English version take up more space then the JP version, hinting at dual audio?
  12. uhh Well my standards of cute are a bit different... Hydreigon is cute Tyranitar Dragonite Mawile Sylveon Giratina Mew Absol But imo the cutest Pokemon? Keldeo
  13. Well let's see... Gen 1 - Bulbasaur Gen 2 - Totodile Gen 3 - Treecko Gen 4 - Chimchar Gen 5 - Snivy Gen 6 - Froakie seems to be grass
  14. Fighting games and hack n slashes. RPGS to a point. I won't lie, I pride myself in how good I am at hack n slashes. lmao
  15. thank you she needs more love Off the top of my head? Lady (at least in DMC3, in DMC4 she... didn't really do anything), Tsubaki Yayoi, Naoto Shirogane, Minako (femc for Persona 3 if she counts?), and Aigis come to mind... Oh, and Terra Branford.
  16. I kinda felt a connection with Minato if only because I feel as broody and anti social as he does when it comes to reality haha oh god ;w; holy hell yeah Minako had some really good S. Links. Hell, I even liked Ken's. I didn't hate him in the game, but his social link was... surprisingly sweet imo. Plus you get to hang out with best Persona mascot by far. Another point for Minako.
  17. Well due to Team A/B bickering we'll probably never get anything like this again. rip.
  18. Eh I can't deny I was wanting some face touching but I don't think I'd be willing to go all the way and just be like "Hey lmao Suzukaze lemme touch your chest"
  19. Honestly I don't tihnk it would have worked with this since it's basically everywhere and would have been hard to avoid in general.
  20. I'd laugh if they censor the drink she had instead. Or change the pose Camilla is in. Every time I look at it, my back hurts.
  21. how dare you make me wish this existed for lovely lavender haired matoi
  22. all items in my castle are changed to british things 'oi kamui you want some fish and chips' i'd kinda want that
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