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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. Yeah, I don't entirely blame it on Sumia though. It could have been anyone and she would be just as hated because she isn't the player character, which is why I guess I'm a bit biased against Chrobin. Because of reasons such as most fans I find seem to be unable to let Chrom (pixels!) go for any wife and usually loathe Sumia for being the main choice. And another reason is I see way too much of Sumia in myself to be comfortable with people hating her. Also I guess Chrom and Robin's supports rubbed me the wrong way. Fuck you FeMC leave the boy alone. .... but this isn't about Chrobin, it's about Sumia and Maribelle. Or, rather, Chrom and Maribelle. I -do- think it's due to them not having beta tested it or people not having tried to get them together before playing the game. Though I do wonder... if this doesn't happen for Olivia x Chrom, then does that mean some maniac tried it? And succeeded?
  2. Lucina doesn't really need to be anything else though. Her magic usually isn't too great so that limits a lot of choices. Paladin she gets off the bat and she'll be fine with. Olivia isn't hard to train either, actually she's almost always one of my easiest to train units in the game. Balancing out isn't exactly a wise idea - just capitalize on what he -does- do right. Usually +Str or +Spd work very well with Lucina. If you attempt to balance, you get a Lucina who performs no where close to as good as anyone else, along with Morgan.
  3. Oh yeah, for Chrom!Inigo, is Axefaire or Swordfaire better? Would I have to pair it with Hit+20 if I went Axefaire? And last question, would this make Berserker!Chrom!Inigo a thing?
  4. I'll disagree - to me it felt that Lucina and Morgan had everything they needed with mothers and without Chrom's rather lackluster mods. I usually go Chrom x Olivia. It's trickier but I think it's where I've gotten the best Lucina so far.
  5. do you mean the game's one "suggestion" based on the fact it can't ship the avatar with anyone in particular since they can marry everyone and thus choose a default option to hint that chrom has to get married even though it could be anyone
  6. I'm pretty sure they were on previous books, we've had little Emm for a while.
  7. Funny it was my first Chrom pairing. I had already lacked interest in Robin x Chrom due to seeing rampant fans of it all over the internet, so I tried sticking someone else to him... it ended up being Maribelle.
  8. Essentually yes, of both the Waifu Wars in general and his failure to protect his "Nohrian brother" yes. And for the underwater breathing, can Kamui just open their eyes and be fine, have to keep them closed, or will they have the gland over their lids that helps?
  9. I don't feel like it is considering it tends to be plastered everywhere not in the main game. And I'd never diss Lancer-sama my favorite class omfg I would assume so. If it's more decent, I'm sure even then it wouldn't be too hard to find something. Even Grandmaster or something similar if push comes to shove. Even though martial arts is one of the best parts of her. Lancher.
  10. Oh my God. I want to skinship this. Meant to be intimidating but I wouldn't really say... ugly? He's rather handsome imo.
  11. ... calm down, they're a bunch of pixels in a game. lmao
  12. Tell "Lancers are useless" to Karna bruh. I imagine that we could possibly be able to make Noble Phantasms work like personal skills, or at least some special, added thing. Like a Limit Break. For example Nero has a perfect one imo. Noble Phantasm and the entire map changes for X turns, buffing Nero/and allies for a while immensely. But with a limit, probably like usable only once on a map or something along the lines.
  13. I think it'd be more in character with Cordelia to be doing it instead of Sumia. They should change it to that, that'd be funny.
  14. But Lancer is my favorite class wh y I'm having way too much fun with this. I'm thinking Iri would have something to either with Avalon in her or with the little bird she summons, acting like a puppet.
  15. As far as things go, I'm thinking on making a prologue chapter that goes over the ending part of the overthrow of Shirou at least, and then a bit into the Waifu Wars.
  16. Oh no. OH NO. Now I'm imagining the Nohrian siblings as bullies except Elise is the token sweet one who has more depth then she lets on!
  17. Well if you're just playing through story mode it doesn't really matter - I use Donnel!Yarne a long time ago. Can't remember how he went, I don't assume it was too good though. Donnel has a bad habit of hurting kids more then helping... a shame since his hair color is so good on everyone. Especially Nah and Kjelle.
  18. Nothing. It isn't that Yarne is bad, it's that the Taguel class is just a really bad class with bleh caps. But a good Yarne are the usual - Stahl, Virion, Lon'qu, Vaike...
  19. I see more of Chrobin then those two together. Au where it's Cord instead of Su.
  20. He has Lifetaker. And Limit Breaker+. And Rightful God. For fun, Saber would probably have something that either mimics an ability similar to Invisible Air (no idea what that could be though), her burst of Prana, or something similar to getting a massive Res Boost/Aegis.
  21. *Michelle Ruff, sorry And I don't mind Xander's voice, or really any of the voices in the trailer, but I'm alone there. They weren't exactly terrible imo but... not as impressive as in the trailer for their own game.
  22. No. As far as Kamui goes, I like these ideas. Mine was kind of a mix of a cat and a reptile - the feline parts being things such as strange, bone breaking, spine twisting sleeping positions, her canines are rather sharp (not to extreme proportions, but abnormally so), and I was debating on her purring and having decent night vision. Oh, and balance. Really good balance.
  23. Ugh yessss! I think one of my favorite parts is the stage. It just sets the piece for the entire game. You play as this witch falling off of an endless cliff at high velocity, killing angels while a demonic looking dragon looms in the background - but that's not demonic, it's angelic, rather. And you're just zipping around the entire stage, dodging, shooting, kicking, punching, and summoning Madama Butterfly occasionally. I love Bayonetta. I'm going to adore her in Smash.
  24. First one I believe was called Let's Hit The Climax/Begin the Climax. It's the song that plays when you're finishing off an angel. Second one was the battle theme, Mysterous Destiny.
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